Change takes as long or as little as the time it takes to make better decisions.
Developing more of your excellence is primarily a matter of those better decisions.
The MisterShortcut Approach relies upon tiny changes that constitute better decisions.
Breathing more, and more deeply. Drinking lemon juice every morning and night.
These two secrets of Longevity are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to you.
If you knew better, wouldn't you do better? Embrace the MisterShortcut Approach.
The payoffs are many, and manifold. Take it from those living stronger longer.
Push all of the air out of your lungs in this minute and monent, even now!
When you think your lungs are empty, you are very and toxically in error.
Keep pushing, you still have quarts - yes, quarts to go to true empty.
Now, slowly fill your lungs back up with air in a relaxed manner.
The MisterShortcut Approach promises you manifold benefits.
Not least of the MANY and manifold benefits is cerebral.
There is no doubt that you will produce better answers.
The underlying reasons are less important than usage.
Thus, the MisterShortcut Approach invites YOU in,
to the zone of excellence enjoyed by rara aves.
Stop wasting time majoring in minors. Let's start using shortcuts immediately.
For example, each day of your life has a certain number of fully wasted minutes,
minutes you can reclaim immediately for far more useful investment on your behalf.
Every time you get into a conversation with someone, take note of what you speak about.
When you find yourself outside of the zone that's most useful to you, shorten your chat.
Wise people discuss ideas, average people discuss events, mediocre people discuss other people.
That's a fantastic place to start, because talking about other people has little profit.
That doesn't mean you eliminate every minute of just unwinding with a bit of gab.
What it does mean is a reduction of minutes that are perfectly wasteful.
While "perfect" is a nice word, "wasteful" is not quite so.
Most of your minutes are yours to do with as you wish.
By trimming wasteful minutes just a few at a time,
you instantly reap more minutes to wisely use.
Let's make this change effective right now.
Every conversation, keep this in focus.
Every conversation, trim a minute.
This alone returns, over time,
many thousands of minutes.
Think you could use them?
MisterShortcut hopes you find the MisterShortcut Approach to be among your healthiest websites.
with your best and healthiest shortcuts to living stronger longer, naturally.
If not, hush up and get busy, doing it yourself.
As a general rule, the only person who should ever be allowed to voice a complaint...
is someone offering a resolution to their complaint.
Why not be that person? It's one of the easiest transitions for a human being,
and yet provides change more profound than any but the most flexible imagination would have guessed in advance.
Transit into a human being whose every utterance is related to resolving whatever is being reluctantly faced.
Embracing every single opportunity to prove that you can provide a better answer.
Never mind that you or your ideas will get "shot down" more often than not, mathematically.
As long as you succeed just one more time for every twelve tries, you are guaranteed to double your results.
This is a perfect rule of life, and as much a PowerGem, as much a superlative or absolute shortcut, as the PowerGem of ASKING.
Resolve. Seek answers. Illuminate commonalities instead of differences and you get more unity.
With unity you get more than double the power. MORE than double the power, for everything.
From education or entertainmanet to commerce of industry or social or personal issues,
unity gives you the magnificent ability to control just what directions you move in.
Money is at best only the tiniest of your achievements when you grab true power,
and the power of unity is largely, obviously, and risibly under-used, by you.
Reach for the great human powers that produce rapidly. Take control.
This is one of the easiest transitions for a human to make,
the transition into a person of vast, useful power,
one who influences other people repeatedly.
The critical line is "never quitting."
No matter the circumstances,
there are always answers.
Resolve to resolve.
Living Power.
With love,
Your fan.