All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited. Feed someone today hungrier than you
So many hundreds of thousands of unique pages,
in pursuit of your success,
delivered unto you by MisterShortcut...
- - with great love of your potential -
Feed a starving human today, NO CHARGE to you.
What you know means little to any of us.
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Do more
with what you know.
You’ll find that you are succeeding faster, measurably.
With your mind in mind,
The MisterShortcut Approach means END OF EXCUSES.
As Artie Marzig unerringly posed,
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You should quickly find the MisterShortcut Approach to be a true path to Life.
Reach for more inside of yourself and you will be astonished at what is inside of you,
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That's not rah-rah; it's recognition of the enormity of resources available to you. It's your turn.
The one and only reason for failure is "cessation of effort."
To bring it down to the bottom line, we do not stop trying because we failed;
we fail the moment that we stop making the efforts to bring about any identified desired result.
This alone is a whopping shortcut you can use today today today, cease yammering about why you do not have what you "should."
Stop complaining about what is preventing you from being where are certainly going to be should you aim for it.
A humorous way to look at it is to stop stopping. Right?
Stop stopping and you will succeed far more often and much faster, way faster, than you ever have before.
You cannot learn less, so learn more with the MisterShortcut Approach AND the Healthiest Secrets of Life
Whether this huge body of work is the internet's healthiest website,
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Already generating many millions of cups of food by YOUR clickthroughs to,
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YOU and your clicks empower huge resources. You deserve the MisterShortcut Approach.
Employ the simple laws of physics for your own direct advantage. Get wealthy by giving.
You cannot suspend the laws of physics, so it's wise to profit repeatedly from them.
You will find that this fruit of the MisterShortcut Approach tastes delicious.
Natural health shortcuts of long-lived people.
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That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility,
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created for your success by Mr-Shortcut, for You
Welcome to the internet's largest health-related website, with Master of Shortcuts,
The MisterShortcut Approach is so vast that each button on your keyboard will bring you to another healthy wealthy page for you
USE YOUR F11 keyboard button - Big difference, ey? Of course you're welcome!.Welcome to the internet's largest health-related website, with Mr-Shortcut
The MisterShortcut Approach is so vast that each button on your keyboard will bring you to another healthy wealthy page for you
USE YOUR F11 keyboard button - Big difference, ey? Of course you're welcome!.
Since the MisterShortcut Approach is presented to you as one of the world's healthiest websites, and best overall source of shortcuts,
help yourself to learn more he easier we find it is to live more, earn more, give more.
A goal of the Healthiest Secrets of Life is for you to find the healthiest shortcuts and health tips of Longevity,
using them endlessly to live healthier and wealthier, live happier and more fulfilled with these healthier tips.
The MisterShortcut Approach is a big portion of the largest and most empowering MisterShortcut Approach .
The Healthiest Secrets of Life is self-explanatory, pursuing the best information on health and Longevity,
sharing the methods and secrets of long-lived people. Good health is augmented by good information.
The more we learn, the stronger, the longer we tend to live.You deserve to live longer.
Embracing the MisterShortcut Approach means working WITH your doctor so you can fire your doctor.
With love,
Shortcuts and more shortcuts at -- where else? the MisterShortcut Approach, possibly the world's largest website.
crafted and delivered by a pair of dedicated, pro bono hands in each of three million minutes -
all of the MisterShortcut Approach websites, the Masters and Millionaires websites,
the MisterShortcut Approach and other "Psychology of ____" sites -- one and all,
are devoted to you, in hope that you'll be smart enough to smell the roses.
The MisterShortcut Approach AND the Healthiest Secrets of Life are, simply,
the most effective methods and the best shortcuts of world-class achievers.
Without a doubt, knowledge can and shall change the world, already is,
and it begins with you as long as you understand that knowledge alone
is not power; knowledge is only potential power until you deploy it.
Make the most of these best shortcuts at The MisterShortcut Approach,
the best Healthiest Secrets of Life shared at the MisterShortcut Approach.
Learn more, live more, in hope that you'll give more. It's quite a formula;
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The MisterShortcut Approach and all of the Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites were created using shortcuts,
specifically, the best shortcuts that human minds have produced by performing at world-class levels again and again.
Now, it's your turn. Many rich people, known as the Cheney class, could care less about your interests,
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The beauty of PowerGems is that they are free, available to all humans who use them repeatedly.
You might call this an instruction in "What Many Rich People Do Not Want You To Know."
Much more importantly, there are many thousands of true winners and leaders,
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With each written or taped interview we can drink their sharing magic.
Now, it comes down to you. It's your turn to enjoy your share,
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You will find no more powerful recipe of success.
Enjoy the EyeCandy, find the hidden treats,
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With much love for you,
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Excellence cannot occur by accident. Let's make it happen!
These hundreds of thousands of healthy and wealthy web pages,
beginning with The MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life,
filled with YOUR healthiest secrets of Longevity and shortcuts for building wealth
created to help people to help themselves and lower their reliance on medical doctors,
were designed and produced for you in belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential,
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Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all.
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The multi-billion-dollar value of the MisterShortcut Approach is free for your life,
perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and Shapelinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are innovations and creations of your chief fan, cheerleader, and coach
Mr Shortcut VIIII
Mr_Shortcuts X
Mr-Shortcut XI
Shortcuts XII
Shortcuts XIII
Mr Shortcut XIV
Mr. Shortcut XV
Mr_Shortcuts XVI
Mr_Shortcuts LII
Mr_Shortcuts LV
Mr Shortcut LVI
Mr_Shortcut LVII
MisterShortcut LVIII
Mr Shortcut LVIIII
Learn more in order to live more, at the MisterShortcut Approach,
Look for hundreds of thousands of additional pages hand-crafted by the mind-blowing MrShortcut.
The MisterShortcut Approach invites you to enjoy these samples of
masterlinks pages and shapelinks and HealthTowers and Shapetalk, and other EyeCandy,
all because I'm madly in love with your excellence. I KNOW that you were born to be a champion.
What else can we find at the MisterShortcut Approach ?
Good question.
Learn more in order to live more, at the MisterShortcut Approach,
where the best of your thinking is given room to breathe, expand, and experiment.
Doing things precisely as you are assures you of getting the same results again.
Improving the steps that you take on the way assures you of better results.
You will find that shortcuts work better when they're mentally supported.
In other words, it helps to believe that your efforts are succeeding.
Remember the words of the twisted but brilliant Mr. Henry Ford:
"Think you can, or think you can't; either way, you're right."
You know more than Henry Ford about achieving more?
If so, please do not tell us; we can hardly hear you:
SHOW US! Action is the loudest of statements.
What you can see can be brought to be.
Let's go for the best within YOU.
MisterShortcut literally crafted millions of uniques pages for your self-empowerment.
Follow your masterlinks pages and shapelinks and Tower of Health
all because I'm madly in love with your excellence. I KNOW that you were born to be a master.
EyeCandy is for your enjoyment, in hope your eyes will be pleased with these interactive treats,
encouraging you to find that fun in learning tends to double speed AND quality for each of us.
Countless millionaires have stated that these shortcuts helped them perform at world-class.
YOU are my hero, so please prove me right in the next hour or two. Talk less. Do more.
We will adore you, and follow you, too.
That'a a promise and a guarantee.
built with love by the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
You are the living extension of the MisterShortcut Approach. Reach for excellence!
Many self-made millionaires have publicly stated that following these shortcuts helped them to produce phenomenally accelerated results.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
No need to buy anything from the MisterShortcut Approach or Healthiest Secrets of Life, now or ever.
It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
Look for your hidden treats, because there are thousands of them hidden all and in plain sight.
over one million unique web pages by the Chairman of the Board AND President of YOUR fan club.
YOU are my hero, so please prove me right in the next hour or two. Talk less. Do more.
We will all adore you.
That'a a promise and a guarantee, from the man with your plan, The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
With much love, from the heart of the MisterShortcut Approach.
The more you help the helpless, the more MisterShortcut will reach to help YOU.
That's a promise, backed up by dozens and scores of broken world records.
Learn to give, and you will learn to get. It IS that simple, Friend.
Newton's Third Law will never let you down, because it can't:
The Architect of the Universe does not make mistakes, hm?