Crafted and produced by the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are the shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and without a doubt YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.
Whatever time you may use enjoying the WaveRings and Shapelinks and other EyeCandy creations,
you are reminded that the MisterShortcut Approach is here for the purpose of self-empowerment.
Practicing brain tricks of any variety is a smart and measured way of staying sharp.
If there are puzzles that you particularly like which provide mental stimulation,
you are wise to make sure you play these puzzles at least a few times per year.
Stretching muscles in your mind is NOT different from those in your body.
Just like a rubber band that goes faster when it's NOT being stretched,
just as the ships in drydock will rot faster than a ship out at sea,
and as an airplane will rust & rot faster if it is not flown often,
so does your brain rot and rust without adequate exercise.
The MisterShortcut Approach is all about and for your life,
because every human merits a cheerleader and coach.