You think you had it rough or something? The sound I remember best from childhood is the squishy sound that my mother's shoe made as she pulled it out of my head just seconds after burying it there. You're being asked to help prevent any other children from having to hear that sound or be able to physically feel that sound because it's so intimately... ah, you don't want to hear all that. Nor is there much profit for you to ask why my mother wished that it was her son and not one of her daughters who'd died three weeks earlier. Where you can profit on this information is realizing that your situation is neither unique, nor as horrible as you think. A hundred thousand and more citizens minding their own business, suddenly dead because an American felt it was appropriate to kill every one of them in order to get to one of them. FAnother fifty thousand women and children missing an arm or a leg, "all for a good cause." A couple of thousand American soliders, "all brave men and women who died for their country." Thirty thousand American men and women missing an arm or a leg, all of whom have to pay for their meals while waiting for a new limb to be re-attached prior to being sent back into battle. All of this "to defend the principles of freedom," although few things could be further from the truth.