Interactive artforms such as the WaveRings and Wing-Ravers and Shapelinks, The MisterShortcut Approach
and so many others, are as much in existence thanks to the earlier works of other people as anyone else,
including the highly skilled and motivated hands of MisterShortcut.
From the sites that brought us free javacripts, open to all,
to the template design underlying the WaveRings and Wing-Ravers,
it is the concept and actualization of sharing that has helped so much.
Whatever it is that we do, speaking for self it has been great, all this sharing.
One could actually get used to it, because it feels good to fill another human's empty stomach.
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The largest body of work by a human being,
and the only one in human history with thousands of hand-crafted colors.
More than a over one million unique pages, hundreds of thousands of mirror pages.
Tens of thousands of digital art creations from one pair of prolific hands,
with endless agonizing over each hand-crafted color; many thousands of them.
The only body of art in history with thousands of uniquely-crafted colors.