Welcome to The MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life,
the world's most exciting website because it's all about YOU
from The Godfather of EyeCandy
All of these healthiest websites, filled with YOUR greatest shortcuts to health and wealth
exist because you are a valuable, important human being.
Fact is, there is a mathematical need to recognize, like it or not,
that you may be one of the thousand of each generation,
one thousand very unique humans,
who truly change the world. Join the Godfather of Shortcuts.
Let's find out just how great you will become.

MisterShortcut I     MisterShortcut II      MisterShortcut III     Success IV     MisterShortcut VI      Win More VII      Win More VIII

MisterShortcut IX     MisterShortcut XIII      MisterShortcut XIV      Mr. Shortcut XV     MisterShortcut XVI

MisterShortcut XVII      MisterShortcut XVIII      Success IXX      MisterShortcut XX    MisterShortcut XXI     MisterShortcut XXII

Today is the most powerful day of your life.
That makes it the best possible day to accelerate,
the best possible day to make a bigger and better difference.
The smartest way to begin such changes is, naturally, with a plan.
If you don't know exactly where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else.

You're urged to stop living your life by accident, based on other people's actions.
As it stands now, you are living only to make someone else's dream come true, provably.
When you punch that clock, you're serving someone else's dreams, goals, and interests.
When another human makes more money from your daily efforts than you yourself earn,
it's time to take a serious look at where we will see you several years from now.
You can only serve goals. That is a singular function of the human brain,
that it never, ever, ever works by accident or without goals.
That means you serve your own goals, or someone else's.
It's fine to serve someone else's goals in life,

Beyond a temporary situation or two,
it is NOT healthy to continue this.
You MUST make the decision to serve YOUR goals.
pursuing the best of your untapped inner potential,
developing better, faster results by taking better steps.
You might begin by first defining what your goals and dreams are.
That in itself puts you in a position to achieve bigger and better things.
In return for helping you to help yourself become the giant you were born to be,
your contract is accepted for you to remember there are ALWAYS people lower on the ladder,
and further, that no one gets to the top of their own ladder without the help of other people.
Look down on someone only when you reach down to help them up.     The payoff is huge.
So, Go ahead, feed a hungrier person today,
and you'll have moved up a notch at the MisterShortcut Approach.

The MisterShortcut Approach

You've reached the world's largest naturopathic website,
which may or may not include the right to think of it as the world's healthiest website.
Filled with the wealthiest and healthiest shortcuts of top winners and champions,
the secrets of those who live stronger longer,
it has been designed for your life, with Mr-Shortcut, the Godfather of EyeCandy

The MisterShortcut Approach is vast
IE users can tap any keyboard character to fly to another Mr-Shortcut website of empowerment and EyeCandy
Prepare yourself for energy and excellence with world's most exciting and empowering website,
the MisterShortcut Approach, with Mr_Shortcut
Reach for the best in you, by starting today.
Asking more from yourself in any effort leads to higher expectations.
Higher expectations always and without fail lead to higher productivity.
If you believe in you just one-tenth as much as Mr-Shortcut does,
you're already committed to making today a bit more exciting,
a bit more filled with a determination to excel.

YOU determine the value of the MisterShortcut Approach,
just as you determine the value... or lack... in each day.

MrShortcut welcomes you to the world's most exciting and empowering website,
The MisterShortcut Approach is larger than any human can ever review alone...

Go ahead and tap any keyboard character
(upper- OR lower-case) for another Mister Shortcut website of empowerment and EyeCandy

If you're thrilled with everything in your life, change nothing.

If you are not thrilled with at least most of your life,
use The MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life, your most empowering websites.

the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires, the MisterShortcut Approach,
The MisterShortcut Approach of those who live stronger for longer

The MisterShortcut Approach.

NO MATTER WHAT IT IS YOU WISH TO BUY, you can always find a better deal.
That doesn't mean driving yourself crazy over petty purchases, it means staying alert;
alert to opportunities all around us to generate money or to save money, especially in stores.
Printed price tags in stores are hardly inscribed in stone. Use your mental tools to get better prices.
For example, the more time a salesman spends with you, the more likely you can get him to drop the price.
No matter what he or she tells you, this is true more than eighty percent of the time. Use it to your advantage!.

If you can't think of three reasons for the seller to give you a discount, then try just one.
Try it a few times, making certain that you don't just lay down and accept a "No!".
Simply smile and give them another reason to give you a discount.
The higher the cost of the item, the higher the savings.
These are additional dollars staying in your pocket,
to be used for better investments in your future.
Stop accepting retail prices without question.
It's ridiculous, and, so sorry, tends to...
well, yes, it makes the buyer look silly.
Ask for a better price.   Then ask again.
The MisterShortcut Approach means NOW.
The MisterShortcut Approach is now.
The more you get "into" life,
the more it gets into you.

The MisterShortcut Approach exists for you. Look at wasted minutes today.
The more aware you are of your minutes and how you use them,
the better equipped you are to make instant improvements.
Please remember, more time in your hands is very good.
It means more minutes to bring out the music in you.
So foolish to live and die with your songs unsung.
Whatever interests tickle your inner heart,
let's bring it out and show the world.
USE YOUR MisterShortcut Approach.

YOU Are Saving - Feeding The Starving
Kind, good sponsors of TheHungerSite.com (no relation to us) perform many miracles every single day.
At last count, these great givers have been buying growing thousands of cups of food each day.
That's not for each year! Thanks to YOU, far more than any other audience on the planet,
many thousands of cups of food per hour are generated one click at a time, by you.
The MisterShortcut Approach has always supported this magnificent task,
generating new and well-earned business while helping human beings.
Please click through every day to save a life every day.
You are making this the most successful of all such tries,
out-performing every other food drive in history.
You have earned the most "thank you's".
You have become saviors of earth,
of all starving children.
Thank you so much!

There is no more noble effort within the MisterShortcut Approach.   What goes around....

The MisterShortcut Approach,
where the Godfather of Shortcuts uses interactive fun to promote your success.
Showing us what you can do is so much more impressive than telling us what you can do.
Do you agree that you've only achieved the smallest fraction of why you live and breathe?

The MisterShortcut Approach is a living, breathing organism within you that believes in you,
without limits, because cybernetics makes it crystal-clear: only YOU can set limits.

With millions of pro bono minutes of enormous focus building the Psychology of Shortcut,s
here's proof right in front of your eyes of the power and fruit of using good shortcuts.

When is it your turn to enjoy excellence, and the fruit it bears?   Any reason to wait?

Using any one or more PowerGems within the MisterShortcut Approach, repeatedly,
is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you.   GUARANTEED... and no charge.

The MisterShortcut Approach is a part of the mother of all websites,
the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires.
Free for your life, MisterShortcut hopes you find
at least some of the thousands of hidden treats
spread throughout hundreds of thousands
of unique web pages created for YOU
by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
the Godfather of EyeCandy,