Help the MisterShortcut Approach to help feed starving folks - NO CHARGE - To YOU or to the MisterShortcut Approach !
Good people buy 1.1 cups of staple food for starving people with free clicks to (unrelated to us).
When you click this food button and the one that pops open you save a hurting human... at no charge to you.
This is a prime function of the MisterShortcut Approach. What goes around...
My Early Chossid
Make use of your MisterShortcut Approach to help put a dent in starvation
If the singular achievement of the MisterShortcut Approach is enticing your clickthroughs, we all win. Socially-conscious corporate sponsors purchase 1.1 cups of staple food for starving people with free clickthroughs. When we click this food button and the one that pops open we get to save a human life... at no charge to either of us. Can you think of a more noble effort for the MisterShortcut Approach to pursue? What goes around comes around.
to the magnificent human beings behind TheHungerSite and, also, maybe others like them,
standing ovations are what you earn and receive for the light you shine on this earth.
Today is, without a doubt, the most powerful day of your life.
There are only three days in your life: yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Yesterday is history, and we cannot get better yesterday, right?
Tomorrow is a mystery, and we may not be here for tomorrow.
That leaves today, the only day in which you can live.
Therefore, live more in this moment, in this day.
Reduce your petty conversations and collect,
collecting thousands of wasted minutes,
that you may live more and better.
PowerGems: MisterShortcut Approach PowerGems,
the world's universal shortcuts that always work!
Before you move further, you should know this:
PowerGems work consistently,
approximately 100 percent of the time,
for about 100 percent of the users,
who use them 100 times each.
Join the circle of winners.
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