Welcome to the MisterShortcut Approach,  of Masters and Millionaires
Millions of healthy, enriching, empowering web pages, designed and built to and for you - MisterShortcut

Reaching for More For YOU with
Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts :
Mankind's fastest shortcuts to success

Measurable results.
Surely there is no debate that this is a broad, universally agreeable definition of success:
Measurable results.

Every human task fits this. We can modify this definition, never eliminate it. Measured progress towards an identified benefit. Whatever YOUR definition of success is, there's a way to measure it in your field of interest, correct? We'll identify precisely where you are on the map, and where you are determined to be in 100 days, and 1000 days. I'm proceeding on the assumption that you can identify at least one thing, if not more, that you need to be world-class at before you die.

Without a doubt, the single most important thing you can do in the next sixty seconds is to state, out loud, your determination that you can and will be world-class at ____________.

If you truly don't know what you'd pick from a genie granting you three wishes, or even just one wish, keep reading, by the time you're done the seed will be planted for you to water, and allow to germinate. It will flower. You see, it's part of the human condition that everything we do from birth to death has only two causes: pain or pleasure. It is the motivation for every thought and act we commit to in life. Whatever it is you're doing, or thinking about doing, is to avoid pain, or gain pleasure. For some people, these two most primordial, basic functions get confused. If you're not too screwed up, there's still hope for you, provided you clam up and get busy on this day, before you next sleep. Fair enough?
Let's put it out on the table and clarify why we are spending time together. If you're reading this, I've been paid with satisfaction. I've done my part, that's how you've come to do some of your part --- getting to this page, this sentence.
I do want to be famous, as long as it's not in my lifetime. I've had a taste of minor celebrity, and didn't care for the blaring, glaring, obnoxiously intrusive spotlight. Even with the success of this endeavor you're now reading, my identify remains shielded because this program is one of those rare ones: it's really not about me selling books or tapes, it's about you becoming a superstar in your life, whether or not anyone else knows it. That's up to you to decide.
I've read repeatedly where more than four thousand millionaires in the past century have directly credited Napoleon Hill for their becoming millionaires as a result of his unique
"Think and Grow Rich."

It's common knowledge that more than four thousand lower and mid-level employees at Microsoft became millionaires because of Bill Gates' vision. Many thousands more made a million or more dollars from stock in his company.

Larry Ellison, at Oracle, and other men, have been credited with directly creating literally thousands of millionaires.
My most ardent personal goal is to have my work used as guidelines for superbly effective shortcuts two and three hundred years from now. What can I tell you? I believe I'll observe it from somewhere beyond, hopefully what we call heaven.
It's impossible for these PowerGems and SuperShortcuts to fail. Only we can fail to use them. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to take over as pilot of your ship. You're the boss. Stop delegating so much authority to people whose face you don't shave, to events you didn't shape.

In a nutshell, it's your turn. The only true value I get is for you to close your mouth, open your eyes and ears - to those who have done it better than you- and will continue to do it better than you until the moment you begin doing as what do... and reaping what they reap..

It's one of the most basic facets of science. Duplicate an action enough times, and you will assuredly duplicate the results of that action.
Every time you read something in these pages that strikes the "Aha!" chord inside you, jot it down!!     Print it out.     Put it on the wall and say it out loud five, ten, or a hundred times before you eat three more meals. Do it again tomorrow. Take any one or more of these PowerGems and memorize them until the meaning of the words soaks all the way through. You'll understand more of the benefits even as quickly as a day or two.
Jot down those that seem tailor-made for you to gain benefit. Please remember that the entire point of this book is for you to use shortcuts that produce results quicker than you're now obtaining.
Please don't complicate things . Keep it simple. Every shortcut you take brings you one step closer. Write in the margins, write on the lines, just please don't be a moron and stop writing. The more you write, the more you make.

Success Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires - MORE

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32000!       100 Grand       Age 14       Ask!!       Ballerinas       Bartender       Ben Rich

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Ah Free       Power         Mouse Toy         Index 1         Age 14       100 Grand         Goals

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The Best Shortcuts of Those Who Do It Best - perhaps the world's largest website with 1,000,000 unique web pages

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All rights reserved for those who feed hungry people with my share of your profit.

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Erase Starvation With The MisterShortcut Approach      

In Memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg,
and a dedicated student, herein known as MrShortcut

Reach For More With Your MisterShortcut Approach

The MisterShortcut Approach is a way to reach for more.
When you reach for more, you reach for more,
and that has more meanings for you in store.
Reaching for more in the world you adore,
can only be good for those who care more.
The concept of reaching for more is reserved,
for the people who care, and share as deserved.
To come up off the floor, by reaching up for more,
you prove to reach more, by driving right past the door.

Heed not those people who tell you for sure, that you have no right to reach for more.
These are the people who scrabble around, the choice that they make to walk lower ground.
Do not ever let them tell you, not to reach for more, such people are meant for you to ignore.
Reaching for more, teaching much lore, you learn and live, when you reach for much more.
Remember, the MisterShortcut Approach does can and in fact cannot achieve FOR you:
The MisterShortcut Approach is simply a pathway for each of us to help ourselves.
The ultimate goal of the MisterShortcut Approach is to help people help others.
Use your PowerGems for wealth and health, then reach out to the helpless.

  Remember 911day.     Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!   
  Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!    Remember 911day.  

Here, we are reaching for more with the MisterShortcut Approach

Since you're "doing" anyway, why not invest time reaching for more?
No one can achieve your successes for you, can they?

It's entirely up to you to do, be, and even have more.

The MisterShortcut Approach is one of many great tools for humans reaching for more.
ONE OF THOUSANDS. Reaching for more begins with the decision to do so.
Once you move into the zone of reaching for more, relentlessly, repeatedly,
you find the MisterShortcut Approach sharing oodles of great shortcuts.

Reaching For More MisterShortcut Approach

No one can reach for more... accidentally. YOUR choice to decide that reaching for more is very potent.
That's because that decision influences all of the things that you repeat on a routine, ongoing basis.
The attitude of reaching for more is a literal change in foundation, because repetition is altered.

Rather than merely repeating the same steps, in the same way, in pursuit of an identified goal,
everything is done with an eye towards improving by at least one percent with each repeat.
Reaching for more is a choice, and you'll find that reaching for more is an anticipated result.
In as little as a single day of living and functioning within that concept of one-percent improvement,
you get to the taste the fruits of mastery and excellence, even if it's just the beginning of better results.
Since you cannot learn less about anything, the mere fact of knowing more is a form of self-empowering 'reach-up.'
There is no better day than today to incorporate this cornerstone of the MisterShortcut Approach into your daily efforts.

MisterShortcut is privileged to present you with universal shortcuts for total winning.
When we humans imitate actions and attitudes of those routinely doing it best, we tend to imitate their results.
Shapetalk and Shapetalking to Shapetalks and Shapelinks.com, all to help you reach YOUR ultimate heights,
all to empower you to self-empower your MisterShortcut Approach state of living... reaching for more.