Great.. Or Simple? In a typical 19-hour day with
callers and travelers from as far as California and Israel, Las Vegas and
London, most either begin or end up speaking to Dr. Cohen personally. When
asked why he doesn't just let a secretary screen calls he shrugs his shoulders
with a wry smile and quietly says, "Some people are shy. I like to take
the calls." With his frthe Psychology of
Longevity network of websites spreading across the world in servers on five
continents, all these hundreds of thousands of uniquely attractive web pages appear
focused on helping people to help themselves rather than the typical
huckster-like approach we’ve all come to recognize. With fun or
easy-to-remember internet addresses, the growth in popularity of the
“Longevity ” websites has moved into a half million and more visitors per month. Besides the SpectraVision, this
interesting blend of homeopathic healer and naturopathic Doctor.USes a stunning
array of technology, trying and discarding boxes of equipment that don't
produce sufficiently consistent results to earn his recommendation. The few that make it into his
chosen circle all have a couple of things in common. Although most of them do
work most of the time helping the body to regain its natural healthy balance,
none of them works 100 percent of the time, which makes it unfair and strictly
improper to make claims or guarantees. The high rate of success justifies its
use. Secondly, none of his machines or
devices are invasive or do damage, nor do they contain synthetic chemicals.
Taken together, the pattern of success takes on a more mathematical or
scientific flavor. The foundation of his success
weighs heavily towards the intense precision of the SpectraVision, and his
expertise in relating the huge number of responses from your body into one
intelligent picture. The SpectraVision, a computer-based
program, measures the energy level of every organ and tissue in the body, and
how that organ or tissue responds to the electrical signature of more than
10,000 different substances. No pain, no drugs, no surgery, no invasions, no
undressing, just technology added to the wisdom of wide experience. For people with chronic pain or
just not responding to conventional medicine, or maybe worse, not even
successfully diagnosed because so-called specialists insist they see nothing
wrong, again and again we see David Cohen using 30 years of study and
application and combining it with technology's useful gifts, to help people to
help themselves, naturally. How many doctors, allopathic or naturopathic, can
claim that people walk out the door happier, healthier, or both, within a
single visit or two? He loves to work with hard cases,
especially children. About the only thing that a kid cannot be expected to do
is grow a new arm if they needed one. Short of that, children have survived and
thrived over virtually every disease and disorder that mankind has been
presented with. Never
underestimate the power of your child, which extends to mean do not ever think
of underestimating the power of the child within you that has the ability to
include appropriate attitudes of belief that you will regain your health as
long as you're using the most effective steps available to you. Death and taxes are the only guaranteed things in
this life. Close to that comes the assurance that Dr. Cohen does not wish to
see your attractive face more than a few times, so he's going to do everything
possible to get you to heal yourself with natural methods and nutrients at the
most efficient natural level. {He might have to sit with you for three hours
yelling at you to take this or that, but not to worry, he’s not as curmudgeonly
as he tries to appear. Like most tyrants, he’s a pussycat underneath. } He works for a nonprofit organization and rarely takes a salary
check. Don't call him for curiosity sake, the internet has provided plenty of
those, thank you. This is about those people who are missing out on living
longer and stronger, living happier and healthier, who need the services of
someone who believes in trying multiple natural approaches based on what has
already worked. For those of you who fit into this, feel free to call. You'll
probably get “Doc” yourself. |
You win the game of life by living well. Keep things simple.
With hundreds of thousands of dead patients every year,
the only person willing to claim that medicine works,
is the individual who has an interest in saying so.
That's tough for you to accept. We understand.
Your IQ is what, 80, 90, 100 or thereabouts?
The MisterShortcut Approach is different.
Based on the findings of smart folks,
people with IQ's above 150 - 180.
Stop feeling insulted by this;
call it a quirk of birth.
Fact is, those who do better
are the people who know better.
By tapping into what THEY know better,
you multiply the chances of YOU living better,
living stronger for longer with more robust health.
You think you know more than Paul Newman, saintly human?
Forget the thousands of charities this amazing man has given to.
Just consider his announcement just after his eightieth happy birthday:
"As of next year, I will no longer compete in professional car racing anymore."
Whew! Do you even understand the physical requirements of professional car racing?
Never mind the mental demands; the physical demands alone are beyond what you do daily.
So, when one like Paul Newman speaks about being so active after several consecutive decades,
does it not make sense for the rest of us to hush up and listen to the wisdom coming from a wise man?
You win the game of life by living well. Keep things simple.
With hundreds of thousands of dead patients every year,
the only person willing to claim that medicine works,
is the individual who has an interest in saying so.
That's tough for you to accept. We understand.
Your IQ is what, 80, 90, 100 or thereabouts?
The MisterShortcut Approach is different.
Based on the findings of smart folks,
people with IQ's above 150 - 180.
Stop feeling insulted by this;
call it a quirk of birth.
Fact is, those who do better
are the people who know better.
By tapping into what THEY know better,
you multiply the chances of YOU living better,
living stronger for longer with more robust health.
You think you know more than Paul Newman, saintly human?
Forget the thousands of charities this amazing man has given to.
Just consider his announcement just after his eightieth happy birthday:
"As of next year, I will no longer compete in professional car racing anymore."
Whew! Do you even understand the physical requirements of professional car racing?
Never mind the mental demands; the physical demands alone are beyond what you do daily.
So, when one like Paul Newman speaks about being so active after several consecutive decades,
does it not make sense for the rest of us to hush up and listen to the wisdom coming from a wise man?
Between ninety-five and one hundred percent of all males will, at some point or another,
experience enlargement of the prostate gland. It is hard to escape gravity, frankly.
Saw palmetto works almost instantly for roughly seventy percent of all men.
Your best health tip is to make sure it is CONCENTRATED saw palmetto.
Betasitesterol works for approximately eighty percent of all males.
Using these two relatively inexpensive, perfectly safe remedies,
you'll heal yourself naturally at a tiny percent of the Rx cost.
Why are many using approaches with horrible side effects?
Used together, saw palmetto and betasitosterol,
both of which are natural and inexpensive,
provides relief for about 100% of all men.
Think twice before you go to an M.D.
The good ones have little money,
the bad ones collect plenty.
They're better at money
than at good healing.
So, heal yourself.
Do it naturally.
Top doctors are those who use Healthiest Secrets of Life and medicines
before turning to toxic pharmaceutical approaches.
When we learn how to be our own top doctors, we will ALL live stronger for longer