The MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Champions
PowerGems High-powered shortcuts to success
Great Minds - Best Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires Champions and Billionaires
Great minds discuss ideas – planning their route in
Average minds discuss events and reasons why not
Mediocre minds discuss other people.
There are no known exceptions to this.
All of your 10 most recent conversations were dominated by one of these three.
Seven people of every 100 are smart enough to identify which group they fit into and plan
their route in advance. Everyone else works for those seven or eight.
This is based on the age-old wisdom that says a few of every one hundred have written goals; the remaining 95 to 97 percent of the population works for these people.
They plan their route in advance
Plan their route in advance
They shut up and plan their route in advance.
Instead of engaging in minor conversations about other minor people who are sitting around amire in gossip, self-directed individuals, with IQ's ranging from 55 to 155, on average, remember which of these three speech activities is most assured to produce benefit for those who know the difference. You can verbalize all the comprehension you wish; it will never change your result as long as it's merely verbalized; action is what transmogrifies braggadocio into reality.
The fastest way to learn how
to get better at something is NOT to do it more. Without observing the results and making appropriate corrections, it's mere repetition. Tony Robbins claimed that repetition is the mother of all skill. Drum that up a notch by acknowledging that observant repetition, flexible repetition, these are the mothers of all skill. Making those tiny changes. The next time you're about to waste sixty precious seconds of your life flapping your jaws about so-and-so, manage your decisions more fruitfully and more to your own advantage as well as to those around you. Make the decision to use those sixty seconds determining how you're going to do something better... or use those sixty seconds actually doing it better!
In and of itself, repetition is not sufficient to attain more and better results quickly.
It is accomplished
by finding other people doing it better, and copying them,
adding your personality, experience and hunches along with way. Most of the time, when you are charged with self-expectations of excellence, you will and do in fact produce better answers and better approaches. You've been doing so successfully since learning how to walk, how to speak, how to climb, how to tie your shoelaces, how to ask for something in public with politely firm determination to have that sandwich the way YOU would like it.
These are all skills; skills you already possess and for some reason choose to ignore because the opportunity arises to talk about someone. Enough already: it's the height of mediocrity, and all of us benefit from reading those three vital sentences regarding what we talk about.
Quote from a multiple “Top 10 nationwide” closer &
manager for several large companies:
"When we’re not getting top-notch results, it means we are over-rating our current performance. Remaining open to improvement
leads to achieving the improvement…along with the better results that put us in the top ten percent of our field nationally. When we want a better result, we start by improving our current performance… by opening up to whoever has done it or is doing it better… repeatedly. If you're absolutely determined to speak about other people, at least make sure we're talking about people we seek to emulate. Emulate their words and actions, and you invariably emulate a rough approximation of their results.”
The most controllable variable of the equation between desire and reality is the quality and number of your efforts; efforts that multiply in the hour that you do. Let that be THIS hour of your life.
What you know means nothing;
what you DO with what you know is the difference between mediocrity and excellence.
Let's face a bit reality: either you yourself are excellent, or you're not, which would place you with the mediocre. This page contains a powerful tool for you to get benefit from in the next few hours of your life; significant, measurable benefit. Benefit: use it, or lose it.
Get busy writing today, I promise you a wealth of fast benefit and profit. Your opinion is of no value until based on experience. Writing more today brings more today AND tomorrow; ninety-seven days out of every one hundred.
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