MisterShortcut Approach WingRaves EyeCandy

The ringwaves are such a pleasure because,
like all art, there is comment within comment.

When we realize that, yes, here is the Star of David,
what appears to be a bound link of circling chain components,
like indentured, welded pieces who have no choice, no freedoms,
is, in reality, the sight of individuals who do stand solitarily,
each getting to fulfill his or her personal dance,
just as they contribute to the binding of the whole.

This is family.

Through all the changes and permutations we are assured of seeing in life,
the circle remains, the cycle of our lives,
everlasting and eternal even as it changes.

Welcome to one of the more empowering experiences you're likely to embark upon,
with more material from the lives and mouths of masters and millionaires,
than a dozen humans could read in a lifetime.   Every page is unique,
sometimes using different adjectives or exhortations versus suasion.

Each page is different for each of the humans who come to visit.
Three million minutes and beyond, as focused as passion empowers,
while battling unbalanced forces that focus erroneously,
because you're actually worth it, and worth more, too.
Use your MisterShortcut Approach to grow.
Grow yourself, friend, and don't wait.
Yesterday is history, and you know
tomorrow is a major mystery for us.
Today is a gift, in case you didn't know.
A twenty-four present, with 1,440 minutes,
also known as individual opportunities to excel.

If you really, truly knew better, you'd do it better.
Let masters and millionaires show you just how they did it,
how they do it, and how you are assured of achieving much more,
very, very rapidly on stronger legs, stronger foundations, stronger results,
based on the exact same shortcuts used by those who have done it, and are doing it,
rather better than you or I, she or he, because these are the masters of excellence.


Reach for the best in you, by starting today.
The MisterShortcut Approach has great expectations of you.
Eliciting more from your inner resources brings higher expectations.
Higher expectation repeatedly leads to higher productivity.   Yes, for you, too.
   IF you believe in yourself and your potential just one-tenth as much as Mister-Shortcut does,
 you're already committed to making today more of a day worth living, and enjoying.

The MisterShortcut Approach Only Works When You Do
Shortcuts and yet more shortcuts to success by succeeeding with simple shortcuts

Learning to be more effective is not so much a question of will as it is desire.
The MisterShortcut Approach does not, literally, win your success for you,
and still the MisterShortcut Approach does come with a guarantee,
as close to an absolute as humans can get: acceleration.
When you do it with more passion, you observe more.
When we see what's working well and what's not,
your confused road map becomes starkly clear,
your directions, your corrections transparent.
Use The MisterShortcut Approach For you,
or realize that someone else will, for you.

Today is the most powerful day of your life.
Since you cannot "re-do" any of your yesterdays,
why not compensate by making more of your today?

No one on this planet is likely to care as much as about you,
about how often and how well you succeed, than the face in your mirror.
If you brush your teeth three times a day, you've just found several extra minutes.
WHILE you're brushing your teeth, you can be mentally reciting affirmations or reminders,
you can be producing new ideas on how you're going to fulfill TODAY'S tasks just a bit better,
you can create entire new ideas and foundations for turning those ideas into reality.
Whatever it is that you do today, for those who wish to become masters,
for those with money on their minds, determined to become millionaires,
let it begin, if you haven't already done so, with this simple discipline.
Every time you go to the bathroom, there's another minute or more.
Stop using your mind to consider petty issues and desires!
Start thinking bigger and you will obtain bigger results.

Today is the most powerful day of your life.
Since you cannot "re-do" any of your yesterdays,
why not compensate by making more of your today?

No one on this planet is likely to care as much as about you,
about how often and how well you succeed, than the face in your mirror.
If you brush your teeth three times a day, you've just found several extra minutes.
WHILE you're brushing your teeth, you can be mentally reciting affirmations or reminders,
you can be producing new ideas on how you're going to fulfill TODAY'S tasks just a bit better,
you can create entire new ideas and foundations for turning those ideas into reality.
Whatever it is that you do today, for those who wish to become masters,
for those with money on their minds, determined to become millionaires,
let it begin, if you haven't already done so, with this simple discipline.
Every time you go to the bathroom, there's another minute or more.
Stop using your mind to consider petty issues and desires!
Start thinking bigger and you will obtain bigger results.