With the added interactivity of Shapelinks and MasterLinks, Towerlinks and RaveWings, WingRaves, RaveWings, and so much more, the body of EyeCandy art created by the putative Godfather of EyeCandy is the first body of art ever created with many thousands of hand-crafted colors, each more delicious than human eyes have seen before.
Those who do better, know better.
Take these million unique pages of shortcuts, millions of unique digital art pages,
hundreds of thousands of similar or near-mirror pages created for you,
and learn how much more you have inside of you, waiting.
After reading just a book or two per day each day,
you, too, will find magic happening quickly.
A thousand days unto a thousand.
Or, you can use these shortcuts.
The greatest shortcuts of all.
Masters and millionaires,
champions, billionaires.
Since they do better,
they know better.
They do it how?
Shortcuts !
Yes, you can read a book or two per day. I did; sometimes several per day.
As the hundreds of days of your life become many thousands, waves of wisdom wash over you and inside of you.
The MisterShortcut Approach tries to shove the entire benefit of at least one or more great books,
sometimes hidden right there in plain sight throughout the MisterShortcut Approach,
on each and every page. That's how great PowerGems actually are,
how grateful we have to be for those who share the secrets.
Every day, remind yourself that PowerGems work.
They are universal shortcuts that apply to everything.
Surgeon or sawmill operator, or housewife or sales rep.
PowerGems are shortcuts that work absolutely and always.
There is usually one catch to every great piece of true power.
Each PowerGem requires at least one hundred repetitions to double.
In every single case, you're guaranteed to double and perhaps redouble.
Whatever you define as "results" in your life, you are assured of a doubling.
Did you know that you can take one piano lesson, all alone, in a few minutes,
that obviates the need for the next one hundred or more lessons from a teacher?
Did you know that you can be instructed long-distance over a radio how to operate?
You can be operating on a freezer, a child, or yourself. Shortcuts save time and money.
Granted, you haven't yet understood beyond superficially that money is thoroughly replaceable,
yet you work harder to recover what someone has stolen than you do in earning it anew. We know.
All of this as you waste thousands of your most precious of all possessions, your irreplaceable minutes,
every week or month of your life. Waitley and Canfield sent electifying reminders of how we major in minors.
Investing in the MisterShortcut Approach five minutes per day is likely to present you with multiple profit streams.
Best of all, the MisterShortcut Approach is designed to be free for your life, simply because you are worth the effort.
You now tap into true power.
The benefits and payoffs are going to astound you.
Yes, even you.