Simple Way To Figure The Biological Age of Your Heart at The MisterShortcut Approach
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Edta Chelation Studies

Suppository Chelation Protocol

Suppository Chelation FAQ

Use this chart to determine the biological age of your heart. 

You may want to print this chart out.

Take your blood pressure and subtract the lower number (diastolic) for the higher number (systolic) .   Take that number, and locate on the left (vertical) part of the chart.  Go across from that line, and make a mark where it intersects the curve on the graph.  Now draw a straight line down from that point to find your heart's biological age.  This may be years younger or older than your actual age.

Example:  Let's say that your blood pressure is 140 over 80.  140-80 = 60. 

Find 60 0n the left part of the graph, then go across to the curve, then down to find your heart's biological age of 62. 

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