Great questions yield great answers.
Petty questions yield petty answers.
Every human being asks thousands upon thousands of questions per day, MANY thousands, mostly within their minds.
Asking better questions means getting better answers for those consistently outproducing those around them - thanks to shortcuts.
The way to separate yourself from others, the fast way to separate from the unproductive side of you. is to take control.
Every human has one last freedom and control, the freedom to feel. When you base your questions on how you feel,
when you engage your internal MisterShortcut Approach, allowing yourself freedom to think without opinions,
notice that you "get" the answers that appeal to your feelings. Recognizing this now is most of the battle.
The second step is to consciously, and with consideration aforethought, ask yourself better questions.
Along with directly asking people for what you want more than anyone else around you is doing,
this two-step PowerGem is fairly warranted to produce results for you that are better and faster.
No need to wait months and years to get stronger, these powers are made instant for you.
Great questions produce great answers; greater questions yield even greater answers.
Right now we already know you are asking petty questions and we have solid proof.
We know you're asking petty questions because you're getting petty results.
Those petty results are the direct result of getting petty answers.
As just noted, petty answers come from asking petty questions.
No one has any idea why you're wasting great power in you
and no one, least of all the child inside of you, cares.
What we do care about, what we do admire about you,
is your ability to do more with what you already know,
rather than telling us so repeatedly what it is you know.
Do more of what you know, instead of telling us what you know.
What you do speaks so loudly we cannot hear a word you're saying.
Taking control of the questions you ask leads to much better answers.
The MisterShortcut Approach urges you to ask yourself greater questions.
The MisterShortcut Approach is brought to you by the word "NOW!"
Fill your pockets with shortcuts at the . Designed with love of your potential by the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You These are the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the best, and provably YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding. Enjoy, the MisterShortcut Approach is free for your life to empower your life. |