How to Get More Dates With Shortcuts of Masters and MillionairesWhether it's a date with that very nice-looking person over there, Some -- and only some -- of our fears and desires launch us into action. More often than we'd expect, people show their best in the face of disaster affecting other people.
We're not quite as selfish as TV news reporters would have us believe. Fear and desire are big, big forces we tap into in emergencies. Let's use them for YOU to benefit
from quickly. You already know from experiences in your own life that when we have a strong enough 'why' we find more ways to get it done.
That's why, like every great thinker, we can work backwards and live it forwards. The fancy term is "reverse engineering;" where you simply take a finished result and back up, step by step until arriving back at the startng line. It is so, so, so much faster than using trial and error. It cost nothing to open your mind. Only when we have a strong enough "why" for doing something do we take action. Most people have every resource necessary to achieve their desires ...yet they >do not act upon those desires until they have a strong enough reason for doing it, getting it, and enjoying it. Most often, they act when NOT acting will cause greater pain... in other words, because we have to. That's why we characteristically do not contact our dentist for an appointment until it becomes unbearable. Only when there's a financial or other personally-distressing deadline do we buckle down and get busy. Tell the truth: how many times have you had an urgent deadline suddenly thrust in your face, an unexpected expense or need that requires instant and equally urgent attention? Most of us wait until the pain is unbearable before we call the dentist, right? Too many times you've declared that you "just don't have the time to________." Pure and simple, that's a lie. Probably the most dangerous lie that you tell yourself and others. Ask
yourself what you want, and then why you want it... If you are willing to describe precisely what you want, and when; what you'll get out of it; what's stopping you (obstacles), and then you break it into several smaller pieces, on paper, you'll find that you've taken the beginning steps that have been consciously or not-so-consciously taken by 5,200 extremely successful human beings that I studied. ALL WINNERS PUT IT IN WRITING.What are the 5 things you most want? Close your mouth, write them down. Write them down again twice per day for 10 days, & tell me your life hasn't seriously changed. You have no right to opine whether or not this is a HUGE magical, high-velocity shortcut until you do it ten, twenty, thirty times or more!! Almost everyone understands this, and almost everyone is too stupid to act upon it . That's why they're not happy with the results in their own lives. And it's surely been true of you many times.... up until today.We're unhappy because it's not handed to us; we have to take a few actions, and, simple as they are, we make excuses and end up the same: unhappy with the results. True, or not? Today is when you take what you already know, organize it on paper, and then act upon it. Within a day or so, you'll start seeing changes. Within a week, everyone around you will notice. Just think about what you want, and put it on paper with some details. Losers know exactly what to do. Winners are those who shut up and do it. They care enough about their own lives to actually take the first step. Why not take a look at what's possible in YOUR life? If you created a mental video of what you'd love your life to be like... ... ...go ahead, do it. It's so simple: State clearly and precisely what it is that you want, and why you want it... Remind yourself that when we have a strong enough "why," we always & invariably find the "how." Always and invariably means every single time. Create a mental video of what you'd most like for you. Climb into that video and feel it; I mean really feel it. See it and feel it as if it's already true. It has been the starting point of every significant dream, invention, and journey throughout human history. You already know that you have to see it to believe it; now it's time to tap into the power of "you have to see it to believe it." Put it on a piece of paper. Do it now, The only way it works is if you do it right now .Can't do it after dinner. It really does have to be in the next few minutes. That's half the secret. Just stop talking and close your eyes. With one or two long, repeat, looooong deep breaths, create that mental video of what you most want in this life, and play that video in your mind for a mere minute or so, really a full minute. Tell me you're not smiling by the time a hundred seconds goes by. After FIFTY years of ideas and plans that 'just never worked out,' one old man was so offended by his first Social Security check, & the thought that "now the gov't is feeling sorry for me," he took that first check for $112 and tried to market an idea he had. He wrote down the names of everyone who turned him down. Went so far from home he stopped going home! Traveled all across the USA, trying to find people to back him. A thousand and nine people turned him down, most of them ridiculing his idea. After 4½ years of struggle, Harlan Sanders finally raised enough money to open his first Kentucky Fried Chicken. He knew what he wanted, and simply did not stop until he achieved it. This man is an excellent example that a "nobody" can become a "somebody" when they have a written plan. Just like the financially destitute, failing paper cup salesman, FIFTY-FIVE years of age, who created, AFTER BEING FIRED from yet another job, the MacDonalds Hamburger chain. Excellence cannot happen accidentally. "If it is to be, it is up to me." When we have a strong enough "why," Within seconds of the moment that you understand how completely true this is, you are in possession of keys that fit the lock. Hey, this is YOUR life, and your journey through it. Allowing yourself to be blown about by external factors cannot be tolerated any longer. Allowing yourself to be nothing more than a tool of the person who signs your paycheck has got to come to its timely end. How long can the captain of a ship allow someone else to determine the course of that ship? Time is slipping by so much faster than you've been willing to acknowledge. Unlike the World Series, or World Soccer Cup, or NBA Championships, Life does NOT contain any time-outs. The clock never stops ticking, and with every single tick and tock, we are all one tick and one tock closer to the our final reward. The question is, what reward are you going to receive? It's YOUR SHIP!! Be the captain! Vince Lombardi was the most-winning coach of his generation and beyond. He walked his talk, meriting the authority to teach the rest of us. He told us repeatedly that our rewards are in life are in direct proportion to our commitment to excellence, no matter what human endeavor is undertaken. What would make you so happy that you could see yourself fighting for it? If you don't go for it now, are you really foolish enough
to think you'll go for it tomorrow? History, including your own, tells us otherwise. Better create that video quickly, and put it in writing. That gorgeous object of your desire is unlikely to ask you for a date. So, if you want a date, you'd better ask.
See it in your mind's eye, create a video, and with the effort of a single minute, write down five ideas for what you'd consider to be a romantic date. Make it happen, or accept that it's not ever likely to happen. See it! Write it! Ask for it!   ">Masters and Millionaires HotClick Make This Your Homepage GW Bush Shame | |
Aiming to build you the healthiest website, learn more to live more, with 1,000,000-plus web pages © EasyStreet, USA All rights reserved for those who invest in people hungrier than you. ![]() ![]() Dedicated to Mnsr Bernie Kellogg, obm, the rara avis Paul Newman... first man in history to give away a hundred million dollars' worth of food, and more! Much of the underlying motivaton to 'formalize' the MisterShortcut Approach is a result. How does humanity repay a man living on a higher plane than most people can even imagine? Cheers from the MisterShortcut Approach for Paul Newman, true SuperWinner... ... and for you deciding to win more & faster with the shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires. | |
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Unique Nature of the MisterShortcut Approach (and Healthiest Secrets of Life, too) Welcome to what some believe may be the most beautiful website today, one of the most beautiful websites on the planet or any nearby, one of the most beautiful websites on the internet or extranet, and surely one of the most beautiful websites in all the universe. This is the MisterShortcut Approach The MisterShortcut Approach includes great shortcuts that are greater shortcuts, adding up to what amounts to the largest collection of the greatest shortcuts ever compiled. Best shortcuts? You bet - plenty of the best shortcuts to success we are likely to soon find, conglomerated and decocted as it is from all of the best shortcuts that our best role models use, the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, the best shortcuts of all time. Here's a great example and superlative shortcut: NEVER ASK IF, ASK WHICH. Do not ask someone if they would like to go out with you. That provides a fifty percent chance of an answer you don't want to hear. You instantly and mathematically multiply your power over other people when you offer them choices and then ask which one they prefer. This improves your "closing rate" approximately one hundred percent of the time for approximately one hundred percent of the people who use this fantastically wonderful PowerGem one hundred or more times each. That's how useful and instant each PowerGem proves to be. These are the ultimate shortcuts. The catch is, of course, that you must USE these shortcuts over and over again. Each one hundred repetitions increases your efficiency so dramatically that you quickly have the choice of getting the same results in a fraction of the time or in obtaining far greater results in the same time you're now using. Like gasoline in a car, roughly eighty percent of all your motions are distinctly, definably, and fixably wasted. Thank goodness for PowerGems, the shortcuts that work for everyone except those who insist they won't. Laugh your way through the MisterShortcut Approach. Enjoy your journey; it's the only one you get. |