Electrify ALL of your results IMMEDIATELY
The MisterShortcut Approach of Winners and Top Achievers
with the Godfather of Shortcuts

Everything changes when you adopt the attitude of Resolution.
In fact, you are assured of amazing yourself with what you are capable of quickly achieving.
The best way to prove this is to use the simple trick of asking yourself better questions.
Without a doubt or exception, asking better questions inevitably yields better results.
Less speaking and more doing is a magnificent secret of success. Start this minute.

The MisterShortcut Approach is about fixing what's wrong, rather than fixing blame.
Can we start you off with a multiple reminder of this enormous truth of life?
Fix the blame, or fix the problem. Fix the blame, or fix what's wrong.
Instead of focusing on what is wrong, focus on how to improve it.
The MisterShortcut Approach gives you this as a promise:
Pointing your mind like a flashlight works quickly.
Each and every hour you can create one new idea.
Yes, you can probably create far more than that.
Success begins with one single step, correct?
So get yourself just one step forward, now.
We achieve that by focusing on resolutions.
"How can we get this done, efficiently?"
"Who else has done it successfully?"
"Let us duplicate their actions,
so we duplicate their results."

The MisterShortcut Approach works about as often as you work the MisterShortcut Approach.
Today is an entirely fresh new opportunity to use your best secrets of success.

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The MisterShortcut Approach is filled with mental fulcrums.
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With eighty-six thousand seconds per day, surely you can find a few for yourself.
The MisterShortcut Approach produces results for you in seconds per day.
How many seconds you invest, ten or a thousand, that's up to you.
What we do know for a fact is that you now waste many minutes.
The time has come to stand up like an adult and act more like an adult.
Take the child within you and apply the knowledge of the adult within you.
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