You are now esconced within tHE healthiest website on the internet,
your own living sense of with Mr Shortcuts

Squeeze more fun by tapping your F11 button or waving your mouse here

With so many tools at your disposal,
the MisterShortcut Approach feels entitled to remind you,
as forcefully as possible, that you are all that.
Today is a great day to start.
So, too, this minute.
Talk less.
Do more.

Without expending even one quarter, you can now save a life.

All rights reserved for those who feed the hungriest humans.     You can give, at no cost to you.
Easy Way To Become A Hero Of The Healthiest Secrets of Life !
Meritable sponsors donate 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
Clicking this food button and the one that pops open you actually save a real life... no charge to you.

Wasn’t that fun?     It's been tasty creating and refining it for you.
   Remember, what you know means little to any of us.
What you DO with what you know fascinates us. 

Do more with what you know.
Rapid improvement is the inevitable result.
Even better, such improvement occurs as often as you wish.
You already know the math: try it ten times, and succeed once or twice..
Try it one hundred times, and your skill level multiplies repeatedly.

Psst. Tap any letter or number on your keyboard. Is that great, or what?

These are a taste of the many enormously engaging shortcuts websites
designed, created, uploaded and promoted by Mr-Shortcut.

Wave your mouse to discover EyeCandy at all 1000 of the websites known as Masters and Champions Shortcuts.
You will also find that your keyboard is uniquely powerful at these sites... (go ahead, type any letter or number)
Look for hidden  As of today, there are more than a thousand Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites,
each and every one by Mr-Shortcut, Godfather of Online EyeCandy

with treats and visual surprises: EyeCandy,
all here for your life.

Not coincidentally, PowerLinks were truly an accident.
Listing thousands of links on a single page became cumbersome.
The desire to trim the lists in a manner at least partially neat,
and a naturally mischievous nature; these led to PowerLinks .
Conceptually, PowerLinks are like the blinking yellow lights,
the runway beacons, the lighthouse lanterns multiplied,
all to draw you into the MisterShortcut Approach.
Help yourself, you'll end up with much more.
Then, you'll be in a better position to help.
That's it. Receive, benefit, pass on.
It's a working equation for you.
The payoffs are huge.
Click your PowerLinks .

SearchLinks Index 9   SearchLinks Index 8   SearchLinks Index 7   SearchLinks Index 6   SearchLinks Index 5
SearchLinks Index 4   SearchLinks Index 2   SearchLinks Index 1   SearchLinks Index

With extraordinary thanks for Mihov Index Maker version 1.50.
Although MisterShortcut tested and used many hundreds of programs,
Miha Pensica is a treasure of a human being,
equal on his level to the philanthropy and huge-heartedness of Paul Newman.
MisterShortcut made it clear that the MisterShortcut Approach,
and all of its magnificence, could never have fulfilled search engine requirements,
and the strict adherence to both the spirit and letter of the search engine protocols,
without the gift of this incredible computer wizard. Long live Mihov, indeed.

With a count of so many thousands of individuals to thank for the MisterShortcut Approach,
how many of them can be fairly credited? Therefore, MisterShortcut hopes that these mentions of Mihov,
and the globally-pervasive result of Mihov Index Maker, illuminate his work accurately:
one of the three most helpful, powerful, easy, and useful programs of all time.
What staggers the mind is that it is the only program of its type in the world,
because none of the others can do one of the special secret things used here,
and yet Miha Psenica, the genius inventor of this first-generation program,
gave it to us, the world, for free! Inarguably, he gave up millions.
Without knowing Miha Psenica's financial station in life,
it is yet incumbent upon all of us who can read this,
who are benefiting from Miha's work,
to note his world-class generosity.
Thank you, sir.  YOU are a champion
and, in more ways than one,
personify this site.
YOU are a first-class example of the MisterShortcut Approach at work. Thank you!