Aldutto, aldutto, what can it mean,
Can aldutto be quite what it seems?
Is AlDutto a he, AlDutto a she,
Will AlDutto be kissed by good history?
AlDutto is waiting down by the sea,
For kids like AlDutto, who see beyond me.
AlDutto is training to make them see,
Giving is the secret to gathering unto me.
AlDutto May Be Selfish, Aldutto may be sane,
Still Aldutto found the secret rules,
For the greatest of all of life's games.
For AlDutto, the game of riches, is counted in different ways,
You count wealth in dollars, AlDutto counts them in minutes and days.
All non-AlDutto dollars, end up buying little but pain.
If it weren't the truth, explain such endless shame.
Better to do it the AldDutto way,
With a better attitude today,
Using the secrets of those who know,
Masters and champions who can throw stones.
AlDutto knows you can ask more times, and ask more times of each,
AlDutto secrets are all that they seem, because AlDutto secrets put it all in your reach.
Help the MisterShortcut Approach help feed starving kids - NO CHARGE
Everyone deserves a personal coach, including you.
Boss 32000
100grand age14success
Ballerina Bartender
Boost BenRich
Page 22
Piano Power
Popcorn Thinking Psoriasis
Critics Ruby 2
Ruby 3 Satisfaction
Science Write
Willblythe Write
Computer Shortcuts 2 Critics Dream dare
Doctors 2 Focus
Besttest Getting Dates
Cold Cure Current
Failure Sock
Health index
Important Last Ruby
Masters MedDestiny
Missions Mousetoy
Table of Contents
Who Moving
Naysayers Shorcuts
Shortcuts Health
Pay Yourself Science
Boss Ask Right
Write Pareto
Viola Will Blythe
Current Lawyers
Hopeless DreamDare
Computer Shortcuts 1
Millionaires2000 At 14
Hugs Fulcrum
911day Tribute
Shapelinks Capital II
Learn more in order to live more, with YOUR MisterShortcut Approach.
Designed because you deserve to excel using great shortcuts
You can even say that this is produced to promote,
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These are the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the best shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and provably YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.
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