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Healthiest Secrets of Life Entryway

Health Tips For better, longer living
The Psychology of Naturopathy from Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires success shortcuts

from the individual humans who are already living the fruits of their own MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life

Keep in mind that the Healthiest Secrets of Life does not extend your life.
The Healthiest Secrets of Life teaches us how to extend our own lives, naturally.

Learn from people doing it better than you. Identify what you want to be best at.
Find people who REPEATEDLY perform in that area at world-class levels. Imitate them, and you will imtate their results.
This not a "SOME OF THE TIME" PowerGem. Master success shortcuts succeed persistently for whosoever persists.
Reach for more in yourself, and you will see the world reaching more for you, as well. doing it!! PowerGems - Masters and Millionaires, how to succeed with successful health shortcuts.

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  Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!    Remember 911day.  

Best Healthy tips for healthier, better, longer living.
Health conveys very lousy health, or health can be terrifically good health.
Outside of both chemical and electrical pollution, both of them serious,
good health can be boosted into excellent health, by your decisions.
The better your decisions, the better our results tend to be, right?
Better decisions regarding better health is matter of imitation.
Imitating those who live stronger for longer, and naturally.
When you see mostly unbroken patterns of success,
it is a scientific event which is known as a "recipe."
Never, ever eat cooked food without digestive aids.
By age 21 or so, your capacity to produce HCL slows.
By fifty and sixty, you produce so little, you do not digest.
Weight gain, gas, bloat, are all functions of failed digestion.
HCL (betaine hydrochloride), natural and beet-based is best,
with a tomato-based potassium activator, any of many sources.
Hundreds of companies sell HCL, you just need to stick to natural.
That's the toughest, because anything from a dead source is dead.
Only substances derived from a once-living source can ever benefit.
This is one of the delightful secrets of life, a gift for you making it here.
When you have adequate HCL levels, your lips do not become chapped.
Plus, you no longer form placque on the inside of your lower front teeth.
If your bones tend to crackle, watch what happens when your HCL is right.
Animals with short transit times, two hours or less, can digest cooked foods.
Humans need many hours to try to digest meat, and meat rots in only two hours.
Sorry, you do not have the digestive system for an animal intended to eat fleshes.
Funny that fruits and vegetables, especially with air-dried sea salt and unheated oils,
digests and nutrifies in just a matter of minutes, as meat just rots over the many hours.
Good health and better health are almost completely a result of your daily food decisions.
If you want the best health, stop eating wallpaper paste, because it is triples the rate of aging.
You eat many pounds of wallpaper paste each year, and it is time for you to relinquish this practice.
There are only two ingredients needed for wallpaper paste: flour and water. Never eat glue if you can.

Go for your best health possible by making little decisions such as trading over-heated salt for air-dried sea salt.
More air into your lungs, more water through your kidneys, more oils to oil your bones and skin from the inside out.

Live the best health secrets and shortcuts of for they serve the best of us,
those people who get to live not only more years, more years of better, sweeter health and Longevity.

Perhaps more than any other web site, you will find more of the best health tips and health-promoting methods and techniques.
Getting healthier by taking control of your health decisions, staying healthier, living longer,
is a simple matter of using the same shortcuts used by masters millionaires champions and billionaires.
Why argue with success? Why are you debating the people who are doing it better?
These shortcuts produce fast results for those who put these shortcuts to use.
Healthy tips for longer better living, healthier lifestyles and greater quality of life.
When you combine Bodyscan2010 with , you get instant, perfect accuracy.
All the naysayers in the world can flap their gums, you get instant, irrefutable evidence of your body.
Your body does not lie, and when you invest the time to learn about QRA, you will be pleased.
turns professors and surgeons into silent beings, unable to refute their eyes.
Seeing is believing, and anytime you get to learn a tool that teaches you how to test food and drink, etc,
you have in your possession something worth a bit more than a thousand medical appointments combined.

Modified repetition is for the top-notch search engine wizards looking for excellently designed free websites
that give healthy tips for longer better living, information on extending Longevity, to live younger longer healthier.
As well, these Healthiest Secrets of Life web pages, throughout all of the Psychology of Longevity websites are focused on the best methods and health tips for extending Longevity.-- MORE air, water, never-heated oil, bulk, minerals, probiotics, and laughter.

THESE are the superfoods of life that help extend longevity.

The Healthiest Secrets of Life is based on the methods of those living stronger for longer.
There are peole who speak more, and there are those who speak less and do more.
Such role models are prime inspiration for the Healthiest Secrets of Life websites.

The Healthiest Secrets of Life includes great info on subjects such as homeopathic medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy,
bionetic biofeedback, galvanic skin resistance bodyscans, ayurvedic, ayurveda, and much more healthier information, including
It is ridiculous to put your health and very life into the hands of those with financial interests.
WHATEVER your health challenge, you certainly CAN learn one or two new facts per day.
Each day, you become more knowledgeable, which tends to produce your better decisions.

This is a direct suggestion for you to learn more, so that you can live more... naturally.
In one hundred days of learning one or two or three new facts each day, you win.
At the very least, you become far more knowledgeable than any dozen doctors.
The more you learn, the better your decisions tend to be. Is that enough?
Longevity, better Longevity, is more of a choice than a matter of chance.
Better and stronger Longevity is the result of repeated simple decisions.

The Healthiest Secrets of Life urges you to learn more, so you can live more.


Dr. David Cohen, naturopathic doctor extraordinaire, best most effective naturopathic doctor in America.
Welcome to the Healthiest Secrets of Life and MisterShortcut Approach,
packed with the secrets of Champions Billionaires Masters and Millionaires,
the Most Self-Empowering Website Online, with over 1,000,000 unique pages by MrShortcut.

Enjoy and benefit from those doing it better than you've been doing.

Might even be a good idea to take a look at the Bodyscan2010, or Rife Technology, or QXCI, or so many other great natural remedies.

Look, and decide for yourself based on better information from champions and billionaires and MrShortcut with YOUR successful shortcuts to longer, healthier, more youthful living.

living younger longer, Longevity,psychology of naturopathy and shortcuts.

Visit daily to or weekly, monthly, annually, etc.
Live your own sense of each day, each week, etc.
In other words, you can excel once per year, once per month, once per day, and so on.
Make the best decisions such as keeping your poor kidneys hydrated to keep them working.
Best health comes from the best decisions, so often learned from the best of people around us.

It tends to pay nicely when we heed and imitate the people who are doing something best of all.

The Healthiest Secrets of Life is a gift to you, with a real, a big string attached: You must help the helpless.
Enjoy these myraids of unique pages, ... all by MrShortcut....
... and all for you,
promoting the expansion of YOUR Longevity,
your better, stronger, happier Longevity... all-naturally.

Since this IS one of the health index pages for
it is only fair to make sure you leave this page with powerful information,
specifically focused on extending your better Longevity, all-naturally.

Perhaps higher than all other secrets of Longevity, and promoting that better Longevity,
is the secret of the five most basic and magical secrets of life and living and thriving.

Water, oil, salt, bulk, and bacteria.

An ounce or two of water every hour you're awake. Your skin alone will convince you this is a great idea.

Oil means good oils, such as raw olive oil, raw coconut oil, raw sesame oil, for bones and brains and more.
Salt does NOT mean that horrid, over-heated trash salt in the supermarket with the childhood memorieis.
SALT means air-dried sea salt, at least a spoonful every day of your life, in water, in food, as you like.
Bulk is the food of fiber, cleaning you out as if you were swalling an all-natural washcloth to scrub with.
Bacteria? A health adult has an average of seven pounds of good bacteria within their intestines.
Eighty percent of your immune system is located in your intestines, so be sure to get good bacteria.
KEFIR - Find yourself kefir in the nearest Russian deli. Along with good bacteria, kefir has good sugars,
the kind of healing sugars that make all the difference in the world when recovering from injuries.

Live stronger for longer by engaging these simple secrets of Longevity, a better quality of Longevity.
Embrace the Healthiest Secrets of Life and you will find the Healthiest Secrets of Life embracing you.