Castles in the air are achievable,
as long as we build foundations beneath them, hm?
The MisterShortcut Approach, free for your life,
because you're worth it.
The MisterShortcut Approach Showing us what YOU can do is better than telling us what you can do.
The MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Champions, created for you by the Godfather of Shortcuts, the Godfather of EyeCandy,
If you're looking for the most beautiful website or the most beautiful websites in the world,
you may or may not be in the right place,
Some of us believe the MisterShortcut Approach is one of the most beautiful websites in the world if not The most beautiful website in the world.
The MisterShortcut Approach is comprised of several million pieces, including many tens of thousands of original EyeCandy work by Mister-Shortcut.Whether or not it is indeed the most beautiful website in the world,
or one of the most beautiful websites in the world, ultimately, that's for you to decide.
Mister-Shortcut, however, is sure that Mister-Shortcut has created the world's most beautiful websites,
because you're worth the fifty thousand hours and beyond that the Godfather of EyeCandy has invested.
Without wishing to offend any of the search engines, it is hoped that all the rules are followed properly,
in order to make the MisterShortcut Approach one of, or rather, MANY of... the world's most beautiful websites.
Welcome to the world's most exciting and empowering website,
The MisterShortcut Approach, with Mr_Shortcut
Reach for the best in you, by starting today.
Asking more from yourself in any effort leads to higher expectations.
Higher expectations always and without fail lead to higher productivity.
If you believe in you just one-tenth as much as Mr-Shortcut does,
you're already committed to making today a bit more exciting,
a bit more filled with a determination to excel.
YOU determine the value of the MisterShortcut Approach,
just as you determine the value... or lack... in each day.
MrShortcut welcomes you to the world's most exciting and empowering website,
The MisterShortcut Approach is larger than any human can ever review alone...
Go ahead and tap any keyboard character
(upper- OR lower-case) for another Mister Shortcut website of empowerment and EyeCandy
If you're thrilled with everything in your life, change nothing.
If you are not thrilled with at least most of your life,
use the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life, your most empowering websites.
The MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires, the MisterShortcut Approach of Champions and Billionaires,
the MisterShortcut Approach of those who live stronger for longer