It's entirely up to you to enjoy the magnificence of the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life to be your most empowering websites,
let's find one that's even more empowering... and if you can't find one... CREATE IT!!
Shortcuts to winning and shortcuts to succeeding.
Shortcuts for dating and shortcuts for parenting.
Shortcuts and more shortcuts is what you find at, where else,
the MisterShortcut Approach, empowering people to empower themselves.
Reach for the best in you with great shortcuts, see how quickly you shine.
Repeat the best in you and we all get see what humans are capable of, at their best.
Talk is cheap. Action is eveything. Fact of the matter is, if you knew better you'd do better.
The MisterShortcut Approach is all about the secrets and shortcuts of those who do.
Let's go for yours. Surely you're tired of mediocrity by now, hm?
Let's go for yours, because times is flashing past.
If the last one thousand days have excited you,
then just ignore this admonishment for now.
For those living without excitement,
time to talk less, and do more.