Holy this, holy that,
tell me what's holy,
it can fit in a hat.
Holy to you and holy to me,
holy obtains from inner history.
Nothing is holy, and nothing is sacred,
Nothing lasts longer than the sirens of Satan.
Holy is as holy does, did you think it warm, wrapped in fuzz?
Those who look holy, so rarely are, and you know this is true only from afar,
for once you get close and wrapped in emotion, truth gets eviscerated all in one stroking.
Bespeaking the beards and the big fat bellies, these are the ones to be cast out as "Smellies."
Twisting the words of the few and the wise, the good and the just and the caring,
not one of these fat ones can be accused, of fighting to be counted among the sharing.
Holy people look for holy reasons to be wholly holy, even when it means holy solely.
All the dreams of holy needs are wrought from ever-holy seeds, by each of holy human creeds.
Look for the holy, all for the best, that counts among your greatest tests.
Holy is here and holy is there, since holy starts and ends quite everywhere.
The MisterShortcut Approach On Who Dares To Be Holy
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Indeed, for you who dares to be holy, holy is as holy does... ten thousand times.
That's what makes it holy.
MisterShortcut Poetry - This One On The Holy
Holy this, holy that,
tell me what's holy,
firmly rooted in fact.
Holy to you and holy to me,
holy is but each inner history.
What's really that holy, or all that sacred?
What has lasted longer than the sirens of Satan?
Holy is as holy does, did you think it warm and all wrapped in fuzz?
Those who look holy, so rarely are, and you know this is true only from afar,
for once you get close and wrapped in emotion, truth gets eviscerated all in one stroking.
Bespeaking the beards and the big fat bellies, these are the ones to be cast out as "Smellies."
In twisting the words of the few and the wise, the good and the just and the caring,
not one of these fat ones can be accused, of fighting to be counted among the sharing.
Holy people look for holy reasons to be wholly holy, even when it means holy solely.
All the dreams of holy needs are wrought from ever-holy seeds, by each of holy human creeds.
Look for the holy, all for the best, that counts among your greatest tests.
Holy is here and holy is there, since holy starts and ends quite everywhere.
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