PowerLinks, EyeCandy, and 99 percent of the content on all half-a-million pages
have been created just for you by
MrShortcut hosted for you to develop wealth and to Heal thyself
The MisterShortcut Approach is so extensive that each button on your keyboard will bring you to another site designed by one pair of hands





Please remember to feed those who are hungrier than you by giving, at no cost to you.
Easy Way To Become A Hero Of The Healthiest Secrets of Life !
Meritable sponsors donate 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
By clicking this and the following food buttons, you really do help to save a human life... at no cost to you.

Mr_Shortcut pays obeisance whoever created this magnificent dove. Should any of you let us know, credit, praise, and homage will DEFINITELY be made to the genius who created this dove, khapped by MisterShortcut in the name of spreading it all around the world Healing naturally with naturopathy and the Healthiest Secrets of Life - and a handful of common sense

Built for you by MisterShortcut

We hope you find the Healthiest Secrets of Life to be the healthiest website,
with your best and healthiest shortcuts to living stronger longer

The MisterShortcut Approach, and all these other natural healing websites,
are hosted on hundreds of servers throughout the world,
and created for your life by ...

The MisterShortcut Approach has heard the excuses,
the so-called "reasons" for not pursuing excellence.
Maybe you believe them, maybe you know better.
Each day that you fail to bring out the best in yourself,
you are looking at 86,400 seconds you will never get back.

If you can understand the PowerGems of the MisterShortcut Approach,
then there is no conceivably acceptable excuse for not using your PowerGems.
The MisterShortcut Approach is alive inside of you, bursting to show the world.

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Many thousands of "Thank you's" for Mihov Index Maker version 1.50.
Although MisterShortcut tested and used many hundreds of programs,
Miha Pensica is a treasure of a human being,
equal on his level to the philanthropy and huge-heartedness of Paul Newman.
MisterShortcut made it clear that the MisterShortcut Approach,
and all of its magnificence, could never have fulfilled search engine requirements,
and the strict adherence to both the spirit and letter of the search engine protocols,
without the gift of this incredible computer wizard. Long live Mihov, indeed.

Because there have been literally thousands of individuals to thank for the MisterShortcut Approach,
how many of them can be fairly credited? Therefore, MisterShortcut hopes that these mentions of Mihov,
and the globally-pervasive result of Mihov Index Maker, illuminate Mihov accurately:
one of the three most helpful, powerful, easy, and useful programs of all time.
What staggers the mind is that it is the only program of its type in the world,
because none of the others can do one of the special secret things used here,
and yet Miha Psenica, the genius inventor of this first-generation program,
gave it to us, the world, for free! Inarguably, he gave up millions.
Without knowing Miha Psenica's financial station in life,
it is yet incumbent upon all of us who can read this,
who are benefiting from Miha's work,
to note his world-class generosity.
Thank you, sir.  YOU are a champion
and, in more ways than one,
personify this site.
YOU are a first-class example of the MisterShortcut Approach at work. Thank you!