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How To Succeed In Business - How To Succeed At Everything Using The MisterShortcut Approach
Stop telling us what you can do.
Try showing us what you can do.
Better yet, show yourself.
What you do speaks so loudly,
we can hardly hear a word you're saying.
Feed a starving, hurting kid today, NO CHARGE to you.
Mr Shortcuts I
Mr Shortcut II
Mr Shortcuts III
Succeeding IV
Mr Shortcuts V
Mr Shortcuts VI
On Winning VII
Mr-Shortcut VIII
Mr Shortcut IX
Mr Shortcuts X
Mr Shortcuts XI
Mr Shortcuts XII
Mr Shortcuts XIII
Mr Shortcuts XIV
Mr Shortcuts XV
Sharing has a funny, pleasing way of returning, repeatedly
You already know that what goes up must come down, that what goes around comes around.
Today presents any number of opportunities for you, some you see, plenty that pass you by.
Today, the MisterShortcut Approach solicits your interest in developing your excellence.
So, pretend that today is that day in which you earn annual money in each work-hour.
Today is your focus, not the next 100 days of repeating and improving what you do today.
You can do it for 22 days, 100 days, 1000 days or more, provided you do it, fully, in THIS today.
What you do plays a distant second fiddle to what you do with what you know, demanding you do more.
When you awaken the MisterShortcut Approach within you, you are going to be positively electrified, as a habit.
When you imitate the best, the masters and millionaires, the champions and billionaires, you tend to imitate their results.
It is your day, your turn, your MisterShortcut Approach, your hunger driving the determination of how successful you will be today.
from the man with your plan, Mr Shortcuts, for You