Lincoln, Churchill, Kennedy, all worried greatly about greatness. So can you.
If you accept that any and every task can be broken into one hundred pieces,
having the audacity to believe you certainly will achieve all one hundred,
is no less than twenty percent of your work is already fully achieved.
Stop arguing with those who are doing it better than the rest of us.
Those who do it the best know it the best and show it the best.
Greatness is nearly as fast as identifying your greatness.
What must you be great at? Who else does it serve?
If you're out to serve only yourself, never mind,
the MisterShortcut Approach is not for you.
For those seeking the highest levels of sweet happiness,
MisterShortcut has ridden limos, flown and walked barefoot.
At the end of the day, the limos smell bad and don't remember.
The more you excel at at a job, the more benefits accrue, laterally.
It means that literally everything in your life expands and multiplies.
Your material needs, however petty, should never become too selfish.
Isaac Newton was incredibly bright. Sorry, but he knew better than you.
Whatever you send out is what you get back, often multiplied many times.
If you accept that a bigger foundation builds a bigger house, smile and nod.
More than eighty percent of all living humans who can understand these words,
are too profoundly stupid to do more than smile and nod at words of great wisdom.
Tragic, still true, proven by people who think diamonds have consumer value or use,
or pay a hundred times the cost of a garment just because it has someone's name on it.
Greatness specifically begins at the instant of knowing what it is you need to be great at.
When there is more in it for you than a dollar, anything for you, in fact, BUT those dollars,
you find yourself arising in a better mood, more excited about which you're being great at.
The process itself becomes the daily reality, because acting it a thousand times makes truth.
Doing great is being great: the thought becomes a process for actuality. Start thinking great.
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You knew the MisterShortcut Approach as a child. Practice. It will come back to you.
Greatness is in you. Greatness is you.
The seed is known as goodness,
next to godliness,
maybe the same.
Goodness is indeed Godness.
Godness is goodness.
Be good. Be great.
Greatness and shortcuts. Whew! Such power.