The Art of Politics     -   Let's Clean House, hm?

Let a new voice be heard. Let a newer generation of intelligent negotiators handle internecine conflict in order to get past this horrible time in our history. Unity in the face and presence of opposition is one of the vital and therefore irreplaceable foundations of any victory.

Elevating such achievement into the ranks of mutual victory, with definable reciprocity of interest and benefit, has only rare precedent to recommend Israel as a likely survivor into the next decade and the next, and the next, to a day when parents can send their school to children with a lower probability of that horrid phone call or official car pulling up in front. So foolish it is to be taking the long and winding road when there are human beings alive today who are not going to die in their beds. It is unnecesary, and directly reflects selfishness on the part of so many party leaders, on all sides of the aisle. Voters who do not directly fire these people at the ballot booth

We all agree that there is strength in unity, we recognize and assent to its vitality, and yet the differences of opinion that comprise this most unique of elected legislative bodies in the modern world. Maybe it's too pat, too trite or hackneyed, to say "Too many cooks spoil the broth." Even if it's applicable here, we'll set it aside, next to, "too many chiefs, not enough Indians." When each party in the Knesset expresses its putatively collective view, objective observers remind us that the view is not necessarily that of its constituency while inevitably expressing the views of that party's leadership.

In the U.S., many hundreds of groups exert their opinions through lobbyists and other ultimately distasteful professionals who rarely give more than lip service's value to their own representations. All those different groups within each given country that profess to "represent our specific constituency's very specific needs and interests" do so at the expense of speedy effective resolution containing reciprocity of interest and mutuality of interest. A wise individual posited that the fastest way to globality of benefit is to ensure regionality of benefit which is fostered by nationality of benefit, the direct child of community benefit, which is a tasty result of family profit.

So let's tie all this together, based on the precise thinking of no small number of history's most effective teachers. When we can have a cohesive productive family, then and only then can we form an effective union as a nation

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