The MisterShortcut Approach treats with universal secrets, the shortcuts that work approximately every time, for everyone using them 100x or more.
You have so many excuses and "reasons" why you are not at the top of your own personal ladder of development and achievement. Shhh.
Heed the MisterShortcut Approach, take the MisterShortcut Approach into your head as your own, and rapidly accelerate your results.
Let's be clear: CEO or typesetter, homebody or Olympian, mechanic or teacher or holy spiritual teacher, you are absolutely and unconditionally guaranteed to experience the single greatest revelation of your entire life to date with one single AND simple alteration, one activity that has created countless hundreds of thousands of masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead. Tranferring the letter-combinations known as words from this media to you is not challenging. You are even in this instant proving that you and your brain understand both the definition of the words, and why they have been strung together as they have. What you have not yet proven - which we know by your lack of world-class performance in the past year or two. It is the opposite of your long-term dream of where you will be at some point in time, and it's clear and proat the next twenty-four hours is going to have a permanent impact on your life. Like a baseball game, if you know that the pitch or pitches you are invited to throw are guaranteed to have some effect on your future career, do you want to throw your better pitches or your lesser pitches? Because there are thousands of possible careers, not hundreds, many thousands, it's not possible that you're throwing your best pitches unless you are living life as full and as fun and as helpful and achievement-oriented as those of us who are repeatedly achieving world-class results.
In each case, you see superior intelligence NOT based on how much knowledge a person can spit out; Einstein responded, when asked why he didn't know his own Social Security number, with a note of confusion in his voice that someone would ask such a brainless question, "Why would I memorize something I can look up by reaching into my pocket?"
What a hugely insightful benefit and shortcut and PowerGem from one very bright human being to you. Now, if you are certain and possess proof that you're considerably brighter than Albert Einstein, you're not about to enjoy any great moments of relevation, and if you're certain that you're NOT considerably brighter than this fellow who had been permanently expelled from high school for repeatedly failing both French langague lessons and mathematics, then you are repeatedly and pervidly promised the one single greatest moment of insight and revelation that releases many times over the amount of potential you have demonstrated up until this hour and minute in time.
It's so simple it's terrifying, because we humans are trained as children to value only the abnormal.
Fascination with race car crashes or people breaking noses and faces in the boxing ring,
against humanitarian and self-competitive and community-oriented development and benefit. Today is YOUR opportunity to step it up a notch. It is that simple, a single one-second decision to raise your focus, raise your aim, thereby elevating a whole slew of benefits in your life and in the lives of those you impact. What a trade-off!
Dare to trade your lesser inclinations for your better ones. It does not take years or even months to grow fruit.
Shhh. Speak less and do more. The world awaits the best in you. Please, show us some today.
Live the MisterShortcut Approach that already exists within you, the best of your thoughts and deeds.