Welcome to the most exciting, empowering website in the world, with Godfather of Shortcuts
The MisterShortcut Approach is HUGE -- tap any keyboard character to fly off to another Mister Shortcut website of empowerment, joy, and EyeCandy

The Most Empowering Website Ever Created
The MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires
Hundreds of thousands of unique creations by your Godfather of Shortcuts and EyeCandy

The MisterShortcut Approach is YOUR MisterShortcut Approach,
your own personal place on the web to meet with your own coach and cheerleader,
where the Godfather of Shortcuts uses interactive fun, EyeCandy, to promote your success.
Showing us what you can do is so much more impressive than telling us what you can do.
Do you understand that you've only achieved the tiniest fraction of why you are here at all?
With several million unpaid minutes of superlative focus building the MisterShortcut Approach
here's proof right in front of your eyes of the power and fruit of using great shortcuts.

When is it your turn to enjoy a better life?

Using any one or two of the PowerGems within the MisterShortcut Approach, repeatedly,
is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you.   Let's do it, hm?

The MisterShortcut Approach is a part of the mother of all websites,
the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires.
Free for your life, Mr-Shortcut hopes you find
at least some of the thousands of hidden treats
spread throughout hundreds of thousands
of unique web pages created for YOU
by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
the Godfather of EyeCandy,