Aldutto, aldutto, what can it mean,
Can aldutto be quite what it seems?

Is AlDutto a he, AlDutto a she,
Will AlDutto be kissed by good history?

AlDutto is waiting down by the sea,
For kids like AlDutto, who see beyond me.
AlDutto is still training to make them see:
Giving is the secret to gathering unto me.

A rare law that operates free of defect,
one of life's true perfect precepts,
that all that you say, all you do,
will multiply before coming back to you.
Good and bad, it matters not,
wealth and more to select and collect

AlDutto May Be selfish, Aldutto may be sane,
Still Aldutto found the secret rules,
for the greatest of all of life's games.

For AlDutto, the game of riches, is counted in different ways.
You count wealth in dollars, AlDutto counts them in minutes and days.
All non-AlDutto dollars, end up buying little more than pain.
If it weren't the truth, explain such endless shame.
Better to do it the AldDutto way,
with a better attitude today,
using the secrets of those who know,
Masters and champions who haved paved the way..
AlDutto knows you can ask more times, and ask more times of each,
AlDutto secrets are all that they seem, because AlDutto secrets put it all in your reach.

Join Aldutto as and when you will, when you've got more than television time to kill.

How you spend your minutes, is quite how you spend your life,
and the inly thing better than employing this fact, is finding yourself a true loving wife.
Aldutto reminds you day after day, Aldutoo knows you'll win in further, better ways.
Aldutto has time, if you have the grace, to allow your face to take its rightful place.
Circulos du ganadors, circle of winners, instead of the heat of the place of sinners.
Aldutto can tell you, witness with clear eyes, that PowerGems always help you rise.
Nothing you've seen, no one you've known, can hope to compete with Heaven'ts own.
All through this time, and the changes of face, Aldutto has found a much better place.
The MisterShortcut Approach is where it's at, for Aldutto can see it delivers in fact.
Nothing we think, not anything we do, can stop PowerGems from working for you.
You are the one and the one one, who determines the Power of each,
when you choose to eschew mediocre embrace,
when you chose to expand your limits of reach.
No better time, no better place,
not when you've got a cheerleader in place.

Aldutto reminds you, again and again, PowerGems work magic, for man and for femme.
Notice that asking more brings you much more, so asking again is what's in store.
This week and the next, more times than before, make it your business to ask once more.
Aldutto can promise, Aldutto is sure, this is the world's most instant money cure.
Ask and then ask, not always for bucks, and dag nab it, you'll notice, upticks in your luck.

Shapetalk and Poetry At The MisterShortcut Approach Are From MisterShortcut.
The MisterShortcut Approach does have purpose beyond EyeCandification.
One percent of your time is just under fifteen minutes per day.
Are you saying with your actions that you're not worh it?
Are you serious? Your life is not worth mere minutes?
Funny how people who suddenly need dialysis?
Ee busy ones make the time each week,
sometimes several times every week,
in order to literally stay alive.

What are you doing today?

What is more important than you?
Pay careful attention to the following line.
Your future is determined by your actions today.
Seeing past the first meaning is where you find instant power.
You get to determine the quality of your future, if not your quantity.
With PowerGems and resolution focus, you instantly improve your tomorrow.
PowerGems works approximately 100 percent of the time for those who use them 100x.
Some PowerGems work each time you use them, from the first time you use that PowerGem.
Let's see what you do with a PowerGem which proves in a day that you are smart or not so smart.
Treat the next twenty-four hours as if they are among your last. You are in for a great, lasting shock.

The burgeoning student begins to see the incalculable debt incurred to the MisterShortcut Approach.
When it hits home, the half of your new wealth earned by the MisterShortcut Approach heads home,
to the stomachs of those within your reach who cannot feed themselves. That's the deal.
All who embrace the MisterShortcut Approach are certain of wealth, and more,
because the nature of wealth has never changed throughout the centuries.
All who see the underlying values of the MisterShortcut Approach,
all who embrace the Newtonian principle of action,
must share their new wealth with the helpless.
These really are the secrets of masters and champions from all around the world.
MisterShortcut did not accidentally arrive at breaking so many world records.
It's neither good luck nor inherent genius or even staggering good looks.
Those who do it the best tend to show it the best, in every language,
in every culture and in every geopraphical location on earth.
By duplicating the admirable actions of our pioneers,
adding the dimenstion of personal initiative,
the highest results show up consistently.
If you knew better, you'd do better.
Masters and champions do,
meriting our heedness.
Any questions?

Boss     32000     100grand     age14success     Ballerina     Bartender     Boost     BenRich     Besttest     Getting Dates     Cold Cure     Current
Computer Shortcuts 2     Critics    Dream dare     Doctors     Doctors 2     Focus     Free Power     Critics     Doctors     Minute     Failure     Sock     Health index
Iceberg     Important     Last Ruby     Lawyers     Lovely    Masters     Med Destiny     Millionaires 2000     Minute     Missions     Mousetoy     Table of Contents
Page 22     Piano     Power     Popcorn Thinking     Psoriasis     Critics     Ruby 2     Ruby 3    Satisfaction     Science     Write     Willblythe     Write     Wantmore
Viola     Who     Moving     Naysayers    Shorcuts     Shortcuts     Health     Pay Yourself     Science     Boss     Ask Right
Write     Pareto     Viola     Will Blythe     Current     Lawyers     32000
Reach     Hopeless     DreamDare     Computer Shortcuts 1
Millionaires 2000     At 14
Hugs     Fulcrum

911day Tribute

Shapelinks Capital II

Prove you know that today is the most powerful day of your life.
Use any shortcut, any PowerGem within the MisterShortcut Approach.
Use it a hundred times as if your wealth and health rely upon it.
Designed because you deserve to excel using great shortcuts
You can even say that this is produced to promote,
not a product, rather, YOUR progress into success.
and brought to you from the CEO of your fan club.

Stop thinking of years or months or weeks!
Focus on your 1,440 minutes you have each day.
This one secret works quickly on your results.

The MisterShortcut Approach and the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires,
the best shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and provably YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.

Do more than enjoy the MisterShortcut Approach - it's all here for your life. Use it.

Flamotouch MisterShortcut Approach

Aldutto, aldutto, red, black, or green,
can aldutto be quite what it seems?

Is AlDutto me, is AlDutto just we,
will AlDutto be missed by new history?

AlDutto is waiting around by the beat,
for kids like AlDutto, can see from the street.
Aldutto can likely see far beyond me,
cause AlDutto is straining to make them see:
Giving is the secret to gathering unto me.

A rare law that operates free of defect,
One of life's true perfect precepts,
That all that you say, all you do,
Will multiply before coming back to you.
Good and bad, it matters not,
Wealth and more to select and collect

AlDutto May Be Selfish, Aldutto may be sane,
Still Aldutto found the secret rules,
For the greatest of all of life's games.

For AlDutto, the game of riches, is counted in different ways.
You count wealth in dollars, AlDutto counts them in minutes and days.

Aldutto reminds you, again and again, PowerGems work magic, for man and for femme.
Notice that asking more brings you much more, so asking again is what's in store.
This week and the next, more times than before, make it your business to ask once more.
Aldutto can promise, Aldutto is sure, this is the world's most instant money cure.
Ask and then ask, not always for bucks, and dag nab it, you'll notice, upticks in your luck.

At the bottom of every page of life, we find the MisterShortcut Approach.
It's a unique version of the MisterShortcut Approach, one that fits no one else.
You knew it as a child, and got what you wanted when you wanted it enough.
The rest of the time, you gave in, you allowed life to decide for you.
The MisterShortcut Approach is out to change that, and now.
As soon as you think bigger, your answers get bigger.
Large minds do not need to give up large ideas,
only large resolutions for each challenge.
Expecting your brain to give it up,
has the funniest way of working,
most if not all of the time.
Find more of your mind,
just one percent more.
Now ask one more time.