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Because of his expertise in naturopathic medicine, ayurveda, homeopathy, and so many forms of technology,
MisterShortcut has seen too much evidence to equivocate. There are scores and scores of natural approaches that are making better progress than chemically-based approaches, safter and healthier in helping so many people to heal themselves naturally:
Applying every technology and approach consecutively
until positive results are observed,
it's important to see the value of this approach.
Never a side effect or injury, just natural healing with 30 yrs of study and wisdom
combined with a broad range of ultra-modern technology
Biosyntony (Biosyntonic Relaxation Therapy)
has astonished many people, more than a few of whom actually fell asleep on the table!
A highly effective relaxation therapy predicated on
massive reduction of the effects of electromagnetic pollution
BioSyntony 1 - Biosyntonic Relaxation Therapy |
BioSyntony 2 |
BioSyntony 3 |
BioSyntony 4 |
BioSyntony 5 |
BioSyntony 6 |
BioSyntony Overview
Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicine on earth
at least the oldest formal system of medicine
You're invited to learn more here, so that you may live more,
compliments of MisterShortcut
The MisterShortcut Approach means END OF LAME EXCUSES. As Artie Marzig unerringly posed, "There are thousands of excuses for failure; only one reason"
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