Our goal was to create 100 sizable websites, each with five hundred to five thousand unique, orginal, free pages. To do that we must establish long-term relationships with reliable AND honorable web hosts. In the past five years we've gone through nearly one hundred hosting companies, currently sticking with about forty. Of these forty, some are great in that they are flexible, and have succeeded in connecting well with us. Our "ask" is simple and straightforward, based on the fact that our entire network and empire is based on the original intent of the internet, which is providing the "have-nots" with information to balance out the greed of the "haves," powerful, useful information comprised of two primary components: the world's healthiest websites, packed with the best health tips and Longevity shortcuts and longcuts used by people who live stronger for longer; along with the putative "mother ship" of the MisterShortcut Approach, which are the best shortcuts of masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead. The MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires. Says it all, doesn't it? Well, imagine a hundred different schools of thought: the MisterShortcut Approach, the MisterShortcut Approach, the MisterShortcut Approach, the MisterShortcut Approach, the Psychology of Excellence and the Tao of Succeeding, et alia. Each of perhaps one hundred and thirty-five thousand pages are perfectly unique and original, containing a link to TheHungerSite, where a single click produces a corporate purchase/donation of 1.1 cups of staple food. They have other buttons for other vital causes, all stimulating donations at no charge to the visitor. Since they've yet to be contacted, there's no reason to think that TheHungerSite folks realize that MisterShortcut's Masters and Millionaires websites have, in the past six years, produced far more than a hundred million cups of food via these clickthroughs. The entire venture has nothing to do with fame, glory, or money. This is about one human, close to yet not quite brilliant, permanently erasing as much of global starvation as can be achieved in the face of history's greatest era of greed and self-indulgence. Lofty, yes, but each day that produces thousands and thousands and thousands of clickthroughs brings us one day and that many thousands of cups of food closer to achieving this vital goal. You're asked to participate. Not for free. You see, we've already established ourselves as good customers by purchasing your services, at a higher rate than most of our hosts charge us. Please remember that we've done business with dozens and scores of web hosts in the nine years since the MisterShortcut Approach was first established and enunciated online. Now that we've: shown you the color of our money; proven to be a relatively low-maintenance customer; used only the tiniest fraction of the generous features you offer; precluded shopping carts or blogs or other high-resource drains on your system; proven conclusively that we are here to serve the world, not suck poor people's dollars, now we move to the next level, seeking to extend our business relationship with you. Our requirements are so modestly unintrusive that we're hopeful you will give fair consideration to granting them. a) We'd like to arrange hosting for at least three years in advance, with the ability to renew as often as we wish even during the first year if we're that happy with your service. b) Partly because this is NOT funded by outside sources or inheritance, rather through working dollars, and even more because ninety-five out of every one hundred new businesses dies within thirty-six months - and thanks to current insanity now growing to ninety-eight percent for the past three years -- we require the personal commitment of the owner of your company to make sure that our sites remain hosted for the term we agree upon. So if you plan on going out of business, may that day never come, or sell to another company, the owner of your company agrees to arrange for our hosting elsewhere BEFORE HE PAYS HIS OWN RENT OR PHONE BILL. If we're going to pay years in advance, we're demonstrating great trust. We ask you to fulfill and justify our trust in you. We're more than happy to provide you with CD versions of the sites you'll be hosting, to ensure availability of backup. At the bottom of the page, we're asking you to participate in the original intent of the internet: communication to the masses at little or no expense to them. We understand you're in business to make a profit, and we laud your distinctly superior approach. We do not just laud you in words, we do so with cash: we are already customers of yours, and have found that your service and your word has proven, thus far, to be both reliable and honorable. Let's take it to the next level. We're asking you to make a lesser profit for customers who don't even know where their cron is, and whether a cron job is for inducing multiple or merely single orgasmic experiences, let alone the wealth of probably great features you offer. When we said "no shopping carts or online purchasing," insanity was ascribed to our public service. Not only do we enjoy hyperdominance for hundreds of keywords and keyphrases, we have some two hundred thousand to 1.3 million visitors on any given day.