The MisterShortcut Approach

   Electro-Meridian Imaging

Ryodoraku evaluation of the acupuncture meridians also known as “ELECTRO MERIDIAN IMAGING” or “Electronic Pulse Diagnosis” is an extremely accurate diagnostic meridian examination.  The exam may be accomplished in less than two minutes and may be performed by either the doctor or trained technician.   First discovered and developed by Dr. Yoshio Nakatani of Japan in 1952, it’s use has revolutionized the way acupuncture is being practiced by both medical practitioners and traditionally trained acupuncturists globally.   Just as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) relies on the ancient principles and proper evaluation of the 28 pulse characteristics, “ELECTRO MERIDIAN IMAGING” may be referred to as Contemporary Asian Medicine (CAM) which is technologically advanced electronic diagnosis and treatment.

John A. Amaro C.C., FIAMA, Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM)

Since the early 1950’s, acupuncture diagnosis has taken on an entirely new dimension throughout the world with the discovery of “Ryodoraku” by Dr. Yoshio Nakatani of Japan. 

Eough Chinese pulse diagnosis is considered both classic and traditional, its explanation is scientifically unproven and questionable at best.  Gie fact that the findings are purely and strictly subjective, the question remains, is the practitioner of pulse diagnosis who also prescribes an acupuncture treatment based upon their interpretation of the pulse, actually treating the patients real and primary problem?   Since it is not unusual to observe an individual patient being evaluated by several pulse diagnosticians and be given as many different diagnoses as there are evaluators, one must question this form of ancient diagnosis.   We wonder if pulse diagnosis has a place and will survive into the new millennium?

Please bear in mind my personal observations of pulse diagnosis spanning 30 years in scores of Asian countries have been numerous.  I personally have the highest regard for the Asian master of acupuncture in the evaluation of disease by pulse diagnosis. However, I have second thoughts concerning the same practice by contemporary training and standards.

When Nakatani first developed his procedure of electronic evaluation by measuring skin conductance at the Yuan (Source) point of the wrist and ankle, he created one of the most significant acupuncture diagnostic methods that have yet to be created in either contemporary or traditional acupuncture.  When one compares the findings of learned Asian Masters of acupuncture and pulse diagnosis, who will literally palpate the 12 pulse positions for as long as 15-20 minutes per wrist, with the findings of Ryodoraku, they are most often identical or extremely close.   

Of course, electronic evaluation of the body Yuan points do not determine the specific 28 pulse characteristics which must be ascertained in proper pulse diagnosis.  It does however, determine if an individual meridian is excess or deficient in comparison to the entire meridian system of the 12 primary meridians.  Unfortunately, the majority of contemporary pulse practitioners only recognize and concern themselves with under six pulse qualities as opposed to the historic 28.

When one finds an elevated or deficient meridian on Ryodoraku, the treatment approach is one of tonification or sedation, to specific acupuncture points known to replenish or deplete biomagnetic energy to create balance in the meridians.  Electronic measurements are ascertained by examining the 24 specific Yuan points of the wrist and ankles for only three seconds per point.

One of the most significant discoveries of Ryodoraku was the discovery of split meridians.   For example, in pulse diagnosis, the pulse of the Spleen meridian is always in the right wrist, where as the Gallbladder, Kidney and Liver is always in the left wrist.  When one ascertains a diagnosis from the pulse qualities, it can reveal a multitude of factors, however, it cannot and does not reveal what the Ryodoraku has discovered.

Ryodoraku evaluation has revealed the meridians, especially in severe cases, exhibit a splitting between left and right sides of the body   which is unknown in pulse diagnosis.  As Ryodoraku  measures the Yuan points of both sides of the body, it is able to detect a diagnostic situation that was virtually unknown until the invention of the Ryodoraku. By utilizing the LUO point of the split meridian, a correction can be made in split (left to right) meridian.   LUO points classically and traditionally are used to link a coupled meridian, such as Lung/Large Intestine.  In Auriculotherapy, this connection between splits can be treated by the Master Oscillation Point.

The system of Ryodoraku was re-named “Electro Meridian Imaging” (EMI) by Dr. John A. Amaro in 1982.  It gave the procedure a more medically acceptable contemporary term.   This electronic method of evaluation is reliable, duplicable, easy to learn and employ, as well as being extremely simple to explain to the patient.   It is literally changing the way acupuncture is being diagnostically and therapeutically treated internationally.

Ryodoraku or “EMI” historically has always been practiced by mathematical calculations of the practitioner.  By adding the measured values of the meridian exam points together, dividing by 24 Representing the 12 bilateral meridians)   and ascertaining a base average, the practitioner may then determine the status of the meridians by way of their electrical conductivity.   However, in the mid 1980’s, the art of electronic evaluation for diagnostic purposes in acupuncture entered into higher technology by incorporating computer enhanced evaluation.  With EMI being available to physicians through computer imaging, it became state of the art to literally allow a trained technician or the doctor themselves to conduct this significant diagnosis in less than two minutes.   The computer hardware requirement is of simple design that only requires a computer running 486K with Windows operation system.   It is attractive, professional and impressive to both the doctor and patient.   Referrals for this electronic acupuncture examination are numerous to overwhelming.   The typical patient shows much more confidence in this electronic contemporary style of examination than ancient pulse diagnosis.

Discovering EMI will dramatically change your outlook.

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