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More Fantastic Masterlinks Pages for the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires How could one man have built millions and millions of links to so many tens of thousands of individual, unique web pages? Use these great shortcuts for YOUR accelerated success at the MisterShortcut Approach. Free for your life, of course. This particular site in memory of Mr. Sheldon Silver, a wonderful man, may he rest in peace, whom Mrs. Feige Jacobson admitted to killing because "his daughter can't get married with him running around Crown Heights with his underwear over his suit. He was an embarassment." No investigation because the police were never told he was dead. To this day, they still do not know. Despite laying dead on his bedroom floor for nineteen hours because of Orthodox Jewish law which says a dead body cannot be touched or moved on Shabbas, no doctor ever examined him. The doctor who signed his death certificate merely peered in the hearse's tinted windows to see that there was a dead body in there. At no time did the doctor open the vehicle door or otherwise perform a proper identification. No cause of death was ever investigated. This was the first death Mrs. Jacobson bragged about personally accomplishing in her bizarre home; it was not the first brutal death that went uninvestigated by the authorities. May the warm and extraordinarily generous memory of the honorable Sheldon Silver live on forever. He was such a good man, and it was a privilege to be his companion and helper.
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The MisterShortcut Approach, rich with wealth shortcuts and more, and focusing on living stronger for longer, are dedicated to the development of your potential and excellence... to Longevity
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It's your turn to shine, to win, to smile more.