Reaching for the best in you, with pleasure and learning combined.
It is hoped you find the MisterShortcut Approach to be your most delicious website.

Welcome to the world's largest private website.
Shapelinks are filled with hotlinks that exclusively lead to MisterShortcut web pages.
As the largest body of work by a single human in all of recorded history,
The MisterShortcut Approach was created to be free for your life.
When we enjoy learning, that learning tends to stick.

Hence, the EyeCandy and the Shapelinks and treats.

Wave your mouse to discover EyeCandy at all 1000 of the websites known as Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts.
You will also find that your keyboard is uniquely powerful at these sites... (go ahead, type any letter or number)
Look for hidden PowerGems that boost all your results.

Many of these sites are hosted with smaller companies, many expected to go out of business.
 As of today, there are more than a thousand Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites,
each and every one by Mister-Shortcut, Godfather of Online EyeCandy
one million unique web pages and beyond,
with treats and visual surprises: EyeCandy,
all here for your life.

Try and Imagine
- - Each of the millions of careful selections --
on each of 1,000,000+ pages
-- all by MisterShortcut --
- - all for you - -
- with love -

Feed a starving, hurting kid today, NO CHARGE to you.
Corporate sponsors buy over a cup of food for your clicks.                                  Nice... saving a life with clicks!

So, is this delicious enough for you? It's been no less than delicious creating it for you.

Perhaps the most important point of the MisterShortcut Approach is that what you know means little to any of us.
It is you DO with what you know that fascinates us.
Do more with what you know.
Your efforts toward success WILL accelerate significantly.

All these, and many hundreds of other websites with up to five thousand and more pages each,
with dozens of websites that have up to fifteen to twenty thousand and more pages each,
along with tens of thousands of pieces of the digital art we call Shapelinks EyeCandy,
add to the vast body of work known as "Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts."
Each of these hundreds of thousands of pages and more, are all for you,
each produced discretely for you by Mister-Shortcut for your success,
with the MisterShortcut Approach,
and its best shortcuts.
All for you.

The MisterShortcut Approach and
are part of the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires,
the internet's wealthiest websites.... more importantly, they strive to be...
YOUR wealthiest websites for succeeding faster with shortcuts.

EyeCandy and Shapelinks, Towerlinks and WingRaves, and so much more,
all are designed to engage your interest because learning that is fun tends to stick.

EyeCandy is just the beginning, to draw your interest to the MisterShortcut Approach,
pursuing the best of your untapped potential, developing better, faster results.
Then and only then will you be in a position to profoundly help the world.

In return for helping you to become the giant you were born to be,
your contract is accepted for you to remember whence you came,
that you did not attain such inspiring achievements all alone,
and understand that the more you reach down to help people up,
the more you advance your own cause, your own set of pursuits.

Look down on someone only when you reach down to help them up.
The payoff is huge.     Go ahead, feed a hungrier person today,
and you'll have earned your first lessons at the MisterShortcut Approach.

Make it happen.   After all, it's your life.
It's quite literally YOUR MisterShortcut Approach.
What you do with what you know makes us want to be more like you.

All to help you to help yourself,
to empower you to empower yourself.
Look beyond the Shapelinks and other EyeCandy to find your PowerGems,

"Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts."
produced for you by MisterShortcut for your success,
with the MisterShortcut Approach,
and its best shortcuts.
All for you.

The MisterShortcut Approach and
are part of the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires,
the internet's wealthiest websites.... more importantly, they strive to be...
YOUR wealthiest websites for succeeding faster with shortcuts.