Edta Chelation Studies
Suppository Chelation Protocol
Suppository Chelation FAQ

suppository contains 365 milligrams of Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA.
Each box contains 10 suppositories and when completed, represents two 3 gram I.V.'s.
If you are a licensed health care
practicioner and would like to open an account, feel free to call.
If you are a customer and would like to
try our product, ask your health care practitioner to contact us.
These statements have not been evaluated
by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Each and every one is designed to support your body's NATURAL method of healing.
Far more than a car's gasoline, the fuel that goes into the human body profoundly affects both performance and Longevity.
You get to influence and affect the probabilities of your own Longevity,
with nothing more or less than a few better decisions about your body.
Whether it's simply adding more water and vegetables to your diet,
even if you're eating all kinds of garbage, every bit does add up.
There's no argument about the invasiveness of intravenous chelation therapy;
at least not from any rational minds. The question is the balance between benefit and cost.
"Cost" is used to convey both physical costs and the dollars and cents, as well.
Considering how much less AND how much safer natural chelation is,
there are now more and more companies offering natural chelation,
or more specifically, products you can use to perform your chelation.
The act of chelation, removing those heavy metals from your body and blood,
is a highly useful step for those who wish to extend the probabilities of their Longevity.
The price of intravenous chelation seems just too high, physically and financially, for starters.
As well, the stress of multi-level invasiveness of intravenous chelation simply reduces its attraction.
