Welcome to the world's most magnificent website, with MisterShortcut

These are but a taste of the thousands of unique "EyeCandy" websites
designed, created, uploaded and promoted by Mister-Shortcut, just for you.

Included are some earlier “redirects" and free MisterShortcut Approach sites that will die over time.
Not to worry; MisterShortcut created more than a thousand empowering websites for you.     Whew!!

The MisterShortcut Approach breaks many world records just to make it easier for you
Now, it's your turn. Taking even one PowerGem, --let alone two or more, which actually multiplies results in as little as a single day --
and using it repeatedly, opens up a whole new world for you, certain to shock you with your own excellence..

each and every one of a quarter million articulately beautiful web pages by the Godfather of Shortcuts, Godfather of Online EyeCandy
All focused on you personally, no need to buy a thing,   all designed for your life.
As you enter this very exciting ride of your life, learn to push your F11 keyboard button...     ... often.

(Pssst.     There are thousands of hidden treats when you learn to move your mouse into hidden corners and obvious ones too.)
Old-world, much of the MisterShortcut Approach only shows in IE  


There are many, MANY hidden delights and features through these 1,000,000+ unique webpages, so

Thousands of excuses for failure - only one reason.     Give it sufficient thought and you'll come up with the answer.
The moment that you do, if your IQ is above seventy-two, then you enjoy sufficient sentience to get very, VERY excited.
Using any PowerGem within the MisterShortcut Approach, or the thousand other sites Mr-Shortcut created for you,
you are absolutely guaranteed to get faster, even magical results at accelerated speeds,
and we've seen no exceptions to this magic rule. How do you think we got here?
More than one thousand separate, huge, gorgeous websites,
with more than ten thousand individually-crafted EyeCandies?
Not by brilliance of talent nor intellect, not even by luck;
certainly not from MisterShortcut's happy, good looks!
No, Grasshopper,, the enormity of this body of work,
1,089 domains and subdomains by MisterShortcut,
were only possible through the gifts of the PowerGems,
the greatest shortcuts of all time, direct from our winners.
You will find PowerGems to be both portable and powerful,
enabling you to leap tall buildings of doubt, disrespect, and power,
leading you further up your own ladder in a matter of minutes and hours,
provided you simply be quiet and imite the words and actions of those who know best:
THOSE WHO DO IT BEST!! More than four hundred servers around the world hold these sites,
and their power is limited to your imagination, because you can bet that either the person before you,
or the one who reads this just after you - ONE of the three of you will take more action in the next sixty minutes.

You and nobody on this planet but you gets to decide if you will continue to produce with mediociryt and bare, half-efforts,
of whether YOU will be the one in three who is actually smart enough to acknowledge that masters and millionaires know better,
that champions and billionaires who all have identifable commonalities -- know better than anyone in the madden crown, how to be best.
If we're not getting it from the horse's mouth, then we risk getting caught at the wrong end of the horse. Can't speak for you, but I know where I wish to be..

all built pro bono and able to stimulate a hundred million cups of food,
no expenses deducted, no money sticking to filthy, grubby fingers,
just a hundred million cups of food to starving people, still producing thanks to you.

Remember, what you know means little to any of us.
What you DO with what you know fascinates us. Do more with what you know.
MisterShortcut created hundreds of huge websites   EACH ranks as a major player.
He did this because you need to learn more so you can live more,
living healthier, happier, longer, with simple health tips and shortcuts.
Do more with what you know now.
You’ll notice yourself getting happier.

There are so many shortcuts available for you to make use of.

When did you last realize, just for one example of many instant resources to power,
that you have the ability to ask a question not merely from a bright librarian or a Harvard professor,
no, you get to ask many tens of millions of computers your question,
because that is precisely what you do when you go to a search engine.
You're asking millions and more millions of computers in hundreds of languages, covering every known subject.

Experts.     They're an excellent source, provided they are actually doing it at world-class.
We generally recognize them as masters or millionaires, champions or billionaires.
Everyone else is full of crapulous invective,   technobabble,   or the blatherskite of excuses.

Welcome to the || Masters and Millionaires Secrets to Success

Explore the world's largest natural health resource. Nothing else comes close,
with so many hundreds of thousands of pages of unique content at the MisterShortcut Approach,
because the more we know, the stronger and longer we tend to live.

If you're interested in living stronger and living longer, you've probably come to the right place:
the world's largest naturopathic website, and certainly one of our healthiest and wealthiest websites.
Jump in and learn more, the MisterShortcut Approach is designed for your life,
in hope of you learning more in order to live more so you can give more.
Thank you.

Please remember to feed those who are hungrier than you by giving, at no cost to you.
Easy Way To Become A Hero Of The Healthiest Secrets of Life !
Meritable sponsors donate 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
By clicking this and the following food buttons, you really do help to save a human life...
at no charge to you.

Share the MisterShortcut Approach With Global Generosity!

Sharing has a funny, pleasing way of returning, repeatedly

You already know that what goes up must come down, that what goes around comes around.
Today presents any number of opportunities for you, some you see, plenty that pass you by.
Today, the MisterShortcut Approach solicits your interest in developing your excellence.
So, pretend that today is that day in which you earn annual money in each work-hour.
Today is your focus, not the next 100 days of repeating and improving what you do today.
You can do it for 22 days, 100 days, 1000 days or more, provided you do it, fully, in THIS today.
What you do plays a distant second fiddle to what you do with what you know, demanding you do more.
When you awaken the MisterShortcut Approach within you, you are going to be positively electrified, as a habit.
When you imitate the best, the masters and millionaires, the champions and billionaires, you tend to imitate their results.
It is your day, your turn, your MisterShortcut Approach, your hunger driving the determination of how successful you will be today.

Share the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life with YOUR world,
for the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life can be used by all.
The more we give away in life, the more that life is sure to repay our kindness.
Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, humans and creatures, all within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to reverse the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.
Share the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life today.
Help to even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.

For you.
Hundreds of thousands of pages connected to the MisterShortcut Approach were created and individually customized
by a single pair of hands. laboring with love to bring you the greatest and healthiest shortcuts of all time

Wait, it gets better.
There are also between three hundred and five hundred thousand additional unique pages,
focusing on the greatest shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires,
ALSO created by that same pair of hands, beginning here at The MisterShortcut Approach,
and continuing through all the other "Psychology of _________" empowerment websites.

All of this EyeCandy and perhaps BrainCandy as well, hundreds of thousands of pieces,
were actually created by writing an essay, photocopying it one hundred times,
then customizing each and every one of them... then doing it all over again.
To each was added snippets of delicious EyeCandy interactive effects.
At last count, you should find thousands of original chapters,
each filled with hundreds of pages of great all-time shortcuts.
That's how much love you will find here:
hundreds of thousands of pieces...
particularly for you and yours,
Learn, live, & give more..


You've made it to the Shapelinks Capital of the World, The MisterShortcut Approach,
where the Godfather of Shapelinks turns you on to interactive beauty to promote your success.

The techniques and methods, the secrets and shortcuts to success that we share at The MisterShortcut Approach,
are among the perfect laws of life. As a result, The MisterShortcut Approach is the true path and route for you.

Reach for more inside of yourself and you will be astonished at what is inside of you,
just waiting to be brought out in the best possible light. Now, it's your turn.

Learn more in order to live more, at the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life,
amounting to what may be the internet's healthiest websites, certainly the largest empowerment websites.

Even better, The MisterShortcut Approach AND the Healthiest Secrets of Life creations,
all part of the "Masters and Millionaires" network and empire built by the hands of Mr-Shortcut,
represent the internet's most philanthropic websites and network.

Already generating many millions of cups of food by YOUR clickthroughs to TheHungerSite.com,
it's fair to describe MisterShortcut as the "World's Richest Man" or "The Richest Man on Earth,"
because true wealth is not measured by what you gather for yourself, rather, by what you give away to others.

Employ the simple laws of physics for your own direct advantage.   Get wealthy by giving.
You cannot suspend the laws of physics, so it's wise to profit repeatedly from them.
You will find that this fruit of the MisterShortcut Approach tastes delicious.
Natural health shortcuts of long-lived people.   Your best health tips... NATURAL health tips,
and the greatest success shortcuts and secrets of masters and millionaires.
As for where all these hundreds of thousands of gorgeous, articulate web pages came from, they are,
from one pair of preternaturally busy hands: many hundreds of thousands of unique creations.

created for your success by Mister-Shortcut, for You