Anything that is made in limited quantities is going to go up in value significantly.
From idiotic fast-food toys to occasional special releases of new coins or bills, each one is limited.
When people are likely to throw them away commonly because they're so common, excellent!
Those are the items you want to throw in a plastic bag in a corner somewhere.
Those ten-cent Pez dispensers are now worth many thousands each.
That's just the tip of the iceburg. Coins and stamps? Definitely.
Stay focused on remembering that what you know means little to any of us.
It is what you DO with what you know that fascinates us,
that encourages us to work to be more and more like you.
Please, do more with what you know.
The MisterShortcut Approach is already inside of you. Use the shortcuts that you know,
and then the PowerGems of the MisterShortcut Approach make more sense to you.
Let us see more of who you are. Show yourself first, then the world..
Use the MisterShortcut Approach to help feed the starving - NO CHARGE