man can help you to help yourself .......
This web site can and should have a profound impact -- a lasting
and wonderful impact... ... on how long you live, and how well you
A over one million unique web pages by one pair of hands. Go for it. |
You will find this the largest true website on the internet.
Thus, it is also the largest naturopathic website ever created,
and, it is believed,
the healthiest website any of us might soon visit.
Welcome to the largest true website for health, your MisterShortcut Approach.
Nothing comes close, no human can review all of the MisterShortcut Approach in a lifetime.
It is certainly the largest naturopathic - or natural healing - website, focused on YOUR health.
The smarter approach is an educated approach, and now you have no excuses for lack of education.
By learning just one new fact each hour or day or week - your choice - you increase your education.
Learning one new fact every hour for a few hours per day, your doctor will soon be learning from you.
As challenging as it is to understand and accept this, six-eighths of your M.D.'s training is about selling.
This does not even refer to the "bedside manner" training they receive, which is no more than salesmanship.
It refers exclusively to the years, yes, years, that your medical student spends studying pharmacy catalogs.
This is less of a comment upon your M.D. than it is a comment on the need for you to educate yourself.
One new fact to one more new fact. That's all you need to focus on. One hundred facts does the trick.
By the time you have one hundred new facts in your mind about whatever your health concerns are,
you will in fact be enjoying mastery equal to or greater than your medical doctor's "mastery."
If medical doctors are so good at what they do, why, pray tell, are deaths zooming up?
In 2006, NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND NEW DIABETICS. Insulin does not heal.
Dietary and nutrition decisions alone are worth a thousand dosages of insulin.
Once again, this is not to debate the values of insulin, for there are none.
Nine years after being told I would need injections every day forever,
I remain an insulin virgin, for I have never allowed a single shot.
I can still outrun most every human forty years younger than I,
can stand on either foot with eyes closed - even on tip-toe,
and can breathe out for more than thirty straight seconds.
This is not about me, or my opinions of pharmacology.
It is about you learning just one new fact at a time,
one new fact about what relates to YOUR health.
One new fact is a magic secret of this life,
Before you do better than the best of us,
can you know more than the rest of us?
The MisterShortcut Approach wants you to learn more, so you can live more. Learn!
As useful and powerful as the information is at the MisterShortcut Approach,
remember that NOTHING can take the place of your participating consultation with your doctor or other health professional.
NO ONE can heal you by internet or telephone, so please do not accept information as being diagnostic here. It is not.
It is all designed to help you to educated yourself, because Dr. Cohen believes that we are all our own top doctors.
Please remember that you and God, sometimes your mother, are the only ones who ultimately care about you.
The more you learn, the more you tend to live, with quality and quantity. So learn more and live more!
... created for you by Mister-Shortcut
built by the amazing MisterShortcut,
you have found your way to a most amazing journey of eyecandy and brain candy,
all designed to help you live younger longer, thanks to MisterShortcut.
Enjoy. Free for your life,
The MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires, leaders and repeat winners.
Copyright © by
Mr Shortcuts for Bodyscan
All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people
the biggest self-empowerment website that will ever be created by a single pair of hands.
Another MisterShortcut production
Mr Shortcuts I
Mr Shortcuts II
Mr Shortcuts
Mr Shortcuts IV
Mr Shortcuts V
Mr Shortcuts VI
Mr Shortcuts VII
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 | Healing naturally with naturopathy and the MisterShortcut Approach,
using your best health tips,
the best health tips of long-lived people,
those who eat vegetables and drink enough water,
those who pursue flexibility in both mind and body.
With love,
from Mr Shortcuts |