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This was the same federal judge who was observed by nearly twenty attorneys and defendants to fall asleep in court up to a hundred times during the course of a long and often-boring recitation of the financial cozenage of Bruce Gordon, publisher of Who's Who Worldwide, the same federal 2nd District Court judge who was heard uttering cryptic comments that left an entire courtroom scratching their heads -- on several occasions.

Yet, this is also the same sitting federal judge who allowed a jury to stay on-board and taint the other jury members with both unofficial AND official complaints that a female defendant in this trial automotively banged and damaged the juror's Mercedes Benz with the female defendant's own Mercedes Benz during the trial. After several days of complaints, notes, poisoning the other jury members, and requests for information on how to file claims on this separate matter, the federal judge finally released that juror from service, long after the damage was repeatedly and forcefully done to the jury's deliberations.

When a sitting juror's father dies, is it customary to release that juror from further service? Not when it happened during the Who's Who Worldwide case.

Six years after the seizure of all Who's Who Worldwide employees and assets, three years after the trial that found every defendant guilty, no appeals have been filed, no motions to set aside the often-bizarre rulings of this judge have been written or submitted.

Poof! In one day, in the glimpse of a single minute, the world's largest executive club was squashed flat. Questions arise from mind-goggling, boggling facts that are undeniable. For example, when Publisher's Clearinghouse and Family Publishers, and nine other of America's largest magazine publishers/clearinghouses were found to have actively and intentionally defrauded millions of Americans, were they not warned repeatedly, and ultimately fined up to tens of millions of dollars each…. Never losing a single day of business? Has Ed McMahon or Dick Clark ever been arrested for so cleverly defrauding their customers that some of them actually sold their belongings and travelled cross-country to collect their nonexistent million-dollar checks? Has Dionne Warwick every been arrested or charged with defrauding all those poor people paying up to four dollars per minute for phony psychic advice? Of course not.

When the U.S. Government believes a company is engaged in wrongdoing, do they not so advise the company? Does the government not seek to remedy the situation through corrective action? After eight years of record-shattering success, with approximately forty thousand repeat customers at the highest levels of corporate and institutional life in America, the U.S. Government never gave a hint or warning: in a single day they shuttered Who's Who Worldwide, the most successful, and by far the largest executive membership that has ever existed.

As far as this case is concerned, the U.S. Constitution might well have never been written or ratified. the more one examines the case, the more stunning its egregiosity is revealed to be. Can you imagine, for example, a defendant and attorney having no personal contact for up to two and three years at a stretch? One defendant has never once met with his attorney in the three years that has elapsed since trial. Not one word of appeal has been mailed, emailed, faxed or even verbally shared. The list of oddities is virtually endless.

This must be one for the books, because it's clearly not one for the career-sensitive members of the formerly vaunted Fourth Estate.




  The List     Transcript     USA's Best     Managing Directors     Dirty Jury?     Politics   
  The List     Transcript     USA's Best     Managing Directors     Dirty Jury?     Politics   
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Corrupt Definitions Of The MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life
When the Court is corrupt, where do upstanding citizens turn to for justice? Let us fix system this corrupt!

The MisterShortcut Approach, and Healthiest Secrets of Life, for that matter, note the regrettable current state of the judiciary in the U.S.
Where corruption may have been prevalent in the day of the proverbial "Wild West," where judges could easily be bought for gold, etc.,
one might fairly expect that the establishment by the turn of the 20th century of higher standards would have stuck with us, true?

Yet, one of the cornerstones of both MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life is to identify the best and the worst.
As the Who's Who Worldwide case so clearly and indisputably demonstrates, honesty in the judiciary has become dicier.
From a judge falling asleep well over a hundred times in a single trial, missing transparently exculpatory testimony,
to the Court's repeated failures to safeguard something of a litany of constitutional imperatives and safeguards,
to the jury member attesting in open court to egregious examples of "undue pressure" applied in jury deliberations,
the Who's Who Worldwide case is yet another demonstration of the exigency of need in addressing judicial corruption.

Admittedly, "corrupt" is a very strong term to use with respect to events in a federal trial in this day and age.
Those who live by the standards of the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life, adhering to them,
can hardly deny that Arthur Spatt could hardly claim to be a paradigm of probity and neutral judicial oversight.

With respect to corrupt proceedings, corrupt individuals, and corrupt outcomes, this case is quite a standout.

If YOU are a subscriber to the ethics, secrets, and methods of the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life,
you are invited to speak up. Those who tolerate iniquity can hardly claim to be less culpable than who commits it.