Instant Raise - Mr-Shortcut Wants You To Make More - NOW
Every sentence and every action is
either time-wasting or time-fulfilling.
Don’t mislabel a thing as more
important when it is not DIRECTLY related to accomplishing a desired goal. That
is a foolish trap we lay for ourselves, so easy to avoid by considering any
question from the OPPOSITE point of view that you would normally take. It is a
simple, time-saving shortcut; you end up with more balanced opinions based on
your best thinking abilities rather than your more emotional gut responses!
Saving time does NOT mean trying to never ever waste time, because that is a ridiculous extreme, and we know and accept that wasting time is a human need since every human does it. We’re addressing here the majority of your waking minutes, not all of your minutes, just a majority of them, when you are either focused or you are not focused. When you are focused, you’re able to show all of us how good you are. When you are not focused you are not producing at high levels. This enormous boost in your personal productivity is available for your use even in the next few minutes. At any videotapable moment of your life, you are either focused with intensity, focused not at all, or at some point in between. Become smarter in the next few minutes by both comprehending and embracing this life-changing, thoroughly electrifying shortcut to watching your accomplishments double repeatedly.
Ten people at a starting line of some contest. Two are brilliant, two are retarded, two are of average intelligence, two are above-average, and two are below average. Who will most likely win the race? Ten times in ten races the answer will never change: the hungriest contestant wins. This is true of every race, every contest that has ever existed or will ever exist between two or more human beings.
Whoever is hungriest is the one who remains at high focus for the majority of the duration of that contest.
People who assign importance to petty things define themselves as petty, which
deprives their most important their
best attention. They are often people with high levels of education, because
they really think they know better. Proof of course, is found in their absence
from the pool of super-achievers. It’s
been my experience that the people who are doing it better are the people who
know it better. Everyone else has to shut up and pay attention to them when the
desired goal is to be as good or better than the person who IS ALREADY DOING IT
Too often pride goes before the fall and we just hesitate to
open up. Be smart enough to remember
that there is only one moment in every form of life of this planet, animal,
vegetable, or mineral, when the death process begins. All true scientists keenly
understand without emotional limitations that the death process begins in every
form of life in precisely the same second that growth ceases.
That means skipping OR shortening the minor conversations by
a sentence or two. It means that waiting at the traffic light is an opportunity
to focus your mind on something you need to accomplish in the next 24 hours.
This is basic training for advanced thinkers, which means ALL thinkers at
levels low, medium and high get instant use from this perfect truth.
Instead of speaking without thinking, throwing ten high-speed sentences, use a
moment to consider your thoughts, and then use two or three well-chosen
sentences. FREE BONUS: one of several extra benefits you get from
this is that more of your spoken opinions will sound even more intelligent.
Instead of relying on opinion,
we only need to keep aware for 24 hours whether an action or sentence that is
about to happen should happen at all.
Doing it for 24 hours has such a huge impact on people who are doing it for real, not just lip service, that a decision is often made to extend the “AWARENESS OF MY TIME” for another 24 hours. Approximately 7 percent of the population, most often those with less formal education demonstrate native intellect of a higher nature; enough to see that there is a direct connection between cause and effect, and maintain an awareness of how they are using their time…. most all of the time. They are frequently counted among the super-achievers of at least these past two generations. Should your goal merely to be one-tenth as good or as smart as they, your duplication of their actions and words absolutely guarantee you success. That’s why it qualifies so well as a success shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires. Your turn.
Help the MisterShortcut Approach help feed starving kids - NO CHARGE
Facets and Benefits of the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life - Affiliate Marketing.
Where the Healthiest Secrets of Life aims to keep you living stronger for longer, with HealthGems, QRA, etc.,
the MisterShortcut Approach exists within you to generate enough income to develop wealth, which yields choice.
The more choices we have in life, the happier we see people living, and we only get one life, so make it worthwhile.
Pursuing choices, the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life come together in affiliate marketing.
By promoting affiliate marketing, more and more people get more and more choices to make for themselves.
Financial wealth is only one of the components of the MisterShortcut Approach towards succeeding well.
If money is one of the reasons you seek to engage your own MisterShortcut Approach, good on you.
If health is primarily why you work to keep the Healthiest Secrets of Life thriving, good on you.
The MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life will continue watching,
searching for strictly honorable, and profitable, affiliate marketing programs.
As per a prime MisterShortcut Approach imperative, this program is free.
Affiliate marketing enables you to work at home, starting modestly.
If you happen to develop pleasure in affiliate marketing efforts,
you are likely to do it for more minutes per week, profitably.
Your investment of time is worth more than your money.
Money you can replace simply by asking for more.
Time can never be replaced, so it is precious.
Try affiliate marketing, to see for yourself.
You do not even need to fire your boss
Begin your affiliate marketing now.
One step becomes one hundred.
Affiliate with excellence.
Affiliate with the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life
By keeping the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life independent, without selling books, cds, tapes, etc.,
the independent credibility of both the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life are protected, while serving.
As long as the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life exist in service, affiliate marketing is our suggestion.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Healthiest Secrets of Life are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Healthiest Secrets of Life qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Healthiest Secrets of Life supercharging story.
Feed someone today hungrier than you
With much love, from the heart of the MisterShortcut Approach.
Go for your instant raise.
You pay YOURSELF an instant raise when you excel,
when you consciously decide to puruse the best in you.
If you think an instant raise is impossible to get, you're right.
If you think obtaining an instant raise is achievable, you are right.
Henry Ford:
"Those who say they can, and those who say they cannot, are always right."
More of the MisterShortcut Approach and Healthiest Secrets of Life
Acoustic Cardiograph
At Fourteen
All Quit Smoking Pages
Ayurveda II
Biosyntony 5
Brain tuner
Brain tuner II
Breathing 2
Breath Of Life
Doctors II
Bodyscan Endorsements
Flower Essence Therapy
Health Index
Herbal Medicine
Herbal-medicine II
Mineral Infrared Therapy
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathy II
Oil of Oregano
Rife Technology
911day Tribute
911day Photos - Tribute To Friends
Health Index - Healthiest Secrets of Life
Wealth index for the MisterShortcut Approach
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