Let today be among your most self-empowering days... because it is,
when you engage the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires,
expanding your success quota, with Mr_Shortcut

Benjamin Disraeli lived an amazing life.
He did not live by accident or achieve unintentionally.
He lived the precepts of the MisterShortcut Approach daily,
proving over and over again the value of dreaming, writing, doing.
He gave us a phrase of such profound impact on your life it's repeated here,
in hope you'll take it to heart quickly, and with proactive force of commitment.
"I've brought myself by long meditation to the firm conviction that everything comes if a man will only wait,
because nothing can resist a human will that'll stake even existence on a settled purpose."

We watch what you do with what you know. Knowledge before action is only potential.
Reach for the best in you, by starting today.
The MisterShortcut Approach has great expectations of you.
Asking more from yourself in any effort leads to higher expectations.
Higher expectation repeatedly leads to higher productivity.   Yes, for you, too.
   IF your belief in your potential matches Mr-Shortcut's belief in what you are able to do,
 you're already committed to making today more of a day worth living, and enjoying.
Since your time on earth is running out, it is time to move forwards bravely,
achieving more in these next 100 days than in all your life put together.

It is not materials or reputation that you place at risk,
only the fears that have held you back until now.
Welcome to the MisterShortcut Approach,
where high-speed mastery is yours,
rapidly accelerating your goals,
because you're worth it.

Launch and leap into the most self-empowering adventure of a life, with MisterShortcut
Reach for the best in you, by embracing the MisterShortcut Approach today.
Asking more from yourself in any effort leads to higher expectations.
Higher expectations always and without fail lead to higher productivity.
As long as you believe that today contains great opportunities,
you multiply your chances of making today more productive,
a bit more filled with a determination to excel.

YOU determine the value of the MisterShortcut Approach,
just as you determine the value... or lack... in each day.

welcomes you to the world's most exciting and empowering website,
the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires,
far larger than any human can ever review alone...

Tap any keyboard character (upper- OR lower-case)
for another Mister Shortcut website of empowerment and EyeCandy

The MisterShortcut Approach AND the Healthiest Secrets of Life are designed to be your most empowering websites,
At the same time, all the great information in the world will do you little good until you USE that information.
That's a nice way of saying that what you know means nothing much at all...
it is what you DO with what you know that fascinates us all.

One of the firm promises extended to you by the MisterShortcut Approach is this:
embrace the MisterShortcut Approach with all your heart, all your soul, all your effort,
and you will find the MisterShortcut Approach embracing YOU with full heart, soul, and effort.

The MisterShortcut Approach - Empowering You To Empower Yourself

Shortcuts and yet more shortcuts to success by succeeeding with simple shortcuts

Learning to be more effective is not so much a question of will as it is desire.
The MisterShortcut Approach doesn't actually win your success for you,
and still the MisterShortcut Approach does come with a guarantee,
as close to an absolute as humans can get: acceleration.
In all that you do, do it with more passion, and observe.
When you observe what is working and what is not,
your confused road map becomes starkly clear,
your directions, your corrections transparent.
Use the MisterShortcut Approach for you,
or realize that someone else will, for you.

Since Life itself is not lateral, neither is the MisterShortcut Approach.
Although you might fairly consider it an encyclopedia of shortcuts,
an encyclopedia or compendium of success, from the mouths and lives,
the actions and achievements and specific words used by masters and champions,
it s particularly designed to be like a tree of knowledge. Pick the fruits and vegetables.
Take delight in Shapelinks or WaveRings or other delicious EyeCandy creations here,
as long as your primary purpose here is to pick up the best shortcuts for achievement.
It is true that "there are few shortcuts" - for those who come first to pioneer the way.
These pioneers have to use trial and error, over and over and over again, right?
You, on the other hand, get to learn from their mistakes and their successes.

By spending less time understanding all the science of WHY PowerGems work,
the MisterShortcut Approach is about getting down to the steps that guide the way.
Try to recognize that if you succeed at even one tiny task each day,
one hundred days from today will find you doubling your results.
One percent is such a tiny amount to ask of you.   One percent.
Trust in the power of the MisterShortcut Approach.
Free for your life, because you're worth it.

The MisterShortcut Approach On Your Wisdom
All wisdom contains multiple layers, multiple levels of usefulness.
When you think you've gotten something useful, do not limit yourself there.
Look for the second level of utility, and then the third and even the fourth and fifth.
Your learning curve goes up in just mere minutes, even today, when you look past first blush.
Every human you've ever met who was or is worth admiring uses this magical PowerGem.
A PowerGem is a deliciously open yet hidden secret of the MisterShortcut Approach.

One other thought here, among the most important of the MisterShortcut Approach :
You already know that what goes around comes around, ala "What goes up..."
Click through to TheHungerSite, one time every day that you live and breathe.
Watch how quickly a dozen or more facets of your life begin improving.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE the MisterShortcut Approach.
Click through to TheHungerSite, and its related HELPING websites.
AnimalRescuesite, RainForestsite, ChildHealthSite, and LiteracySite.
As with every act of anonymous kindness you commit, YOU win.
You will, as we all do, experience some of your best feelings.
What goes up, comes down: what goes around comes around.

Join the MisterShortcut Approach, solving problems,
one at a time, with the best and greatest shortcuts.

Wing-Raver Poem - MisterShortcut Approach Poetry Collection

Wing-Raver walk with me, Wing-Raver talk to me, tell me the things I need,
for all of the Wing-Raver passion and play, it is all to plant this seed.
The thought, the belief, the idea, the plan, to make it happen again,
this time, the Wing-Raver map will be there for YOU right to the end.
Wing-Raver chatter, can only matter, if you care just where,
you end up in the Wing-Raver River...
mediocre or pursuing your best.

Don't any longer be like the rest,
tap into what's the core of your chest.
The place where your Wing-Raver plans come true,
because we've showed our wisdom in relying upon you.

Engage your own MisterShortcut Approach, singing out YOUR Wing-Ravers.