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Stop making excuses for mediocrity.
Every day you get 1,440 unique minutes, so unique they are uniquely marked.
What do you own that is as uniquely labeled as each minute, even each second of your life?
Whatever your reaons or rationalizations, justifications or excuses for the past, fine. It's past.
What the MisterShortcut Approach is asking you to do is focus on today as you never have before.
Grab today by clipping short wasteful conversations. Give briefer answers.
Every time you save up ten seconds, that is ten more seconds with which to increase your wealth, even multiply your wealth, using any of the countless thousands of shortcuts that you know exist.
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Those who do it the best know it the best. Seek them out. Today.
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This is the single most powerful day of your life, and it's to your distinct advantage to realize this.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, which we know because we call it... "the present."
That's just what it is; a present; a gift... a 24-hour gift you may invest or fritter, as you see fit.
Tap into your best shortcuts today, because there is no better day to excel,
no better day to use effective shortcuts to your personal and professional benefit.
Go for your gold!
Again, you're reminded that I believe in you SO MUCH that I invested more than 51,000 hours into you
Fifty thousand focused hours because you are the hope of the future,
YOU are the force and influence to counteract the greed of just five hundred and seventy-some men and women who own or control some
seventy percent of all the cash on earth, who are clearly determined to keep it for themselves.
You? You're something different, and the majority of people who are tuned into this type of self-enrichment and self-empowerment
tend to be just a bit more interested in mutuality versus selfish pursuits only.
That doesn't mean you can't be selfish.... it just means that people who pursue "better ways," and even, "better shortcuts,"
have shown quite nobly over the years of my life that sharing is good, and a part of your life.
Because of it, you and people like you have engendered my belief that, given a chance, so-called 'average Joes and Janes'
will also excel in the world's of business and money, relationships and mentoring, enjoying the fruits of hard work...
and sharing them. Please feed people who are hungrier than you; you'll be amply repaid.
That's a promise and assurance not only of the MisterShortcut Approach, it is one of life itself.
Did you know that ballerinas and bartenders are top-notch teachers?
When we see ballerinas and bartenders as living examples of the MisterShortcut Approach, does it not state that we each have it in us?
If struggling young ballerinas and bartenders can make it to the top of their vision, then so can and will you.
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How To Succeed In Business - How To Succeed At Everything Using The MisterShortcut Approach
every time you pull that special effort out of your hat.
Instead of doing it just occasionally, make it a habit, a daily habit.
This is a magnificent ticket to success.
You've proven it many times when your back was against the proverbial wall. YOU CAME THROUGH.
We already know that you're capable of so much more. You've proven it any number of times
every time you pull that special effort out of your inner reserves.
Instead of doing it just occasionally, make it a habit, a daily habit.
We already know that you're capable of so much more. You've proven it,
every time you pull that special effort out of your hat.
Instead of doing it just occasionally, make it a habit, a daily habit.
This is a magnificent ticket to success.
Copyright © by
Mr Shortcuts
All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people
Please remember to feed those who are hungrier than you by giving, at no cost to you.
The desire to feed starving people, to eliminate global hunger...
Meritable sponsors donate 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
By clicking this and the following food buttons, you really do help to save a human life... at no cost to you.
that was the water that fed the seedling of the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires.
Learn more to earn more; learn more to live more and give more. Please help MisterShortcut erase worldwide starvation by clicking on the food buttons. Fair trade for a multi-million-dollar service for you, hm? Let us keep in mind that excellence does not occur by accident.
Each day gives you one thousand separate opportunities, aside from your sleep.
One thousand minutes, one thousand separate opportunities to excel. What do you do with your minutes?
The way you spend those minutes - wasted or invested - are a clear preview of how you're using your life.
Considering you will pull in about two thousand paychecks in your life, how many of them have you spent?
How many of those two thousand paychecks have had at least a part of them diverted into your future?
Stop talking... ... please. If you knew better, you'd do better. Today, let's change that.
Every single paycheck you pull in MUST have something put into permanent savings, not easy to take out.
If you're only making minimum wage, you can still find a dollar to stash, three dollars to stash. It all adds up.
Each of the PowerGems within the MisterShortcut Approach work consistently.
PowerGems work just about 100 percent of the time for each of us, all of us.
The trick to each PowerGem, to all PowerGems, is to use them 100 times.
You want to exceed 100 times, great - you'll get that much better for it.
If you wish to be world-class, how many times you do it 100 times?
Everything you see at the MisterShortcut Approach is thus and so.
All of the pages and Shapelinks and PowerGems and so much more,
are all the result of using these best shortcuts of masters and champions,
not just one hundred times; instead, one hundred thousand times and beyond.