Shapelinks Capital II         Shapelinks Capital II         Shapelinks Capital III         Shapelinks Capital IV
If you're looking for high-powered and effective shortcuts,
the most effective shortcuts that accelerate success,
you're entering the University of Excellence..

This is the ; the title says it all.
(That is eponymity, a situation describing itself

For many of you, this will begin the single most exciting journey of your lifetime to date:
the journey into excellence;
the best that lives within you.

You're in for quite a treat.

Ok, a over one million treats

Welcome to the exciting world of MisterShortcut

In response to your question,
yes, MisterShortcut created all of the pages in all of these domains, and many more as well...

all designed to be free for your life.


Mr Shortcut             Mr Shortcut II         Mr Shortcut III

Mr Shortcut IV         Mr Shortcut V         Mr Shortcut VI    Mr Shortcut VII

As you may have noticed,
you're esconced within the EyeCandy Capital of the Universe.
More than 99% of all tne EyeCandy and PowerGems --
throughout the one million pages within a thousand connected websites,
were created by the hand of MisterShortcut, free for your life.
Innumerable thanks to those who lead the way,
who more often than not turn out to be masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.

Particular thanks to the mysterious Momo, who created a significant 911day movie.
And to the rare human being who created the dove you see throughout the Masters and Millionaires websites.
Of all images used to create these one thousand websites called "the MisterShortcut Approach,"
the dove does it for me.

Succeed faster with the great and best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, and the MisterShortcut Approach

It is suggested that you learn to use your F11 button (push it once for on, push it once for off) and right-click.
One of the many, MANY hidden features within these and EyeCandy websites is the ability to touch any number or letter on your keyboard at find yourself being taken to yet another full and separate website created by the most prolific web designer of all time, who wants YOU to succeed faster with the shortcutts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires

Schools Springing Forth From The Psychology of Shortcuts

From the most prolific creator in the history of mankind,
here are just some of the unique schools of thought MisterShortcut,
springing forth from, and delivered of, your own choice of customized versions of the MisterShortcut Approach :

Alternative Remedies And Medicine is just what it sounds like, all about Healthiest Secrets of Life, meaning natural answers, naturopathy.
The Zen of One Shortcut means you can embrace Zen, and you can embrace one shortcut, the one shortcut (powergem) that appeals to you most.
Book of Good Shortcuts, which is a book of many good shortcuts for achieving what you want with a fraction of the time and effort it used to take.
Path To Great Success is an illuminative path, indeed, one that takes any one of us or all of us to great success on the path used by champions.
Path To Natural Health is as healthy and simple as can be. Water, oil, salt (air-dried sea salt), bulk, and good bacteria. They are natural health.
Zen of Better Shortcuts is a zen of eliminating most shortcuts while embracing better shortcuts, as usual, to achieve better and better results.
Alternative Remedies And Medicine - Truth is, so called alternative remedies and alternative medicines are really primary and natural medicines.

The Book of Good Shortcuts - There are great shortcuts, there are good shortcuts, there are even mediocre shortcuts. Here, just good shortcuts abound.
The Book of Success Secrets - Masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires all have success secrets. Here is a book full of success secrets.
The Encyclopedia of Shortcuts - So aptly titled, because it is, effectively, an MisterShortcut Approach, designed for your fullest self-empowerment.
The Encyclopedia of Winning Shortcuts - Again, Life's winning shortcuts are those PowerGems which are practiced by masters and champions.

The Encyclopedia on How To Succeed - Everyone needs a roadmap, an MisterShortcut Approach. Here it is, from the Psychology of Shortcuts.
The Encyclopedia of Success - Along the lines of the Encyclopedia on How To Succeed, the Encyclopedia of Success is more upbeat, less remonstrating.
The Great Shortcuts To Success - Whatever your pursuit in life, the MisterShortcut Approach powerfully elevate your success probabilities - repeatedly!
The Great Shortcuts to Excellence - Every human effort towards excellence has great shortcuts, so, here are your great shortcuts to YOUR excellence.
The How to Succeed at... because every human child should receive a book entitled "How To Succeed At....." to learn how to succeed at everything.

The MisterShortcut Approach is pretty much what it sounds like, with interactive EyeCandy Shapelinks and no shortage of success shortcuts.
Masters and Millionaires are the center of so much of what the Psychology of Shortcuts intends to deliver to you: methods of masters and millionaires.
The Methods Of Naturalists - Those who live naturally, who consider themselves naturalists, tend naturally to tend towards the Healthiest Secrets of Life.
The Methods of Dr. D Cohen - the first human to master Bodyscan2010 and QRA - the combination is more accurate than 1,000 MD's combined!
The MisterShortcut Masterlinks take you deeper into the Psychology of Shortcuts and all these thousands of websites from MisterShortcut.
The Path To Great Success - Most humans wish to fly into the path of great success. Wishing is a start. Taking action counts for more.

The Path To Natural Health - As stated, water, oil, salt, bulk, and good bacteria are a most powerful way to YOUR MisterShortcut Approach and healing.
The Pathway To Success - Climb aboard, climb inside your own Pathway to Success, brought to you by the Psychology of Shortcuts, and MisterShortcut.
The Power Path of Shortcuts - Power is rarely placed anywhere accidentally. Take control of the power you have, to get on the MisterShortcut Approach.
The Psychology of Longevity - the mother of all these naturopathic and natural-oriented websites, the MisterShortcut Approach is, naturally, free for you.
The Psychology of Successful People is the Psychology of doing things successfully by imitating successful people performing as you hope to perform.
The Psychology of A Good Life, because a good life is not as challenging as it has been for more of human history. Good shortcuts, for a good life.

The Psychology of Achieving More. Excellence cannot happen by accident, so achieving more is achieved intentionally. Use the resources you have!
The Psychology of Amazing Health - People who live stronger for longer are infinitely more reliable a source than a thousand scientists combined.
The Psychology of Amazing Shortcuts. Amazing the world begins with amazing yourself. Use amazing shortcuts, and taste the amazing results.
The Psychology of Best Shortcuts - PowerGems are the best shortcuts of all time, the best shortcuts that work approximately every time.
The Psychology of Champions. Do not kid yourself. Champions have a psychology, champions have a mindset. Let's get you into it.
The Psychology of Greatest Shortcuts teaches us to use the greatest shortcuts the greatest possible number of times.
The Psychology of Healing. For folks wishing to heal themselves naturally, climb inside the Healthiest Secrets of Life.
The Psychology of Healing Shortcuts. Natural healing shortcuts are healthier and safter than allopathic methods.
The Psychology of Healthiest Living. Living stronger for longer is a sweet result of living out the healthiest life.
The Psychology of Mr. Shortcut teaches us all how to use one great shortcut, or 1,000 of the greatest of them.
The Psychology of Naturality, naturally is about the Psychology of Naturality as practiced by the long-lived.
Road To True Success, your own guide and written menu to get onto the road to your own true success.
Healthiest Secrets of Life - People who live stronger for longer are a potent Healthiest Secrets of Life info.
The Tao of Great Shortcuts - Embrace your own personalized Tao of Great Shortcuts for a better life.
The Tao of Shortcuts- Ah, the MisterShortcut Approach say it all, doesn't it? Adopt your MisterShortcut Approach.
The Pathway Of True Health, for true health is not a destination, but a pathway of life.
The Utility of Natural Remedies and Medicines, for those who LOVE natural remedies.
The Way of Great Shortcuts, because Your way to success calls for great shortcuts.
The Zen of Good Health,
Your Zen of Achievement,
Your Zen of MisterShortcut,
Your Zen of Mister-Shortcut,
Your Zen of Better Shortcuts,
Your Zen of Winning Secrets,
Your Zen of Mr-Shortcut,
Your Zen of One Shortcut,
Your Natural Healing Method,
Your Tao of Health Supplements,
Your Psychology of Achieving More,

Of course, there are plenty more, over 1,000 unique self-empowerment sites from MisterShortcut.
Each of us tends to respond in different ways to any particular stimuli, thus, great variegation.

Your Psychology of Best Shortcuts, your Psychology of Champions, all to help you to help yourself, are all part of this network.
Your Psychology of Greatest Shortcuts is just that, your MisterShortcut Approach, the greatest of all time, provably.
Psychology of Healing, because healing yourself naturally is a smarter idea. Jump into the Healthiest Secrets of Life for life.
The Psychology of Naturality, as in the naturality that helps to promote our own Longevity, living in a state of naturality.
Road To True Success, ultimately, is the Psychology of Shortcuts and all the other MisterShortcut schools of thought.
Tao of Shortcuts is worth mentioning again, because it is, after all, the Tao of Shortcuts to empower you today.
Your Pathway Of True Health, still helping people to find their own pathway to true health by living naturally.
Your Way of Great Shortcuts is a special site, because the great shortcuts work for everyone, including you.
Zen of Mister Shortcut. Adopt a zen, adopt the ways of Mister Shortcut, and Bob's yer uncle, aay?
Zen of Mr-Shortcut, while similar to the Zen of Mister Shortcut, is not quite the same!

All of these schools of thought are unique, and deliciously interactive, just for you.
Embrace your best thinking, engage your hungriest attitudes, and there you shall be,
on the pathway to your own greatest success, using your greatest success shortcuts.
Speak less, do more. Welcome to your own wondrously self-empowering network,
all springing from the Psychology of Shortcuts of masters and millionaires.

The MisterShortcut Approach aims to be your Shapelinks EyeCandy Corner.
Look between and beyond the EyeCandy to find your potent PowerGems.
Rich with the most effective shortcuts, proven over so many centuries,
and proven even further with the advent of the technological age,
the MisterShortcut Approach is here to help you to help yourself,
to help you empower yourself to achieve your life's purposes.
Enjoy the Shapelinks, and other EyeCandy, with a hint:
Shapelinks EyeCandy is a distraction to get you here.
The real goal is to get you to learn more, live more...
to better equip you to achieve and to give more.
Welcome to the Shapelinks EyeCandy Corner.
Welcome to your MisterShortcut Approach.

Might as well get used to looking for delicious treats and hidden EyeCandy delights throughout The MisterShortcut Approach
The pleasure is designed to be associated internally and viscerally, even, with the love of knowledge and education.

This is the world of Shapelinks, the Eye Candy Capital of the Internet, The MisterShortcut Approach,
where the Godfather of Shapelinks turns you on to interactive beauty to promote your success.

These productivity techniques and methods, the secrets and shortcuts to success shared here at The MisterShortcut Approach,
are among the perfect laws of life. As a result, The MisterShortcut Approach is the true path and route for you.

Reach for more inside of yourself and you will be astonished at what is inside of you,
just waiting to be brought out in the best possible light. Now, it's your turn.

Learn more in order to live more, at the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life,
amounting to what may be the internet's healthiest websites, certainly the largest empowerment websites.

Even better, The MisterShortcut Approach AND the Healthiest Secrets of Life creations,
all part of the "Masters and Millionaires" network and empire built by the hands of Mr-Shortcut,
represent the internet's most philanthropic websites and network.

Already generating many millions of cups of food by YOUR clickthroughs to,
it's fair to describe MisterShortcut as the "World's Richest Man" or "The Richest Man on Earth,"
because true wealth is not measured by what you gather for yourself, rather, by what you give away to others.

Employ the simple laws of physics for your own direct advantage.   Get wealthy by giving.
You cannot suspend the laws of physics, so it's wise to profit repeatedly from them.
You will find that this fruit of the MisterShortcut Approach tastes delicious.
Live Stronger For Longer!!   With so many advances in technology,
Healthiest Secrets of Life are getting better and better...
... and, unlike prescription drugs, do NOT kill or sicken the patient.

Then, we move you into the greatest success shortcuts and secrets of masters and millionaires.
That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility,
from one pair of preternaturally busy hands: many hundreds of thousands of unique creations.

created for your success by Mister-Shortcut, for You