The Healthiest Secrets of Life Wants You To Know About Xenoestrogens Xenoestrogens In Your Food And Packaging
" Xenoestrogens" -- ("changed female hormones") - major advisory from the Healthiest Secrets of Life on xenoestrogens
The Healthiest Secrets of Life delves into this subject so seriously, as a major advisory, because xenoestrogens are such a hidden threat, blatantly though it is shoved into our bodies. Xenoestrogens appear to be here to stay, and every decent parent needs to know about xenoestrogens. Specifically, the Healthiest Secrets of Life
.2enough for those of maturity to have to suffer the effects and results of xenoestrogens being present in so many products. Adding to the flames of discontent is the observation that young children are being so profoundly, deleteriously affected.
When you see girls of eight through twelve almost routinely entering puberty prematurely, with the increase of premature puberty in girls as young as five and six, the Healthiest Secrets of Life expresses encouragement for every voice to be raised.
In short, xenoestrogens are so prevalent today because of corruption. Remember, xenoestrogens are MAN-MADE compounds. If not for corruption in elected and offices of high appointment, xenoestrogens would have been banned long before the virtual river of evidence produced just in the first decade of this century. It is time to ban xenoestrogens when young children's bodies are being set up for disaster because of greed and convenience.
Xenoestrogens do not stop there. These insidious chemicals go on to accelerate breast cancer in those of us who are either genetically, constitutionally, or environmentally predisposed to expressing the cancer gene.
It still gets worse, xenoestrogens mimic the natural estrogens of the body, and wreak such wide swaths of damage.
For men, the earlier they are exposed to xenoestrogens, the worse the long-term effect proves to be on swelling of the prostate gland. Study after study, including scholarly tomes and reports that document the pleiotropic effect of endocrine disrupters. By the turn of the new millennium, it was clear that older mice routinely develop prostate disease when exposed very early in life to xenoestrogens.
Prior to this century, breast cancer was most frequently found in women in their sixties and seventies and eighties. Prostrate swelling and cvarious cancers have never stopped rising, some nearly thirty years in a row. The concomitant increase in the prevalence of xenoestrogens, the simultaneous increase in so many health issues, not least of which can include modulation, illicit modulation of neuronal differentiation, and there goes the brain, tiny increments of degeneration that no naked eye is going to casually pick up on.
The bad news: xenoestrogens are not only in plastics, but in the hormones used by stockmen & farmers to fatten up animals for market—beef, chicken, turkey, pork. If you really think your health is unaffected by this, you’re wrong.
These little chemicals also do a number on the immune system in general, setting up all kinds of cancers, and a number of autoimmune disorders ranging from fibromyalgias and chronic fatigue, common stomach and thyroid problems, multiple sclerosis, prostate enlargement, and too many others.
The Healthiest Secrets of Life calls for citizens to speak up. From the MisterShortcut Approach comes a reminder that you are most assuredly part of the problem if you are not participating in creating solutions.
Relying upon your elected officials to act in your best interests only serves as proof of gullibility, perhaps even transgressing across the border into stupidity. Even as the Healthiest Secrets of Life is apolitical, you can be sure that the Healthiest Secrets of Life represents everything partisan, with a definite, prejudicial bent towards the individual.
Companies that make Saran Wrap-style plastic wrapping appear to demonstrate zero conscience, with a bizarre thirst for cash that is so comparable to drinking the blood of the people, laughing all the while at the ignorant or lazy sheeple who remain silent. If you are not part of the solution, then you stand accused of being part of the problem.
The time is already quite too late for many millions. That does not manumit you from parental and grandparental obligation to protect the next generations.
Speak up, speak up, many, many, many times for each of the issues that most affect your own life, and the lives of those you care for.
Can you agree that waiting for politicians to act in the best interests of the electorate is not your fastest path to resolution of your pressing issues?
HOWEVER SKILLED the delivery of lip service, YOUR elected politician has the best health care in the world, paid for very directly out of your pocket, and you speak not a word that a millionaire is spending YOUR tax dollars on personal health care, UTTERLY unneeded cell phone service, 24-hour chefs and kitchens and so many other expenses that are worse than not having any benefit to you.
What's worse is that so many thousands of millions of dollars, every year, are spent specifically on items and services that are directly against the interest of every taxpaying citizen and resident of our potentially great nation.
YOUR elected officials are skilled, indeed, possibly best at knowing how to chatter & gather for themselves, with only rare exceptions. Pushing them to consider subjects such as xenoestrogents and bisphenol A and other issues of UNIVERSAL concern is a great first step for community.
The first step for helping you and your family and loved ones may be as simple as remembering that many of us are chewing our way into a coffin... ... excuse the Healthiest Secrets of Life for understatement, that approximately all of us, with only a slivered, single-percentage exception, are eating our way into permanent boxes.
That first personal step, before you even CONSIDER the simplest steps for avoiding xenoestrogens, is to simply focus on the reality that you are what you eat. Shop for foods around the periphery of your supermarket, getting fresh, raw produce. In most stores, the further in the store you go, the older and more processed the foods are. Take a better look next time you shop!
Why don’t you grow your own tomatoes or perhaps other fruits/vegetables? There are a number of sources, easily findable by internet, such as organic ranchers producing beef and pork without all the harmful toxins, sources you can use to your healthy, Longevity -producing benefit. So many people complain, "It costs more", but how much is your chemotherapy or heart by-pass or silk-lined coffin going to cost? Even a cheap coffin is $10,000.
If your body is already suffering from the effects of these xenoestrogens, your liver needs to be detoxified to begin handling this and other poisons before it's too late. With dozens of inexpensive foods and supplements that clean the liver quickly enough, you have no excuse. Do five minutes of research on flushing out considerable amounts of the toxins from your liver. Once the detoxification has occurred, don’t make it worse by putting the same junk into your body that caused the poisoning in the first place.
Some facts about progesterone may be a surprise to you, unless you have long-studied your own perception of or had reason to study this portion of biochemistry.
For starters, progesterone is NOT a hormone strictly for women. Women need progesterone, and men need progesterone, and in sufficient quantities. Granted, men and women have different uses for progesterone, both sexes treating progesterone as a precurder to other critical hormones.
As the food chain gets weaker and weaker with respect to providing nutrients sufficient to maintain high levels of healthy nutrition, members of both sexes tend to typically show progesterone shortages as a norm rather than an exception.
Progesterone is the precursor of estrogens in females and testosterone in males, and that low levels of progesterone may lead to miscarriage in females and infertility in males.
The Healthiest Secrets of Life Breaks It Down
Progesterone is a precursor of cortisol, which is required to make adrenaline. Considering how many functions adrenaline is both directly and indirectly involved, does your own internal Healthiest Secrets of Life allow you to view this as a small consequence of exposure to xenoestrogens?
If you are well-read on the subject of stress and its physical components and causes, you already know how many conditions and health challenges are either rooted in or distinctly exacerbated by stress.
Carbohydrate metabolism, thyroid production, serotonin and dopamine functions in the brain, lipid metabolism, immune functions…all depend on progesterone to function correctly. If your stress has stolen all the progesterone to make cortisol to keep you going in stressful situations, that explains some of the fatigue, depression, rise in blood sugars and fats, frequent infection,…when we are near a "burn out" state.
One of the things needed to deal with this stressful state is more progesterone. Fortunately, there are some good progesterone products on the market made from wild yams. The best are "micronized" and are readily absorbed through the skin when applied on the abdomen, legs, or arms. If one doesn’t seem to be working, try another preparation. (That’s why we have both Anusol and Preparation H, because people respond differently to different remedies).
When there is a lack of balance in the correct ratio of estrogen related to progesterone, it is common to see breast cancer occur in women, followed by fewer (and still far too many) cases of uterine cancer. Do you think this might be a coincidence? The Healthiest Secrets of Life urges you to learn more. Even a few minutes of studying any of several thousand several findings of research and clinical experience clearly establish a direct link between xenoestrogens and a growing range of disorders and challenges of human health today.
With respect to men, you can bet in advance that enlarged prostrate, cancer of the prostrate, and other related issues are going to result when estrogen and progesterone are knocked out of balance for any considerable length of time. This xenoestrogen-induced imbalance between estrogen and progesterone are the prime breeding grounds for cardiac disease and a range of autoimmune disorders in both males and females. You are invited to consider this a Healthiest Secrets of Life wakeup call to prevent yourself from having to spend thousands and tens of thousands and even millions of seconds of suffering... all brought about by the seemingly harmless intrusion into the body of these invisible, insidious artificial chemicals. Xenestrogens are killing us, and the food chain has so much to do this.
Rethink the foods you buy, the foods you eat, because you really are what you eat. Give thought to how you store your food and the types of containers your beverages come in. (Aluminum for Alzheimer’s and Plastic for Poison).
If your liver is healthy and you have enough progesterone, you might just live to see another day.
By the way, may that day be a special one.
Talk less, do more… and enjoy instant, powerful, long-lasting benefit.
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When you rely strictly upon the "instructions" of someone earning luxuries from your health issues,
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You can spend forty thousand on a car, and prove yourself to be more concerned with the opinion of others,
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From QRA and quitting smoking, to naturopathic technology, the Healthiest Secrets of Life exists for
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Self-empowerment at its best, using the shortcuts of those who do better. Three secrets of Longevity: eat little, breathe deeply, drink olive oil.
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as most all oils do when heated to several hundred degrees, such as with frying. Sorry, it is just bad news, called "A.G.E.'s"
These advanced glycation products do an entirely different kind of damage from what xenoestrgoents do, but, so what?
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