ACT like someone who wants to hear the word
You will not be even slightly surprised when you find
more and more people
providing you with that word in response to your asking for a "yes."
Until you hear your first objection,
TELLINGAfter you hear your first objection,
What you KNOW creates limited impact,
and therefore limited results...
Ruby #5:
Power is as knowledge does
.What you KNOW about persuading people is of no interest to us.
What you DO with what you know is of fascination to us.
Before thinking about learning more, how about using more of what you know?
Stupid people nod their heads, agree with this, and continue doing things the same way.
Smart people nod their heads, identify what they know best… and use it more.
Try it… you'll undoubtedly be pleased by fast, powerful improvements.
Ruby # 4:
You did not stop
because you failed;
You failed because you stopped.
If you try something 10 times, no matter what the probability of success is,
that probability will actually triple when you try it 20 times!!
Do not underestimate the power of this seemingly simplistic statement.
Every ten additional tries improves probabilities of success by orders of magnitude.
Whatever number of efforts you gave yesterday,
WINNING REQUIRES that youincrease that number, and then increase it again.
Whatever your average number of tries per week is, increase that number by just 5% per week for the next ten weeks, and you are
guaranteed to see better results...almost immediately. You will roughly double your current production every 100 days.
You can actually become a ‘star’ in the next 10 business days with the use of this one simple, powerful method. It is used consistently by the top producers in your industry.
Yes, become a star in
days: if you want it enough, you WILL go that extra step...40x, even 100x.
Just relax... relax and use the warmth of your voice
If you transmit warmth & caring in your greetings...people will warm up to YOU.
You need not take my word for it....
Did you realize that people, including you, can actually hear a smile or a frown over the phone? Don't take my word for it: try it!!
Nothing, nothing, nothing sells like enthusiasm.
Treat this very call as if it's the most important one of the day. In truth, it is the most important one of the day, because only the current prospect can say yes. The last one is gone, the next one is yet to come;
Only this call can improve things for you AND your current prospect.
EVERY objection you answer, keep asking for whatever it is you've contacted them about.Keep
offering them "a look at why we are_______," and why we can help them save them dollars they're now spending, or through whatever your primary benefits are."Would Thursday be good for you, Mrs ____, or is Friday better? Great.
And do you prefer 3 pm, or 8 pm? Excellent. Our rep will call you personally the day before to confirm, for YOUR convenience, okay? Great!!"
The single greatest power on earth, unconditionally guaranteed to work more than any other technique ever discovered or developed, is the awe-inspiring, life-changing, RESULT-IMPROVING technique of simply asking for what you want. Although there are nearly 200 American billionaires, I've only interviewed 14 so far. the single most common traits observable is the so-called "double bubble," which means being able to describe what they want in ten words or less, and then asking people for help in getting it.
Self-made billionaires, without exception, are those people who ask for what they want more than anyone else around them.
So ask, ask, ask, ask, and then ask again and again… until they either throw you out…
… or until they say the word you most long to hear.
20% of all closers
produce 80% of all results.
These people earn, on average, 4x the income earned by those in the bottom 80%.
When you are in the top 20% of the top 20%, you are now in the top 4%.
THESE people earn, on average, 16x the earnings of those in the bottom 80%.
When you are in the top 20% of the top 20% of the top 20%, you are in the top .08%
THESE people earn, on average,
52x the earnings of those in the bottom 80%.BE CLEAR IN YOUR MIND:
Moving up the ladder does NOT require any great intelligence, or friends in high places, or even great talent.
This is a clear fact of life proven by the experiences and words of more than 1200 self-made millionaires interviewed in just one year of MisterShortcut's
many years of research and personal-professional experience.
Having great intelligence, or talent, or ‘connections’ are all helpful... yet the majority of top producers made it up the ladder by doing nothing more complicated than following the Rules of Success. One of the great powers you can tap into is, simply enough, knowing and acting upon the knowledge that it is not WHAT you say that determines the outcome of a conversation; it is HOW you say it.
Tap into this Power Tool again and again for 2 weeks, and see for yourself. Is this fair enough?
when you hear an objection,
with it, resolve itand ask
"iS Wednesday good FOR YOU,
or is Thursday better?"
"Our consultants will be there Wed and Thur.
Which day is better for you?"
The stupidest thing I suppose I've ever heard a salesman say was, "No! No! You don't understand, you see _____________."
Get with the program. NEVER tell a customer they're wrong. Agree with them.
"Yes, sir, my company recognizes that, and that's why our company has done the competition one better by _________. If that answers your concern, shall I put you down for two of the brown, or did you like the blue ones better?"
Keep asking closing questions, such as:
"Fair enough?"
and "Does that satisfy your concern about the __________?"or
"Great! How many would you like?" "What time of day is best for delivery?"
"Which day is better for YOU, Thursday, or Saturday?"
"No problem. We can also come Monday or Tuesday.
Is Monday good for you, or is Tuesday better
Okay?"The more you ask, the more you receive.
= Always Be ClosingI'm not printing these for my health, you know.
80% of all "yeses" occur
AFTER4 or 5 resolved objections.
The more you
TRY to close... the more you WILL close.
The more you
ASK for the sale, the more you will GET the sale.
The more you
ASK for the sale, the more you will GET the sale.
Do you personally have the brains to put this incredible power to use TODAY??!!
Please; don’t tell me. Show me. Better yet, show yourself.
The more you
ASK for the sale, the more you will GET the sale.It’s simple mathematics:
Dial More
Smile More
Close More
The people who consistently follow these 3 rules
consistently make double the income of those who haven’t got the brains to
dial more, smile more, and ask for what they want… …more!
asks the most, receives the most. Period.Whoever
asks the most, receives the most.Be more creative in answering people's objections
If you can create better rebuttals & power statements than those I share w/you,
please do not tell me:Tell the customers, because they'll pay you more than the company will!!
If you're too lazy to produce your own power statements,
just use the ones that work for those of us who produce..
There are literally thousands and thousands of books, tapes, videos on the subjects of prospecting, presenting, and closing. There are thousands of top producers who will happily share their "secrets"
if you only invest the effort of asking.If you’re smart enough to know how to get people to say "YES" to you, then please show us; don’t tell us.
If you DON’T know how to get people to say "YES" to you, ask for help or find another yob.
When you got into hot water as a kid, you certainly sharpened your skills for creatively talking your way out of it, didn’t you?
Use that same creativity in selling. Practicing in front of a mirror sharpens your selling skills... so does listening to tapes, and taking notes at seminars, and reading books from Elmer Wheeler, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, Roger Dawson, and so many others.
Stop talking about what you’re capable of doing.
Do it!!
When You Hear An Objection,
agree with it and resolve it and ask
is __ Good For You, Or is ___ better?"
"No problem -- we can also ______ and _____. Which is better for
YOU?"No matter WHAT they’re throwing at you, you want to respond with, "
GREAT!!" then, justify the "GREAT!!"No matter WHAT they’re throwing at you, you want to respond with,
"GREAT!!" then, justify the "GREAT!!""I don’t have time."
That’s GREAT, Mr____; that’s exactly why you’ll want to take a look at our super time-saving features." We have consistent evidence from MANY of our repeat customers that the _________ we provide will save you valuable hours every month in and month out.Is _________ good for you, or would you prefer ___________?"
"I don’t want to buy anything."
That’s EXCELLENT, Mr. ______, because all we ask for you to take a look,
and then decide for yourself. Is that fair enough? Great. Friday good, or is Saturday better?
... ...your choice.LOSERS
FIX THE PROBLEMIt's YOUR focus to use or waste: focus on what's wrong, or focus on how to fix it. As always, it's your choice, and your results will always be consistent with your efforts, hm?
Please, stop
telling us what you know; show us what you know.LOSERS HAVE A LIST OF WHAT THEY DON’T HAVE.
use IT.If you were paid 1,000 dollars for each idea on how you’d accomplish one of your wishes, with a one-hour time limit,
how many ideas would we see?
Don’t tell us; put it into writing.
These are the truest magical shortcuts, direct from the mouths of more than a thousand millionaires. What else needs saying?
Stop talking. What is the desired end? How many ways can you produce to get it done? Put it in writing in the next 100 seconds.
I’ve personally interviewed more than 1,200 millionaires, most of them self-made men and women.
The one single commonality found amongst nearly a thousand of them was their own statement
that their success was due to incessant goal-setting, and brain-storming ideas on how to get it done.
If you’re really desirous of increasing your income, of being one of our true leaders,
I think you’d be best served by getting out your pen and paper and get busy.
More importantly than what I think is a good idea, what do YOU think?
Please don’t tell us... show us.
A habit = whatever you repeatedly do.
What are YOUR habits? What do YOU consistently repeat each hour of each day?
how you spend this minute is a clear preview of how you are spending your life !!!A habit = whatever you
repeatedly do.What are YOUR habits? What do
YOU consistently repeat each hour of each day?Remember:
how you spend this minute, & this week is precisely what you'll look back on.Do you want those reflections to be of blah level, or of trying your hardest at something?
you decide to do about the next sixty seconds.... well... what you are doing will speak so loudly... that you need not open your mouth.A wise man said, "First we make our habits; then our habits make us." Habits are just repeated actions. It's simple.
What will YOU do with the next ten minutes of your life? Please, don’t tell me... show me. Better yet, show you.
"You’re concerned about ___________, Mr. Thompson?ISOLATE THE OBJECTION.
only reason, Mr. Thompson?"CAPITALIZE ON IT
"If I can find a way to satisfy your concern about this, Mr. Thompson, can we do business today?"SOLVE IT !!
"Great, Mr. Thompson, what I’ll do is ________________.Is that fair enough?" "GREAT! I’ll write this up...."
Sometimes when you're making a presentation, the man or lady will ask you a question, such as,
How much is that?" or "Which system do I have to take?"These questions are called
No matter what the question is, or what your answer is, it is
finish your response with a closing question, such as,"
Isn't that GREAT!!??!!" or "Is THAT fair enough?"or "When would you like us to install it", or "OKAY?"Respond to all verbal obstacles with agreement, suggest resolution, and then.. the all-important, literally ALL-IMPORTANT closing question
Repeat a habit 10 x more before today ends. Pick a good habit that you DO have, any one at all. Repeat it more than you ever have before !!
You don’t even need to take the word of someone who’s walking the talk; not by any means: DO IT YOURSELF AND THEN EXPRESS YOUR OPINION.
is NOT about ability.
It is nothing more... ...or less, than
the time required
to attain mastery of a repeated task.
The best of all sales closing techniques used by top closers actually boil down to the same few basics.
The definition of a sale, as per the MisterShortcut Approach, or at least as per MisterShortcut's experience,
is "the transfer of enthusiasm... and trust." Adopting this is, by far, the most solid of all your sales foundations.
The first and sixty seconds of a sales presentation should never be about business, only personal interest.
Every objection, when truthful, should be greeted happily, since it provides you with the key to closing the sale.
Your job is, of course, to determine whether or not a given objection is the real reason for the hesitation in re "Yes."
Identify, Isolate, capitalize, solve: Isolate the objection, make sure it's real, then flip it in order to rapidly resolve it.
The MisterShortcut Approach urges you to learn more, that you might close more, studying those who DO close more.
Imitating those who do it best is a cornerstone of every facet of both MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life.
Since you cannot learn less about anything, does it not make sense for you to learn more... so as to achieve (close) more?
Embrace the sales closing methods and secrets and shortcuts of YOUR MisterShortcut Approach, and you'll win more.
What helps to make the MisterShortcut Approach such a pleasure is that there is reciprocity: Both of you win more.