Best Shortcuts because it's time for YOU to begin succeeding faster with resources you do not need to buy, because they're already at your disposal
Prepare yourself for energy and excellence with most exciting journey a human can take...   ... the journey into your own excellence
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    Free Instant Magical Power and Powers - compliments of Masters and Millionaires  
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    Another fantastic free computer lesson on great shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions ...  
Another fantastic free computer lesson with Mister-Shortcut on great shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires. PowerGems. Computer keyboard shortcuts with Mister-Shortcut. Learn more ...
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    More Fantastic Masterlinks Pages for the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires  

How could one man have built millions and millions of links to so many tens of thousands of individual, unique web pages? Use these great shortcuts for YOUR accelerated success at the MisterShortcut Approach. Free for your life, of course. This particular site in memory of Mr. Sheldon Silver, a wonderful man, may he rest in peace, whom Mrs. Feige Jacobson admitted to killing because "his daughter can't get married with him running around Crown Heights with his underwear over his suit. He was an embarassment."   No investigation because the police were never told he was dead. To this day, they still do not know.

Despite laying dead on his bedroom floor for nineteen hours because of Orthodox Jewish law which says a dead body cannot be touched or moved on Shabbas, no doctor ever examined him. The doctor who signed his death certificate merely peered in the hearse's tinted windows to see that there was a dead body in there. At no time did the doctor open the vehicle door or otherwise perform a proper identification. No cause of death was ever investigated. This was the first death Mrs. Jacobson bragged about personally accomplishing in her bizarre home; it was not the first brutal death that went uninvestigated by the authorities.

May the warm and extraordinarily generous memory of the honorable Sheldon Silver live on forever. He was such a good man, and it was a privilege to be his companion and helper. • Related Pages 
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        MisterShortcut Approach to Success from Masters and Millionaires - self-empowerment improvement  
The MisterShortcut Approach. Successful shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions billionaires. Free for your life. ... the greatest shortcuts of top achievers | Today is the most powerful day of your life. Let's use it well, let us fill it with shortcuts of masters and millionaires, which are most assuredly the MisterShortcut Approach... Now it s YOUR time to shine • Related Pages 
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The MisterShortcut Approach, rich with wealth shortcuts and more,
and focusing on living stronger for longer,
are dedicated to the development of your potential and excellence... to Longevity
exist because you are a valuable, important human being.
Fact is, there is a mathematical need to recognize, like it or not,
that you may be one of the thousand of each generation,
one thousand very unique humans,
who truly change the world. Join the Godfather of Shortcuts.
Let's find out just how great you will become.     Mister-Shortcut VI     MisterShortcut.US     Mister-Shortcut VIII    

Make the most of the great shortcuts you know, or can quickly learn.
The more we know, the longer and stronger we tend to live.
Dare to reach out for more. If YOU don't reach out for more,
there's little chance someone will offer it to you.
It's your turn to shine, to win, to smile more.

MisterShortcut Approach birthing The MisterShortcut Approach
What else can we find at the MisterShortcut Approach ?
Good question.

Develop more of who you are with the MisterShortcut Approach.

Look for hundreds of thousands of additional pages hand-crafted by the mind-blowing MisterShortcut,
who, along with the MisterShortcut Approach, invites you to enjoy EyeCandy:
masterlinks pages and shapelinks and Tower of Health
all because I'm madly in love with your excellence. I KNOW that you were born to be a champion.
MisterShortcut Approach Alongside The MisterShortcut Approach
What else can we find at the MisterShortcut Approach ?
Good question.

Learn more in order to live more, at the MisterShortcut Approach,
where the best of your thinking is given room to breathe, expand, and experiment.
Doing things precisely as you are assures you of getting the same results again.
Improving the steps that you take on the way assures you of better results.
You will find that shortcuts work better when they're mentally supported.
In other words, it helps to believe that your efforts are succeeding.
Ala Henry Ford, who knew something about human excellence:
"Think you can, or think you can't; either way, you're right."
You know more than Henry Ford about achieving more?
If so, please do not tell us; we can hardly hear you:
SHOW US! Action is the loudest of statements.
What you can see can be brought to be.
Let's go for the best within YOU.

MisterShortcut literally crafted millions of uniques pages for your self-empowerment.

Follow your masterlinks pages and shapelinks and Tower of Health
all because I'm madly in love with your excellence. I KNOW that you were born to be a master.
EyeCandy is for your enjoyment, in hope your eyes will be pleased with these interactive treats,
encouraging you to find that fun in learning tends to double speed AND quality for each of us.
Countless millionaires have stated that these shortcuts helped them perform at world-class.

YOU are my hero, so please prove me right in the next hour or two. Talk less. Do more.

We will adore you, and follow you, too.

That'a a promise and a guarantee. built with love by the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
You are the living extension of the MisterShortcut Approach. Reach for excellence!

Many self-made millionaires have publicly stated that following these shortcuts helped them to produce phenomenally accelerated results.

Look for your hidden treats, because there are thousands of them hidden all and in plain sight.
over a million unique web pages by the Chairman of the Board AND President of YOUR fan club.
YOU are my hero, so please prove me right in the next hour or two. Talk less. Do more.
We will all adore you.
That'a a promise and a guarantee, from the man with your plan, the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You