How can a mood really affect success?
Mood is a direct reflection of what we're feeling. We usually project a mood to the world, to other individuals, in a way that reflects how we are feeling. Anger's a great example. Crazy driver cuts right in front of two cars, with squeals and burnt rubber all around. One of the two other drivers jumped out yelling and screaming, "Are you crazy?!!!" With every microsecond he is inflicting observable, serious damage to a number of organs AND systems within the body, AND assaulting his own immune system, with the simple act of anger. In the second car that was so rudely cut off, three teenagers were slapping high-fives with comments like, "Yeah, dude! Cool response time; thanks for keeping us safe." their teenaged driver only wanted to know if everyone was okay. He explained that his sister had been recently been killed by a drunk driver. Anger wasn't a part of his frame of mind. Identical events occurring to two different people lends itself to two different responses.
< Another brilliant mind brought us, "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." You have to figure that thirty years' of tragedies and professional They tell me twenty-three muscles are required in order to smile. And they're correct in telling me that forty-six muscles are required to frown, I'd have to be dumber than a mooing cow not to take a look at this. 23 muscles to smile, 46 muscles to frown. Hm. A man of staggering intellect reminded us that, by the age of 50, we wear the face we have earned. This speaks directly to the profound physical impact of moods. Use this knowledge to benefit your health, and your requests.
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