They've been constructed and crafted, produced, delivered and promoted for YOUR excellence,
for the development of at least some of the ninety-nine-plus percent you are not using.
Can you memorize ten numbers, as in a phone number? Print a copy of the number Pi.
Naturally, you might not want to print out all one trillion-plus digits of known Pi.
Whether you print a thousand or a hundred, you can learn ten. We know that.
We know that because you know at least one phone number, with area code.
That's ten digits for each number. So, go ahead and learn just ten digits.
By the time you have memorized ten sets of ten, that's one hundred.
This puts you into the top one percent of all the thinkers on earth.
You can 'cheat' by reciting just ten numbers aloud, to memorize.
Isn't that funny? A simple trick, and you become world-class.
To your great benefit, Pi memorization expands your mind.
When you stretch your mind, your answers are far better.
Brilliance is the ability to provide better resolutions.
Brilliance is the ability to resolve challenges, hm?
Each human has challenges to resolve in our life.
Thus, the skill of resolving challenges is great.
How do we get better, quickly, with power?
You can do this by memorizing Pi digits.
You can do it thousands of other ways.
Stretch today to benefit in this day.
Shhh. Less talking, more doing.
Squeeze one more percent.
Then you'll know magic.
Use your MisterShortcut Approach to help feed the world's starving people![]() Big-hearted sponsors of TheHungerSite.com (no relation to us) perform many miracles every single day. At last count, these great givers have been buying growing thousands of cups of food each day. That's not for each year! Thanks to YOU, far more than any other audience on the planet, many thousands of cups of food per hour are generated one click at a time, by you. The MisterShortcut Approach has always supported this magnificent task, generating new and well-earned business while helping human beings. Please click through every single day to save a life every day. You are making this the most successful of all such tries, out-performing every other food drive in history. You have earned the most "thank you's". You have become saviors of earth, of all starving children. Thank you so much! |