You have many hotlinks on this page. Bars, photos, buttons. All to help you to help yourself,
Run!! Your oppportunities are expiring 1,440 times per day!
See what a few thousand hours of intense focus can produce? º¿º
The largest body of work ever constructed, and it's all for you. Empower yourself with the MisterShortcut Approach
At Fourteen
All Quit Smoking Pages
Billions Bodyscan
Boost Brain tuner Breathing 2
Breath Of Life
Chelation Chiropractic Clearing ColdCure Doctors
Doctors II
Economy E.M.I.
Health Health 2
Health Index
Herbal Medicine
Herbal-medicine 2
Hugs Hundreds
HUNGER Iceberg
Med Destiny
Medical Dollars
Great Shortcuts
Mineral Infrared Therapy
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathy II Nutrition Oil of Oregano
Magic Elixir Oxygen Therapy
Mini Index Page Quit-smoking 2 Quit Smoking III
Rife Technology Stress
From THIS minute forwards, you embrace the MisterShortcut Approach.
Your concept of time will never be the same ... ... and neither will your results.
Put away your credit cards; no time to make shopping carts for the first million pages.
STOP thinking of years, months, even weeks or days... it has not worked for you thus far.
Understand that each of your days - and today is the only one in which you can act presently -
has 86,400 separate opportunities called seconds, 1,440 separate opportunities known as minutes.
Up to eighty percent of all the dollars and seconds you spend are absolutely and indefensibly wasted.
As of right now, we change all of that, you and the MisterShortcut Approach together, changing time.
That's right. From this point forward, your very concept of time must change, and easily can.
The fastest way humans have found to assess progress or success is to measure something.
Be it dollars or minutes or conquests or miles or records broken, results are measurable.
So, we begin with two magnificent shortcuts guaranteed to change your life forever.
Forget working from where you are to where you want to go... takes too long.
We move fastest when we begin at the finish line and work our way in reverse.
Work it backwards and live it forwards, always beginning at the finish line.
The MisterShortcut Approach promises to be a most exciting journey.
Know that when you think you understand, there is always more.
Health Index - Healthiest Secrets of Life
Wealth index into the MisterShortcut Approach
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The MisterShortcut Approach is free for your life because it is believed you knew all this as a child.
Your wealth is about to multiply; our wealth, actually. You must share it with the helpless.
Organizations do much less. Invest your giving dollars into local or starving people.