You are entering what may be the most empowering website of a generation, with Mister Shortcut
The MisterShortcut Approach is HUGE -- tap any keyboard character to fly off to another Mister Shortcut website of empowerment, joy, and EyeCandy

Learn more in order to live more, at the MisterShortcut Approach AND
amounting to what may be the internet's healthiest websites, certainly the largest empowerment websites.

Even better, the MisterShortcut Approach AND the Healthiest Secrets of Life creations,
all part of the "Masters and Millionaires" network and empire built by the hands of Mister-Shortcut,
represent the internet's most philanthropic websites and network.

Already generating many millions of cups of food by YOUR clickthroughs to TheHungerSite,
it's fair to describe Mister-Shortcut as the "World's Richest Man" or "The Richest Man on Earth,"
because true wealth is not measured by what you gather for yourself, rather, by what you give away to others.

Go ahead, get wealthy, get wealthier... attain your wealth and riches with giving.
Natural health shortcuts of long-lived people.   Your best health tips... NATURAL health tips,
and the greatest success shortcuts of champions and winners, masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.
That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility,
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built with love by Mister-Shortcut, for You

The MisterShortcut Approach deigns to assert itself as one of the world's healthiest websites, and best overall source of shortcuts.
Learn more about and for you he easier we find it is to live more, earn more, give more.
A goal of the Healthiest Secrets of Life is for you to find the healthiest shortcuts and health tips of Longevity,
using them endlessly to live healthier and wealthier, live happier and more fulfilled with these healthier tips.
The MisterShortcut Approach is a big portion of the largest and most empowering MisterShortcut Approach .

The Healthiest Secrets of Life is self-explanatory, pursuing the best information on health and Longevity,
sharing the methods and secrets of long-lived people. Good health is augmented by good information.
The more we learn, the stronger, the longer we tend to live.You deserve to live longer.

Embracing the MisterShortcut Approach means working WITH your doctor so you can fire your doctor.
All one hundred-plus of the MisterShortcut Approach websites, filled with great health tips,
and all of these "healthiest websites" pertaining to health and Longevity,
have each been designed and created by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
also known as the Godfather of EyeCandy for his artistic flair.

The idea at each site is for you to live stronger for longer, using the best and greatest shortcuts of role models,
the same shortcuts used by leaders, masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires. and long-lived people.
Learn more in order to live more.   You'll certainly benefit from the shortcuts,
the so-called secrets, and the EyeCandy here at
and a most-empowering website on your internet, the MisterShortcut Approach.
With your mind in mind,

The MisterShortcut Approach is surely the mother of all websites, possibly the world's largest website.
crafted and delivered by a pair of dedicated, pro bono hands in each of three million minutes -
all of the MisterShortcut Approach websites, the Masters and Millionaires websites,
the MisterShortcut Approach and other "Psychology of " websites -- each and all,
are devoted to you, in hope that you'll be smart enough to smell the roses.

The MisterShortcut Approach AND the Healthiest Secrets of Life are, simply,
the most effective methods and the best shortcuts of world-class people.
Without a doubt, knowledge can and shall change the world, already is,
and it begins with you as long as you understand that knowledge alone
is not power; knowledge is only potential power until you deploy it.
Make the most of these best shortcuts at the MisterShortcut Approach,
the best Healthiest Secrets of Life shared at the MisterShortcut Approach.
Learn more, live more, in hope that you'll give more. It's quite a formula;
one that has a strong tendency to induce inexplicable feelings of happiness,
of fulfillment, of what might be called "Richard Branson Syndrome" of attainment.

Ah, you've made it.   Enjoy the EyeCandy, and USE your best shortcuts
By the way, it's a good idea to get used to looking for hidden treats, so-called "easter eggs,"
and just plain fun here at the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires Champions and Billionaires

David Cohen, Naturopath Of A Generation, Hosts the MisterShortcut Approach

This is the heart of the world's largest naturopathic website,
which may or may not make it the world's healthiest website.   That's your call.
Filled with the wealthiest and healthiest shortcuts and so-called secrets of those who live stronger longer,

Imagine a medical doctor hosting over a hundred free health-related websites!   Not anytime soon, we think.
The MisterShortcut Approach is HUGE -- IE users: Tap any letter, number or character (even upper-case) on your keyboard for more MisterShortcut Approach

MisterShortcut is thrilled to bring you over a thousand of these healthiest websites, including
packed with your best health tips for living stronger for longer... naturally

If your health has not responded to "conventional" treatment, feel free to call this extraordinarily effective naturopath.
Despite the growing attention of Dr. Cohen's work throughout several countries,
callers can contact and ask for Dr. Cohen at1
Achieve and Succeed With Effective Success Shortcuts Masters and Millionaires MisterShortcut Approach to achievement
Our Most Effective Shortcuts To Achievement
Learn how to succeed faster with the best shortcuts of our winners and role models
The Best Shortcuts Page In The World - excellence Shortcuts - Free For Your Life
These are the great truths - USE the MisterShortcut Approach - carrying countless successful shortcuts, from Winners Shortcuts to excellence. | The best secrets, greatest and most effective secrets of achievement used by, who else, high achievers! Shortcuts Capital of the World free for your life for you to succeed faster | Secrets of succeeding faster. Develop your potential, more of the potential you were born with. Developing success with the best achievement secrets of all time. Achieving more of your potential. | | Shapelinks by MisterShortcut | These are the great secrets, the greatest secrets of achievement used repeatedly by winners and leaders, role models and high achievers. From alternative remedies such as QUICKLY repairing your liver by drinking glass of water every morning with an ounce or two of organic lemon juice, even lime juice, to the power of relaxing your mind for sixty seconds, the MisterShortcut Approach is easily desribed as the largest resource in history for self-empowerment, for the best shortcuts and secrets of success used by masters and millionaires.

Not coincidentally, these are the same shortcuts to success, the same secrets of succeeding,
the same gems of wisdom used by champions and billionaires. This is no coincidence!

The EyeCandy Capital of the World is created for your pleasure, and to entice you.
The more you enjoy the MisterShortcut Approach, the more you may just use it.
The more you use the MisterShortcut Approach, the more you succeed.

All of these millions and millions of carefully-tuned creations,
all from a single pair of silent, dedicated hands of brilliance,
just to empower you to empower yourself and others.

Surely you'll find this to be the biggest source of shortcuts.
That's because the MisterShortcut Approach is based on the power of fact,
the clear and documented histories of thousands of masters and world-class champions.

This monument to excellence that is the MisterShortcut Approach exists for you to win more.

Less talk and more action, please.   What you do speaks so loudly we can hardly hear a word you say.

| Secrets of succeeding. Develop your potential, more of the potential you were born with. Developing success with the best achievement secrets of all time. Achieve more of your potential. | | | Mr-Shortcut created the EyeCandy Capital of the World just for you to succeed faster | Secrets of succeeding. Develop your potential, more of the potential you were born with. Developing success with the best achievement secrets of all time. | Find more than a million unique ... most effective success shortcuts, the best shortcuts of all time, free for your life. What a day to embrace the MisterShortcut Approach - your excellence That's the - Stop delaying your own success. Today, you teach yourself how to succeed faster with the MisterShortcut Approach. Self-Empowerment - How To Succeed
of Champions and Billionaires, Winners ...

Description: Come see the eyecandy at the prettiest website on the internet - the greatest shortcuts of all time, with EyeCandy, PowerGems, Shapelinks, and so much more. From, sister of, brother-in-law of www.Shapelinks.US, to or, these are the delightful MisterShortcut approaches to your excellence. | with the busy MisterShortcut

How to Succeed Faster - excellence Shortcuts From 5200 Masters and Millionaires
All that you wish and all that you dream, being sweeter, are closer than it may well seem. Embrace your own interpretation of the MisterShortcut Approach to empower yourself instantly with powerful, effective shortcuts to success., with , have your magical hidden secrets, called PowerGems. So, too, with and surely, no less,, because one shortcut may be all YOU need to make all that you wish and all that you dream, are closer when you get the right proper team. Free Web Pages Millionaires excellence Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires We hope you find this enormous site to be an experience of both eye candy AND brain candy .Your F11 button toggles "theater mode" off an on, at least in IE and some other browsers. When it does not seem to work, it means your mouse, or carat, is not focused on that page. We correct that by simply left-clicking the mouse on any blank part of the page. F11 will then, or certainly should then, work again. Isn't that cool, having more real estate on your screen? Your computer is packed with great tips and tricks. The MisterShortcut Approach is a never-ending reminder to pick up just one new fact. One fact per hour, one fact per day, one fact per minute... Success is easily described as the use of successful shortcuts, true enough? Listen to what your inner mind tells you about anything, and you are far more likely to make a considered and thoughtful decision regarding most every opinion you form. FORM an opinion means we are supposed to INform our opinion, not just let it fly out of your mouths without due consideration. The more you consider your opinion, the more formed it is. The more formed an opinion, the more informed it is likely to be on its own, and assuredly so when augmented with new information taken in and considered. Do you see the circle here? Will you catch the cycle of growth in mind?

Just because any one of the PowerGems in the MisterShortcut Approach works well by itself does not have to restrict you or most anyone else from combining two or more. Synergy is a bizarre effect of life where you can make two plus two equal more than four. Synergy saves you time and money. Synergy means you get much more effect from fewer resources. Learning the F11 button as a toggle-switch for theater mode is a bird's-eye view of the uncountable thousands of shortcuts that all spring forth from the same ten or twenty primary shortcuts of the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life Learn more so that you can live more. People who live more, and stronger, have a tendency to give more, helping the helpless as others do not tend to do... After all is said and done, isn't that the ultimate objective of both the MisterShortcut Approach and the Healthiest Secrets of Life ? Be well. You are loved and appreciated.

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Best free book in America - Masters and Millionaires excellence Shortcuts - ultimate secrets of success
... Greatest secrets and shortcuts for succeeding at everything. Success is achieved through the shortcuts used by masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires. Free for your life, the MisterShortcut Approach is all about the effective shortcuts of those who tap success repeatedly. Make a list now of who is going to help. Best secrets of success. Best ways to succeed. Take and use the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires... the largest webring on earth teaching universal shortcuts to accelerated results in every human field of endeavor. No charge. Not until AFTER these methods have dramatically ...
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Shortcuts Welcome to the MisterShortcut Approach - carrying countless successful shortcuts, filled with nice surprises Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts 911day USA Tribute ...

The MisterShortcut Approach can show YOU the way. Let's get busy now!
Can you name ten people who can help you achieve whatever it is we are focusing on for you?
Can and will you make a written list of those ten, and ten agences, ten organizations?
We are surrounded by people who are happy to help, to invest, to guide you.
You've simply been concentrating on the wrong things. Enough already.
Let us immediately identify people and agencies who can help now.
You are SURROUNDED by those who can help. Ask for help!

Welcome to the largest network of Shortcuts ever created. Compliments of Masters and Millionaires. Eye candy and brain candy galore.

More excellence Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires - Succeed Faster with Free...
... how can so many millions of successful individuals be wrong, or ... guaranteed. Because they are the Shortcuts and techniques of our universal ... own use, or my students' Successful use of these high-powered Shortcuts -- Share with us the names of 1000 role models of ...

One of the many samples of wisdom found within the MisterShortcut Approach is "Dump the Junk."
When you stand in the shower and look down, can you see your pubic mound? If not, you're in trouble.
There should be no bulge whatsoever. That bulge you see is fecal matter - doody - that did not come out.
That means there is no chance of your intestine accepting nutrition, even from foods you eat that are healthy.
The intestine is where the nutrtition - the physical energy - actually transfers from the food into your body for use.
It means that a vast majority of the food you take in does you no good whatsoever beyond taste satisfaction.
Because your body is not getting the nutrition it is requesting through hunger, it demands ever more food.
This is a cycle that has added many pounds of weight onto your body. It's disgusting. It's killing you.
Clean out the junk from the trunk. One hundred doses of colon cleanse - any of dozens of brands.
That's it. Make sure you drink sufficient water. Not one hundred dosages over the next year.
One hundred large spoonfuls of colon cleanse: two or three times per day for thirty days.
You will have greater energy, better skin... and you'll lose a pound or two per day.

Those who think they know everything are annoying to those who really do. :)

More excellence Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires, Succeed Faster with Free PowerGems. How to achieve excellence faster with PowerGems, Faster, more successful living using PowerGems from MrShorcuts

The Greatest Shortcuts WebSite In The World - Effective excellence Shortcuts - Free For...
... and Millionaires Shortcuts to excellence. | How to succeed in business and life. | EyeCandy Capital of the World | With more than ... all for your excellence Such is the MisterShortcut Approach with best shortcuts of Champions and ... fastest, most powerful Shortcuts that the finest ... NOTHING WORKS LIKE excellence!!!! Duplicating ...

Description: EyeCandy at the prettiest website on the internet - the greatest shortcuts of all time, with EyeCandy, PowerGems, Shapelinks, and so much more. From, sister of, brother-in-law of www.Shapelinks.US, to or, these are the delightful MisterShortcut approaches to your excellence. | with the amazing MisterShortcut

The Greatest Shortcuts Web Site on the Internet - excellence Shortcuts - Free For Your...
... and Millionaires Shortcuts to excellence. | These are the best secrets, the greatest and most effective secrets of achievement of role models and winners high achievers. Shortcuts Capital of the World just for you to succeed faster | Secrets of succeeding faster. Develop your potential, more of the potential you were born with. Developing success with the best achievement secrets of all time. Achieving more of your potential. | | Shapelinks by MrShortcut | How to succeed in business and life. | EyeCandy Capital of the World | With more than ... all for your excellence Such is the MisterShortcut Approach with best shortcuts of Champions and ... fastest, most powerful Shortcuts that the finest ... NOTHING WORKS LIKE excellence!!!! Duplicating ...

One of the many samples of wisdom found within the MisterShortcut Approach is "Dump the Junk."
When you stand in the shower and look down, can you see your pubic mound? If not, you're in trouble.
There should be no bulge whatsoever. That bulge you see is fecal matter - doody - that did not come out.
That means there is no chance of your intestine accepting nutrition, even from foods you eat that are healthy.
The intestine is where the nutrtition - the physical energy - actually transfers from the food into your body for use.
It means that a vast majority of the food you take in does you no good whatsoever beyond taste satisfaction.
Because your body is not getting the nutrition it is requesting through hunger, it demands ever more food.
This is a cycle that has added many pounds of weight onto your body. It's disgusting. It's killing you.
Clean out the junk from the trunk. One hundred doses of colon cleanse - any of dozens of brands.
That's it. Make sure you drink sufficient water. Not one hundred dosages over the next year.
One hundred large spoonfuls of colon cleanse: two or three times per day for thirty days.
You will have greater energy, better skin... and you'll lose a pound or two per day.

Those who think they know everything are annoying to those who really do. :)

EyeCandy at the prettiest website on the internet - the greatest shortcuts of all time, with EyeCandy, PowerGems, Shapelinks, and so much more. From, sister of, brother-in-law of www.Shapelinks.US, to or, these are the delightful MisterShortcut approaches to your excellence. | with the busy MisterShortcut Health shortcuts and achievement secrets your Godfather of Shortcuts, using the examples and precise words of the best of our role models, the best of our masters and millionaires champions and billionaires How to succeed faster and live stronger longer with the best health and wealth shortcuts.

Greatest Effective excellence Shortcuts of Masters Millionaires Champions Billionaires...
of Shortcuts. .. connected websites - - devoted exclusively to your excellence. | These are the best secrets, the greatest and most effective secrets of achievement of role models and winners high achievers. Shortcuts Capital of the World just for you to succeed faster | Secrets of succeeding faster. Develop your potential, more of the potential you were born with. Developing success with the best achievement secrets of all time. Achieving more of your potential. | | Shapelinks by MrShortcut | How to succeed in business and life. | EyeCandy Capital of the World | All of the MisterShortcut EyeCandy websites are focused on the shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires. -- Those who do it the best know it the best. That is why they are masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires shortcuts Push F11 button to toggle theater screen ...
How to succeed faster with the greatest and best shortcuts of winners and role models, champions, millionaires and billionaires. Welcome to the MisterShortcut Approach , the greatest effective Shortcuts to excellence used by masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires.
Find more success with and, of course,, all here for your life. -

Still more great excellence Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires - How to achieve more...
... achieve more with high-powered shortcuts of champions masters ... how can so many millions of successful individuals be wrong, or ... own use, or my students' Successful use of these high-powered Shortcuts -- Share with us the names of 1000 role models of ...

Description: Still more great excellence Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires - How to achieve more with high-powered Shortcuts. Achieve excellence faster with PowerGems, self-improvement, - developing my potential with shortcuts - How to succeed faster with the best shortcuts of winners and champions. Health shortcuts and achievement secrets with the best of role models for all of us, the best of our masters and millionaires champions and billionaires How to succeed faster and live stronger longer with the best health and wealth shortcuts.

- - All of the EyeCandy, PowerGems & more --
-- in these million-plus pages --
-- all by Mister-Shortcut --
- - all for you - -
- with love -

Did you know you can feed starving kids no charge to you?
Corporate sponsors buy over a cup of food for your clicks.                                  Nice... saving a life with clicks!                 Great-Shortcuts.Com     MisterShortcut.US         Top-Doctor.Us    

Best health tips. Each of the following wealthiestand healthiest websites with our best health tips
are hosted by
Excellence I     Excellence II       Excellence III       Excellence IV       Excellence V       Mr Shortcut VI

Succeeding VII       Success ShortcutsVIII     MisterShortcut IX       Mister Shortcut X       Succeeding XI

Excellence XII         Excellence XIII         EyeCandy XIV         MisterShortcut XV

Share the MisterShortcut Approach - Global Empowerment!

Sharing has a funny, pleasing way of returning, repeatedly

You already know that what goes up must come down, that what goes around comes around.
Today presents any number of opportunities for you, some you see, plenty that pass you by.
Today, the MisterShortcut Approach solicits your interest in developing your excellence.
So, pretend that today is that day in which you earn annual money in each work-hour.
Today is your focus, not the next 100 days of repeating and improving what you do today.
You can do it for 22 days, 100 days, 1000 days or more, provided you do it, fully, in THIS today.
What you do plays a distant second fiddle to what you do with what you know, demanding you do more.
When you awaken the MisterShortcut Approach within you, you are going to be positively electrified, as a habit.
When you imitate the best, the masters and millionaires, the champions and billionaires, you tend to imitate their results.
It is your day, your turn, your MisterShortcut Approach, your hunger driving the determination of how successful you will be today.

Learn more in order to live more, at the MisterShortcut Approach,
built with love by Mister Shortcut, for You 

The MisterShortcut Approach is surely the mother of all websites, possibly the world's largest website.
crafted and delivered by a pair of dedicated, pro bono hands in each of three million minutes -
all of the MisterShortcut Approach websites, the Masters and Millionaires websites,
the MisterShortcut Approach and other "Psychology of " websites -- each and all,
are devoted to you, in hope that you'll be smart enough to smell the roses.

The MisterShortcut Approach AND the Healthiest Secrets of Life are, simply,
the most effective methods and the best shortcuts of world-class people.
Without a doubt, knowledge can and shall change the world, already is,
and it begins with you as long as you understand that knowledge alone
is not power; knowledge is only potential power until you deploy it.
Make the most of these best shortcuts at the MisterShortcut Approach,
the best Healthiest Secrets of Life shared at the MisterShortcut Approach.
Learn more, live more, in hope that you'll give more. It's quite a formula;
one that has a strong tendency to induce inexplicable feelings of happiness,
of fulfillment, of what might be called "Richard Branson Syndrome" of attainment.

Ah, you've made it.   Enjoy the EyeCandy, and USE your best shortcuts
By the way, it's a good idea to get used to looking for hidden treats, so-called "easter eggs,"
and just plain fun here at the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires Champions and Billionaires

David Cohen, Naturopath Of A Generation, Hosts the MisterShortcut Approach

This is the heart of the world's largest naturopathic website,
which may or may not make it the world's healthiest website.   That's your call.
Filled with the wealthiest and healthiest shortcuts and so-called secrets of those who live stronger longer,
it has been designed for your life, with Mr-Shortcut, the Godfather of EyeCandy

The MisterShortcut Approach is HUGE
IE users: Tap any keyboard letter, number or character (even upper-case!) for another Mr-Shortcut website of EyeCandy and self-empowerment

filled with your best health tips for living stronger for longer... naturally

Always remember that no vitamin or human or surgery can cure or heal us;  they can only help us to heal ourselves!
If your health has not responded to "conventional" treatment, feel free to call this extraordinarily effective naturopath.
Despite the growing attention of Dr. Cohen's work throughout several countries,
callers can contact and ask for Dr. Cohen at 1

Natural Medicines and Natural Remedies
What are the MisterShortcut Approach s and natural remedies?   Good question.
Fact is, natural medicines and natural remedies from the earth are far healthier for us than pharmaceutical.
Natural medicines and natural remedies are safer to the human body than pharmaceuticals are.
Natural medicines and natural remedies do not kill people, as pharmaceutical drugs do.
Natural medicines and natural remedies do not seriously injure and sicken people as do pharmaceutical drugs.
Natural medicines and natural remedies cost us less money, in the short term, and in the long term, personally, and corporately.
Whether you like it or not, natural medicines and natural remedies are CONSIDERABLY more effective, MEASURABLY more successful than the toxic pharmaceuticals we take.
There is no coincidence that the American pharmacecutical industry is the single most profitable industry in the U.S.
It is up to you to pick up your phone, your email, your pen, your telegrams, and demand that your elected representatives
IMMEDIATELY take the steps necessary to put the brakes on runaway fatalities (200,000 per year) from pharmaceuticals in the U.S.

It is up to YOU to learn more facts, that natural remedies and medicines have consistently higher success rates than prescription drugs do.
The more we learn, the longer and stronger we tend to live. That's why the MisterShortcut Approach is all about YOU learning more in order to live more...
in hope that you'll end up giving more.     Take action today.     Less talk.  More action.
Welcome to the MisterShortcut Approach

MisterShortcut Presents the MisterShortcut Approach

We welcome you to the world's largest naturopathic website, aiming to make it the healthiest website.   That's your call.
Filled with the best health tips of people who live stronger for longer,
The Healthiest Secrets of Life is designed for your life,
with the understanding that you will pass it on
Created by your Godfather of EyeCandy,

The MisterShortcut Approach - Self-Healing
IE users: Tap any keyboard letter, number or character (even upper-case!) for another Mr-Shortcut website of EyeCandy and self-empowerment

, including the MisterShortcut Approach,
filled with your best health tips for living stronger for longer... naturally

Always remember that no vitamin or human or surgery can cure or heal us;  they can only help us to heal ourselves!
If your health has not responded to "conventional" treatment, feel free to call this extraordinarily effective naturopath.
Despite the growing attention of Dr. Cohen's work throughout several countries,

and if you can't see your way clear to understanding that YOU are your own top doctor, go to Dr. Cohen
and we'll let YOU decide who's the top doctor in America, naturopathic or otherwise.

ALWAYS REMEMBER that the top doctors in NY have something in common with the top doctors in Argentina or Japan:
Top doctors are those who use Healthiest Secrets of Life and medicines
before turning to toxic pharmaceutical approaches.
When we learn how to be our own top doctors, we will ALL live stronger for longer