The MisterShortcut Approach is YOUR MisterShortcut Approach, your own place to examine the best thoughts of the best achievers among us, where the Godfather of Shortcuts uses interactive fun, EyeCandy, to promote your success. Showing us what you can do is so much more impressive than telling us what you can do. Do you understand that you've only achieved the tiniest fraction of why you are here at all? With several million unpaid minutes of superlative focus building The MisterShortcut Approach here's proof right in front of your eyes of the power and fruit of using great shortcuts. When is it your turn to enjoy a better life? Using any one or more PowerGems within the MisterShortcut Approach repeatedly is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you. Let's do it, hm? The MisterShortcut Approach is a part of the mother of all websites, the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires. Free for your life, MisterShortcut hopes you find at least some of the thousands of hidden treats spread throughout hundreds of thousands of unique web pages created for YOU by the Godfather of Shortcuts, the Godfather of EyeCandy, Mister-Shortcut |
There is some humor in hearing the query, "So, where are the success shortcuts?"
The MisterShortcut Approach affirms that they are pretty much found in every page.
We do not want "bad guys" using these fantastic shortcuts, do we, not our PowerGems?
So, the MisterShortcut Approach conceals the best shortcuts right here in plain site and sight.
Hardly a page, if any, in the millions of pages crafted for you in the MisterShortcut Approach and beyond,
that doesn't contain at least one or a dozen of the best and most useful shortcuts you can accelerate success with.
Shortcuts are not about what you hope for, unless you are willing to add a date to that hope, which transforms it into a goal.
Shortcuts are about what you hunger the most for, because each time you know what you want, and when you expect to achieve it by,
you are already at least one third, maybe even halfway to accelerating your way right into the heart of what it is that you most want.
NOTHING you ever encounter is as powerful as the gasoline of hunger, whatever it is that you personally desire most of all.
Put this in your pipe and smoke it: You can only move in the direction that your brain points you towards.
So, point your brain to idiotic and fruitless, profitless anger, or point your brain to fixing what irked you.
The precise energy that you put into anger or depression, sadness or laughter or love or any other emotion,
any other named human activity in the pursuit of excellence in something physical, mental, philanthropic and more,
is the same energy that the MisterShortcut Approach urges you to aim towards what you want, not what you don't want.
Earl Nightingale had such a gravelly voice, deep and husky and energetic.
Millions of us thrilled to hear him share one of the most magical secrets of all time,
which he aptly called, "The Strangest Secret," combprised of only six small words!
He said, "we become what we think about."
He quoted holy books with their versions.
Many religions teach we move towards our thought.
Didn't Siddartha, called "Buddha" by so many, agree?
Didn't Siddartha teach that, just as a fletcher (arrow-maker)
straightens an arrow shaft, so does the discerning man straighten his mind?
Earl Nightingale spoke the truth, and there is no doubt he was speaking to you.
Your endlessly repetitive excuses for so ardently embracing your daily mediocrity,
are nothing but excuses, because there is, as Artie Marzig taught, one reason for failing.
Inadequate effort.
Until you get so hungry for something that anything less is unacceptable, we stay mired in mediocrity.
Why even bother living if you are not going to live at the highest levels of what you claim you "could" do?
Helen Keller used to say that life is an exciting adventure or it is nothing at all, and she was blind, deaf, and mute.
Helen Keller actually went to school, and graduated as valedictorian, earned college degrees, wrote best selling books,
and served for more than half a century - get this - "people who have much less than I do." You are out of acceptable excuses!
Whatever your excuses, it is time for you to engage your own MisterShortcut Approach attitude.
Everything gets easier, more productive, infinitely more satisfying with the MisterShortcut Approach.
This simply means that, most every waking minute of the day, you look more at answers than at problems.
Yes, yes, of course you need to identify the obstacles. Think of these less as problems, and more as "obstacles,"
because problems tend to be very rough on each of us, whereas obstacles are only something that needs removal.
On those rare, genuinely rare occasions where an obstacle cannot be moved, learn to move around or over it, then.
Since most of our dreams and goals are accomplished with at least some help from others, it means asking more.
When you ask more people more times each, you do not merely increase, no, no, you MULTIPLY your success rates.
This is easily the single greatest power of a human, the power to become a thousand times more than what you are.
When you secure the cooperation of other people, particularly the decision-makers who have the power to say "Yes,"
you are securing the opportunity for your mind and body to be free of petty distractions, between you and your power.
The greatest of your powers has yet to be seen, and the MisterShortcut Approach wants you to use and show that power today.
Ask more people more times each. Know precisely what it is you want so that you can move closer to it with each of your days.
NO MAYBE'S ABOUT IT: Shortcuts follow shortcuts when you remain focused on shortcuts.
Literally, one shortcut leads us to another shortcut, because success tends to breed success.
If you know that you do not always get what you want, then also know you usually get what you expect.
With love from the Godfather of Shortcuts, and your MisterShortcut Approach.
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